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Ilkka Törmä

Ilkka Törmä

PhD in Mathematics, Docent in Discrete Mathematics
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Turku, Finland
My Google Scholar page
My dblp entry

Current Position

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Turku, Finland.

Research Interests

My main research interests are the following.

  • Dynamics of cellular automata, in particular long-term dynamics.
    I have studied different notions of nilpotency, limit sets and randomization in one-dimensional infinite cellular automata.

  • Multidimensional symbolic dynamics, in particular relations between the structure and computability of shift spaces.
    I have studied structural properties of various classes of shifts of finite type and sofic shifts.

  • Uses of computational methods in the theory of discrete dynamical systems.
    I co-develop Diddy, a software package for multidimensional symbolic dynamics and cellular automata theory.
