Professional Data
(publications, talks, visits, teaching, ...)
Research Interests
Open quantum systems, non-Markovian quantum dynamics, quantum jumps and stochastic descriptions, quantum optics, network theory, data based studies on complex socio-economic systems
A selection of publications:
ISI Web of Science Highly Cited Papers:
(top 1% cited considering the publication year and academic field)
J. Piilo, S. Maniscalco, K. Härkönen, and K.-A. Suominen,
"Non-Markovian quantum jumps",
Physical Review Letters
100, 180402 (2008). [Cited 280 times]
H.-P. Breuer, E.-M. Laine, and J. Piilo,
"Measure for the degree of non-Markovian behavior of quantum processes in open systems",
Physical Review Letters
103, 210401 (2009). [Cited 1129 times]
L. Mazzola, J. Piilo, and S. Maniscalco,
"Sudden transition between classical and quantum decoherence",
Physical Review Letters
104, 200401 (2010). [Cited 469 times]
E.-M. Laine, J. Piilo, and H.-P. Breuer
"Measure for the non-Markovianity of quantum processes ",
Physical Review A
81, 062115 (2010). [Cited 387 times]
- B.-H. Liu, L. Li, Y.-F. Huang, C.-F. Li, G.-C. Guo, E.-M. Laine, H.-P. Breuer, and J. Piilo,
"Experimental control of the transition from Markovian to non-Markovian dynamics of open quantum systems",
Nature Physics
7, 931-934 (2011). [Cited 448 times]
H.-P. Breuer, E.-M. Laine, J. Piilo, and B. Vacchini,
"Non-Markovian dynamics in open quantum systems",
Reviews of Modern Physics 88, 021002 (2016).
[Cited 959 times]
Selection of other publications:
Z.-D. Liu, O. Siltanen, T. Kuusela, R.-H. Miao, C.-X. Ning, C.-F. Li, G.-C. Guo, and J. Piilo
"Overcoming noise in quantum teleportation with multipartite hybrid entanglement",
Science Advances 10, eadj3435 (2024).
F. Musciotto, J. Piilo, and R. N. Mantegna
"High-frequency trading and networked markets",
PNAS 118, e2015573118 (2021).
K. Luoma, W. T. Strunz, and J. Piilo
"Diffusive Limit of Non-Markovian Quantum Jumps",
Physical Review Letters 125, 150403 (2020).
A. Smirne, M. Caiaffa, and J. Piilo
"Rate Operator Unraveling for Open Quantum System Dynamics",
Physical Review Letters 124, 190402 (2020).
Z.-D. Liu, H. Lyyra, Y.-N. Sun, B.-H. Liu, C.-F. Li, G.-C. Guo, S. Maniscalco, and J. Piilo
"Experimental implementation of fully controlled dephasing dynamics and synthetic spectral densities",
Nature Communications 9, 3453 (2018).
F. Musciotto, L. Marotta, J. Piilo, and R. N. Mantegna
"Long-term ecology of investors in a financial market",
Palgrave Communications
4, 92 (2018).
J. Nokkala, F. Arzani, F. Galve, R. Zambrini, S. Maniscalco, J. Piilo, N. Treps, V. Parigi,
"Reconfigurable optical implementation of quantum complex networks",
New Journal of Physics
20, 053024 (2018).
B.-H. Liu, X.-M. Hu, Y.-F. Huang, C.-F. Li, G.-C. Guo, A. Karlsson, E.-M. Laine, S. Maniscalco, C. Macchiavello, and J. Piilo,
"Efficient superdense coding in the presence of non-Markovian noise",
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 114, 10005 (2016).
J. Nokkala, F. Galve, R. Zambrini, S. Maniscalco, and J. Piilo,
"Complex quantum networks as structured environments: engineering and probing",
Scientific Reports 6, 26861 (2016).
F. Lillo, S. Miccichè, M. Tumminello, J. Piilo, and R. N. Mantegna,
"How news affects the trading behaviour of different categories of investors in a financial market",
Quantitative Finance 15, 213-229 (2015).
E.-M. Laine, H.-P. Breuer, J. Piilo, C.-F. Li, and G.-C. Guo,
"Nonlocal memory effects in the dynamics of open quantum systems",
Physical Review Letters 108, 210402 (2012).
M. Tumminello, F. Lillo, J. Piilo, and R. N. Mantegna,
"Identification of clusters of investors from their real trading activity in a financial market",
New Journal of Physics
14, 013041 (2012).
M. Tumminello, S. Miccichè, F. Lillo, J. Piilo, and R. N. Mantegna,
"Statistically validated networks in bipartite complex systems",
PLoS One
6, e17994 (2011).
Contact Information
Postal Address: Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku,
FI-20014 Turun yliopisto, Finland
Street Address: Vesilinnantie 5, Yliopistonmaki, Turku, Finland
Email: jyrki.piilo