
Talks and publications

Marika Jalovaara, 17 January 2025

Citations: Total number of citations: 3662 (Google Scholar)

Recent invited talks

The Finnish Parliament or Ministries

Marika Jalovaara: “Kestävä yhteiskunta väestönkehityksen murroksessa – onnistummeko muutoksen hallinnassa? [A Sustainable Society in the Midst of Population Change – Can We Manage the Transition Successfully?] Aluekehittämispäivät 2024, Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö [Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment in Finland]. Valtiovarainministeriön kokouskeskus, Helsinki, 3.12.2024.

Paneelikeskustelu: Suomi 2040 – Kun asiat tehtiin oikein [Panel Discussion: Finland 2040 – When Things Were Done Right] Korkeakoulujen ja tiedelaitosten johdon seminaari [Seminar for the Leadership of Higher Education and Research Institutions]. Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö, Lappeenrannan–Lahden teknillisen yliopisto LUT ja LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu.  Lahden kampus 28.11.2024.

Marika Jalovaara: “Miten yhteiskunta voi vaikuttaa, varautua ja sopeutua väestönkehitykseen?” [How can society influence, prepare for, and adapt to population development?]. Invited talk and expert consultation in the working group preparing the population policy program. Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. 21.11.2024.

Marika Jalovaara: “Miten yhteiskunta voi vaikuttaa, varautua ja sopeutua väestönkehitykseen?” [How can society influence, prepare for, and adapt to population development?]. Virkakunnan ja DEMOGRAPHY-ohjelman tutkijoiden tapaaminen. Tieteiden talo, Helsinki, 18.11.

Marika Jalovaara: “Matalan syntyvyyden Suomi – Perheellistymisen tukeminen ja muutokseen sopeutuminen ja varautuminen”. Strategisen tutkimuksen neuvoston (STN) Saumakohtia-dialogi, kristillisdemokraatit, 7.11.2014.

Marika Jalovaara: “Miksi olemme kiinnostuneita perhevapaista?” [Why are we interested in family leaves?] ja “Johtopäätökset [Conclusions]” TUTKAS-verkoston ja FLUX-hankkeen seminaari “Työ ja perhe tasapainossa – miten Suomen perhevapaita pitäisi kehittää? [Balancing Work and Family – How Should Parental Leave in Finland Be Developed?]” Pikkuparlamentti [The Little Parliament], Helsinki, 16.10.2024.

Marika Jalovaara: “Nuoret aikuiset ja perheellistyminen: matalan syntyvyyden Suomi” [Young adults and family formation: The Low-fertility Finland]. Written expert statement and oral expert hearing. Asia: O 9/2023 vp Tulevaisuusvaliokunnan selvityshankkeet 2023–2027. Tulevaisuusvaliokunta, Eduskunta [Committee for the Future, Finnish Parliament].

Marika Jalovaara: “Syntyvyyden ja lapsettomuuden trendit Suomessa” [Fertility and childlessness trends in Finland]. Tyhjä syli. Keskustelutilaisuus lapsettomuudesta ja lapsettomuushoidoista. Eduskunnan kansalaisinfo. Järjestäjä: Keskustan eduskuntaryhmä.

Jalovaara, Marika: Syntyvyys, parisuhteet ja eriarvoisuus – esimerkkejä rekisteriaineistojen käytöstä. Valtioneuvoston kanslia 17.5.2022 [Prime Minister’s office 17 May 2022]. Valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminnan tutkimusmenetelmäkoulus.

Jalovaara, Marika. Väestörakenteen muutos – Matala syntyvyys ja perhepolitiikka [Demographic change – Low fertility and family policies]. Invited talk for the Kristillisdemokraatit, The Christian Democrats parliamentary group (STN Saumakohtia-dialogi). 30 March 2022. Online meeting due to corona.

Paneelikeskustelu: Suomen väestörakenne ja sosiaaliturva -tietokooste (Sosiaaliturvakomitean ja strategisen tutkimuksen tietokumppanuus). Hyvinvoinnin tulevaisuus muuttuvassa yhteiskunnassa – väestörakenne, rahoitus ja sosiaaliturva. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö. 5.10.2021, Musiikkitalo, Helsinki (streamed online). 

Invited commentary presentation on Richard Cincotta’s talk “Population Age Structure and Our Future”. Researcher meeting  “Demography and Foreign Policy”, Expert meetings series of the Unit for Policy Planning and Research (STU), Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. 5.11.2020.

Syntyvyyden muutokset ja perheenmuodostuksen eriarvoisuus. [Fertility developments and inequalities in family formation]. Invited talk for the Green Party parliamentary group (Stratetic Research SRC/STN Saumakohtia-dialogi). 11 March 2020. Parliament House, Helsinki.

Syntyvyyden trendeistä ja niihin vaikuttavista tekijöistä [On fertility trends and the contributing factors]. Invited talk for the Centre Party parliamentary group (Stratetic Research SRC/STN Saumakohtia-dialogi). 12 February 2020. Parliament House, Helsinki.

Syntyvyys ja eriarvoisuus [Fertility and inequality]. Invited talk for the National Coalition Party (Kokoomus) Parliamentary group, 6 November, Parliament House, Helsinki.

Conference keynote talks, plenary sessions

Family dynamics among Nordics. Keynote (‘intermezzo’) 13 June 2019 at the 21st Nordic Demographic Symposium, Reykjavik.

Jalovaara Marika & Anette Eva Fasang (2019). Family life courses, gender, and mid-life earnings. at the ISA RC28 Spring Meeting (plenary session), Frankfurt, 21–23 March 2019.

Scientific commentaries, panels

Tieteen päivät, Helsinki. Paneelikeskustelu “Tieteelliset oivallukset, intuitio ja luovuus” [Science Days, Helsinki: Panel Discussion “Scientific Insights, Intuition, and Creativity”]. 10.1.2025, University of Helsinki.
Tieteen päivät Helsinki: Paneelikeskustelu “Kuinka kohdata yhteiskuntamme vauvapula?” [Science Days Helsinki: Panel Discussion “How to Address the Baby Bust in Our Society?”] 9.1.2025, University of Helsinki.
Participation in panel discussion: Paneeli perhepolkujen moninaisuudesta. Väestöpäivä Väestöliitossa 16.5.2023.

Discussant (on Emanuela Struffolino and Zachary Van Winkle: Parity transitions and in-work poverty across the life course in the US and Germany) at ‘Demography and Inequality’ Final workshop 22 November, 2019, WZB Berlin.

Keynote commentary at the Symposium ‘Reproductive justice, population control and ecological sustainability’, 8 November 2019, Hotel Rantapuisto, Helsinki.

Support people. Presentation in panel ‘Supporting families to break the cycle of disadvantage. Key questions for evidence-based policy and practice’, DIAL mid-term conference, 7.6.2019, Turku.

Other recent invited scientific talks, international

Presentation “Fertility trends in Finland”. At “Fertility in Finland – Lessons to learn and pitfalls to avoid.”. Event organised by the Strategic Research Council’s DEMOGRAPHY programme to the representatives from the Korea National Police Agency. 26.9.2024, Finnish Centre for Pensions, Helsinki.

Presentation The “Nordic fertility decline as a threat to societal sustainability.
Is there something we can do about it?” in an international scientific seminar ”Global perspectives on child and adolescent mental health in times of crises” organised by the Research Centre for Child Psychiatry University of Turku. Medisiina D, TYKS, Turku. 8.9.2023.

Jalovaara, Marika. Fertility updates with snapshots of statistics on the current situation in each Nordic country: Finland. Paper presented at he Research Workshop on Nordic Fertility,  in Saltsjöbaden, Sweden, 25–26 August, 2022.

Jalovaara Marika, Neyer Gerda, Andersson Gunnar, Dahlberg Johan, Dommermuth Lars, Fallesen Peter, and Lappegård Trude. Education, gender and cohort fertility in the Nordic countries. Published in European Journal of Population. Invited presentations at

  • the symposium ‘Family and Fertility over the Life Course in Europe’, 15–16 November 2018, University of St Andrews, and
  • the conference ‘Changing Gender inequalities, changing families?’, Leuven, Belgium 2018.
  • the PAA meeting 2018, Denver, the US.

Jalovaara Marika & Hill Kulu (published in Demographic Research): Homeownership after separation: A longitudinal analysis of Finnish register data. Invited presentation at the International Research and Policy Symposium on Family Changes and Housing Transitions in the Life Course. St Andrews, UK, 18–19 May 2017.

Other recent invited scientific talks, in Finland

“Väestötieteen näkökulmia perheen, parisuhteen ja eron kysymksiin”. Suomalainen eroseminaari – Eroseminaarivetäjien täydennyskoulutuspäivä, 5.10.2024, Rastilan kartano, Helsinki.

“Childlessness trends at different ages by educational attainment for men and women in Finland”, presentation at FLUX theme workshop on fertility trends and determinants 12.4.2024, Helsinki.

“Syntyvyys ja väestölliset vaikutukset” [Fertility and demographic consequences]. Talous ja tutkimus -tutkimusseminaari, Elinkeinoelämän keskusliitto (EK), 10.1.2024 Eteläranta, Helsinki.

“Matalan syntyvyyden Suomi – Väestö ja kestävyys [Low-fertility Finland – Population and sustainability].  Aktuaaritoiminnan kehittämissäätiön syysseminaari 7.11.2023, OP Vallilla, Helsinki.

“Syntyvyys ja demografia” [Fertility and demography]. Sitran kestävän talouspolitiikan johtamiskurssi [Leadership training for sustainable economic policy], 4.10.2023, Sannäsin kartano, Sannainen, Porvoo.

Presentation “Matala syntyvyys ja sen seuraukset yhteiskunnalle”. 2nd FinnBrain Congress, Ruissalon Telakka, Turku, Finland. Suomenkielinen koulutuspäivä 7.6.2023.

“Matala syntyvyys ja sen seuraukset yhteiskunnalle”. Tutkittua Tietoa: Syntyvyys on vajonnut ennätysalas – mitä siitä seuraa? Demography Talks 6.6.2023, online event.

“Miten syntyvyys ja lapsetttomuus ovat Suomessa muuttuneet? Perhepolitiikan lisäksi tarvitaan perheellistymisen politiikkaa”. Presentation at STN-Tutkijapuheenvuoroja: Väestön ikärakenteen muutos – mistä työntekijöitä ja miten edistää työuria ja aktiivista ikääntymistä? Online event 17.3.2023.

“Matalan syntyvyyden mysteeri” (The Mystery of Low Fertility), lecture held together with Anna Rotkirch. Tieteiden yö (The Night of Science), 12.1.2023, Helsinki.

Jalovaara, Marika (co-author Linus Andersson). A register-based account of period trends in partnership prevalence, entries, and exits by educational level for men and women in Finland. Paper presented at Invest Scientific seminar 17.11.2022. Vierailukeskus Joki, Turku.

Jalovaara, Marika. Väestönmuutokset, syntyvyys ja perhedynamiikka. Professoriluento [Inaugural lecture], 8.11.2022 University of Turku. Recorded and written versions 18.10.2022.

Jalovaara, Marika. Syntyvyyden muutoksista. Esitys tilaisuudessa “Matalan syntyvyyden Suomi –  psykososiaalisten tekijöiden rooli syntyvyydessä”. 5.10.2022, Tiedekulma, Helsinki.

Marika Jalovaara. Syntyvyys, demografia ja väestöstrategia [Fertility, demography, and population strategy]. Sitran kestävän talouspolitiikan johtamiskoulutus [Leadership training for sustainable economic policy], 27.9.2022, Helsinki.

Jalovaara, Marika: Syntyvyyden koulutusryhmittäiset erot. Kutsuttu esitys webinaarissa “Monimuotoiset perheet SAK:laisilla aloilla”, 8.9.2022.

Jalovaara, Marika. Syntyvyys, demografia ja väestöstrategia [Fertility, demography, and population strategy]. Sitran kestävän talouspolitiikan johtamiskurssi [Leadership training for sustainable economic policy], 10.5.2022, Sannäsin kartano, Sannainen, Porvoo.

Jalovaara, Marika: Partnership and fertility dynamics and social inequalities. A lecture on course INVEST Research Themes. 25.1.2022.

Jalovaara, Marika: Family Formation in Flux – Causes, Consequences and Possible Futures. Invited talk at Katariina Salmela-Aro’s Festival Seminar 1 December 2021.

Opening address by Miia Hänninen, Miia Tuominen ja Marika Jalovaara. World Children’s Day event. Lapsen oikeuksien päivän verkkotilaisuus 19.11.2021.

Jalovaara, Marika: Presentattion: Family Formation in Flux – Causes, Consequences and Possible Futures. Invest scientific seminar 19 November 2021.

Jalovaara, Marika. Presentation: Research theme: Demography and Life Course. Invest scientific seminar 19 November 2021.

Jalovaara, Marika. The beauty of studying fertility and family dynamics with register data. Data-driven lunch seminar, University of Eastern Finland. Online event. 24 September 2021. Invited talk.

Marika Jalovaara. Syntyvyys, demografia ja väestöstrategia [Fertility, demography, and population strategy]. Sitran kestävän talouspolitiikan johtamiskurssi [Leadership training for sustainable economic policy], 22.9.2020, Helsinki.

Marika Jalovaara. Luokasta ja perheestä (Class and family). 7.4.2021. Monimuotoiset perheet -verkoston tutkijatapaaminen. Held online.

Marika Jalovaara. Parity disparity: Educational differences in Nordic fertility across parities and number of reproductive partners. Presentation at INVEST Scientific Seminar and Scientific Advisory Board 2.–3.11.2020. (Held online.)

Marika Jalovaara. Syntyvyys ja eriarvoisuus – kahtiajaot koulutusryhmien välillä ja sisällä. [Fertility and inequality – divisions between and within educational groups] Syntyvyystutkimuksen webinaari, ITLA ja Väestöliitto, 16.10.2020.

Marika Jalovaara. Syntyvyyden trendit ja kestävyys [Fertility trends and sustainability]. Sustainability is ME! University Session 1.10.2020, University of Turku.

Marika Jalovaara. Syntyvyys, demografia ja väestöstrategia [Fertility, demography, and population strategy]. Sitran kestävän talouspolitiikan johtamiskurssi [Leadership training for sustainable economic policy], 22.9.2020, Helsinki.

Marika Jalovaara. Syntyvyyden pysyvät, uudenlaiset ja vahvistuvat sosioekonomiset erot [Persistent, new and increasing socioeconomic differences in fertility]. Lastensuojelun keskusliitto [Central Union for Child Welfare], Lapsi- ja perhepoliittinen neuvottelukunta 8 September 2020, Helsinki.

Marika Jalovaara (with Jani Erola). Mikä luo Suomeen eriarvoisuutta? 4.9.2020 at Tiedemarkkinat (‘Science Fair’) of University of Turku, Tiedelava, Itäinen Rantakatu, Turku.

Jalovaara, Marika. Syntyvyyden muutokset Suomessa [Fertility developments in Finland]. Eläketurvakeskus (Finnish Centre for Pensions) tutkimusseminaari: Vauvakato: syyt, seuraukset ja näkymät. 27 February 2020.

Jalovaara, Marika: Syntyvyys vajoaa – mistä on kyse ja mitä on edessä [Fertility is declining – What is it about and what is ahead?]. Keski-Suomen tulevaisuusfoorumi [Central Finland’s Future Forum] XCIII. University of Jyväskylä 19.11.2019.

Jalovaara, Marika: Syntyvyyden lasku ja eriarvoisuus [Fertility decline and the inequalities involved]. Invited talk for the INVEST steering group, 4 November, Logomo, Turku.

Syntyvyys ja eriarvoisuus. Invited presentation at Heideken Akatemia. 11 September 2019, Villa Marjaniemi, Turku.

Falling fertility and the inequalities involved (NEFER). Presentation at the joint TIAS (Turku Institute for Advanced Studies) and TAN (TIAS alumni network) meeting, 20 August 2019, Turku.

Falling fertility and the inequalities involved. Invited presentation at the INVEST Flagship launch event. 23.5.2019, Turku.

Syntyvyys, sukupuoli ja eriarvoisuus [Fertility, gender, and inequality]. Invited presentation at the Indirect stakeholder seminar “Kaikille samat mahdollisuudet — mutta miten?”. Helsinki, Musiikkitalo, 1 February 2019.

Syntyvyyden muutoksista ja vaikuttavista tekijöistä [Fertility developments and contributing factors]. Invited presentation at the Seminar on Fertility, Finnish Centre for Pensions (Eläketurvakeskus), Helsinki, Confederation of Finnish Industiries, 18 January 2019.

Jalovaara, Marika: Parisuhteista ja lastensaannista [Partnerships and childbearing]. Invited presentation at Women’s Hospital (Naistenklinikka) Friday Meeting, 19 October 2018.

Conference presentations

“Better parents? Family Dynamic Social Mobility and Socioeconomic Inheritance” (Erola Jani, Jalovaara Marika, Palumbo Lydia), Hyatt Regency Hotel, New Orleans 12–15 April 2023.

Marika Jalovaara and Leen Rahnu: Employment uncertainty and entry into parenthood across Finnish cohorts. Paper presented at the Research Workshop on Nordic Fertility,  in Saltsjöbaden, Sweden, 25–26 August, 2022 and Poster presented at PAA Annual Meeting 2023, Hyatt Regency Hotel, New Orleans 12–15 April 2023.

Jalovaara, Marika, Anneli Miettinen & Robert Lynch. Trends in cohort fertility in Finland: Persistent, emerging, and strengthening educational differences. Presented at AlpPop. January 19–22 2020, La Thuile, Italy.

Education, union pathways, and childlessness. Presented at Sosiologipäivät 28–29 March 2019, Turku, and 13 June 2019 at the 21st Nordic Demographic Symposium 2019, Reykjavík.

Jalovaara, Marika. Register-based research in Finland. SIMSAM workshop “New Developments in Register-based Demographic Research”, Stockholm, Sweden, June 11–12, 2015.

Erola Jani & Marika Jalovaara: A better parent? Family-dynamic social mobility and socioeconomic inheritance. Paper presented at the Divorce Conference 2014, Paris, 2–4 October 2014. Paper presented at the RC28 Summer Meeting 2015, Philadelphia, the US, 17–19 August 2015, and at the 39th Finnish demography seminar 6.–7.11.2014, Tvärminne, Finland.

Seminar presentations

Andersson, Linus, Jalovaara, Marika, Uggla, Caroline & Jan Saarela (2021). Less is more: mating and reproductive success in a demographic forerunner context. Paper presented at INVEST Scientific Seminar 26.3.2021.

Härkönen, Juho, Jalovaara, Marika, Lappalainen, Eevi & Anneli Miettinen (2021). A demographic analysis of the single parent employment gap in Finland. Paper presented at INVEST Scientific Seminar 26.3.2021.

Rahnu, Leen & Marika Jalovaara. Recent fertility decline and partnership dynamics in Finland: a cohort approach. Paper presented (by Rahnu) at IET open seminar series organized by Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Lifecourse Studies and Estonian Demographic Association, Tallinn University, 22.02.2021, at at INVEST Scientific Seminar 26.3.2021; at IUSSP (International Union for the Scientific Study of Population) International Population Conference 2021, Hyderabad (India), 5–10 December 2021 (held online), and Nordic Demographic Symposium, Oslo June 9-11, 2022.

Jalovaara, Marika, Andersson, Linus & Anneli Miettinen. What happened to educational differences in cohort fertility in Finland and Sweden? The narrative of dual polarization. Paper presented (by Jalovaara) at Webinar ‘What happened to Nordic fertility?‘ 2.–3.2.2021.

Rahnu, Leen & Marika Jalovaara. Changing partnership and fertility dynamics in Finland: A cohort approach. Paper presented (by Rahnu) at Webinar ‘What happened to Nordic fertility?‘ 2.–3.2.2021.

Marika Jalovaara: Perhedynamiikka ja huono-osaisuus (Family dynamics and disadvantage). A presentation at the demographic webinar “44. väestötieteen jatko- ja täydennyskoulutusseminaari” 29.–30.10.2020 (held online due to corona crisis).

Jalovaara, Marika. Explaining fertility changes and patterns in low-fertility societies. Lecture excerpt for Vienna University Faculty of Social Sciences. 4 June 2020 (online).

Under peer-review or revision

Jalovaara, Marika & Anneli Miettinen (2024). Childlessness trends at different ages by educational attainment for men and women in Finland. Submitted, Demography.

Jalovaara, Marika, Leen Rahnu, Anneli Miettinen. Employment uncertainty and entry into parenthood – Trends among Finnish cohorts. Under revision.

Linus Andersson, Marika Jalovaara, Natalie Nitsche, Alessandra Trimarchi. Couple’s educational composition and cohort fertility. Submitted, Demography.

Morosow Kathrin & Marika Jalovaara (2019). Disadvantaging Single Parents? Effects of Long Family Leaves on Single and Partnered Mothers’ Labour Market Outcomes in Finland. Under revision.
Paper presented at PAA Meeting 2017, Chicago, the US, at the Nordic Demographic Symposium 2017, Turku, Finland, and at BSPS Annual Conference 2017, Liverpool, the UK.

A. Peer reviewed scientific articles

Kailaheimo-Lönnqvist, Sanna, Marika Jalovaara & Mikko Myrskylä (in press, 2024): Parental separation and children’s education – changes over time? European Journal of Population.

Nisén, Jessica, Anni Erlandsson, Marika Jalovaara (2024): Gendered Relationship of Childbearing with Earnings Accumulated by Midlife in Two Nordic Countries. Journal of Family and Economic Issues

Andersson, Linus, Marika Jalovaara, Jan Saarela & Caroline Uggla (2023). A matter of time: Bateman’s principles and mating success as count and duration in contemporary Finland. Proceedings B 290: 20231061.

Rahnu Leen, Jalovaara Marika (2023): Partnership dynamics and entry into parenthood: Comparison of Finnish birth cohorts 1969–2000. Advances in Life Course Research, Vol 56.

Härkönen Juho, Jalovaara Marika, Lappalainen Eevi, Miettinen Anneli (2023): Double Disadvantage in a Nordic Welfare State: A Demographic Analysis of the Single-Parent Employment Gap in Finland, 1987–2018 (2023). European Journal of Population 39, article number 2.

Andersson Linus, Jalovaara Marika, Uggla Caroline & Jan Saarela. Less is more? Union dissolution and re-partnering as an engine for fertility in a demographic forerunner context – a register based completed cohort fertility approach (2023). Demography 59(6):2321–2339.

Jalovaara Marika, Andersson Linus (2023). A register-based account of period trends in union prevalence, entries, and exits by educational level for men and women in Finland. Demographic Research Vol 48, article 14, pages 373–386.

Nisén Jessica, Jalovaara Marika, Rotkirch Anna, Gissler Mika (2022): Fertility recovery despite the COVID-19 pandemic in Finland? Finnish Journal of Social Research, 15, 25–44.

Kailaheimo, Sanna, Fasang Anette, Jalovaara Marika, Struffolino Emanuela (2021). Parental divorce homogamy and its effect on separation from cohabitation and marriage. Demography,

Jalovaara, Marika, Andersson Linus, Miettinen Anneli (2021). Parity disparity: Educational differences in Nordic fertility across parities and number of reproductive partners. Population Studies.

Comolli, Chiara, Neyer Gerda, Andersson Gunnar, Dommermuth Lars, Fallesen Peter, Jalovaara Marika, Jónsson Ari Klængur, Kolk Martin, Lappegard Trude (2020). Beyond the Economic Gaze: Childbearing during and after recessions in the Nordic countries. European Journal of Population.

Morosow ​Kathrin, Marika Jalovaara & Juho Härkönen (2020): Cash-for-care use and union dissolution in Finland. Journal of Marriage and Family.

Jalovaara, Marika (2020). Erkanevia elämänkulkuja? Sosiaalisen aseman yhteys lasten perhemuotoihin [Diverging destinies? Socioeconomic differences in children’s family forms]. Kallio, Johanna & Mia Hakovirta (eds.): Lapsiperheiden köyhyys & huono-osaisuus, Vastapaino.

Solaz Anne, Jalovaara Marika, Kreyenfeld Michaela, Meggiolaro Silvia, Mortelmans Dimitri & Inge Pasteels (2020): Unemployment and divorce: Evidence from five European countries.  Journal of Family Research 32(1): 145–176.

Jalovaara, Marika & Michaela Kreyenfeld (2020). Childbearing across Partnerships in Finland and Germany. Mortelmans, Dimitri (ed.): Divorce in Europe: New Insights in Trends, Causes and Consequences of Relation Break-ups, Springer series ‘European Studies of Population’. Available at:

Jalovaara Marika & Anette Eva Fasang (2019). Family life courses, gender, and mid-life earnings, European Sociological Review.

Miettinen, Anneli & Marika Jalovaara (2019). Unemployment delays parenthood but not for all. Life stage and educational differences in the effects of employment uncertainty on first births, Advances in Life Course Research.

Schnor Christine & Marika Jalovaara (2019): The spread of non-marital childbearing and its link to educational expansion. Acta Sociologica.

Jalovaara Marika & Hill Kulu (2019): Homeownership after separation: A longitudinal analysis of Finnish register data. Demographic Research Vol 41, 847–872.

Jalovaara Marika & Gunnar Andersson (2018). Disparities in children’s family experiences by mother’s socioeconomic status: The case of Finland. ​Population Research and Policy Review, Vol 37(5): 751–768.

Jalovaara Marika & Hill Kulu (2018). Union duration and union dissolution: An immediate itch? (2018). European Sociological Review 34(5):486–500.

Jalovaara Marika, Neyer Gerda, Andersson Gunnar, Dahlberg Johan, Dommermuth Lars, Fallesen Peter, and Lappegård Trude (2018). Education, gender and cohort fertility in the Nordic countries. ​European Journal of Population.

Kreyenfeld, Michaela, Geisler Esther, Castro Martin Teresa, Hannemann Tina, Heintz-Martin Valerie, Jalovaara Marika, Meggiolaro Silvia, Mortelmans Dimitri, Pasteels Inge, Seiz Marta & Anne Solaz (2017). ”Social policies, separation, and second birth spacing in Western Europe”. Demographic Research 37: 1245–1274.

Jalovaara, Marika & Anette Eva Fasang (2017): From never-partnered to serial cohabitors: Union trajectories to childlessness. Demographic Research 36(55): 1703–1720.

Erola Jani & Marika Jalovaara (2016). The replaceable: the inheritance of paternal and maternal socioeconomic statuses in non-standard families. Social Forces 95(3): 971–995.

Jalovaara, Marika & Anette Eva Fasang (2015). Are there gender differences in family trajectories by education in Finland? Demographic Research 33(44): 1241–1256.

Mäenpää Elina & Marika Jalovaara (2015). Achievement replacing ascription? Changes in homogamy in education and social class origins in Finland. Advances in Life Course Research 26: 76–88.

Mäenpää Elina & Jalovaara, Marika (2014), Homogamy in socio-economic background and education and the dissolution of cohabiting unions, Demographic Research​ 30(65): 1769–1792.

Jalovaara Marika (2013). Perheet ja perhedynamiikka [Families and family dynamics]. In: Erola, Jani & Pekka Räsänen: Johdatus sosiologian perusteisiin [Introduction to the basics of sociology]. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. Pp. 150–167. (Used as a university-level learning material, and as an university entrance test material.)

Cooke Lynn, Erola Jani, Evertsson Marie, Gähler Michael, Härkönen Juho, Hewitt Belinda, Jalovaara Marika, Kan Man-Yee, Lyngstad Torkild, Mencarini Letitzia, Mignot Jean-Pierre, Mortelmans Dimitri, Poortman Anne-Rigt, Schmitt Christian & Heike Trappe (2013). “Labor and love: wives’ employment and divorce risk in its socio-political context”,Social Politics 20(4): 482–509.

Mäenpää Elina & Marika Jalovaara (2013). The effects of homogamy in socioeconomic background and education on the transition from cohabitation to marriage. Acta Sociologica 56(3): 247–263.

Jalovaara Marika (2013). Socioeconomic resources and the dissolution of cohabitations and marriages. European Journal of Population 29(2): 167–193.

Jalovaara Marika & Anneli Miettinen (2013). Does his paycheck also matter? The socioeconomic resources of co-residential partners and entry into parenthood in Finland. Demographic Research 28(31): 881–916.

Hoem Jan M., Jalovaara Marika & Cornelia Mureşan [equal contributions] (2012). Recent fertility patterns of Finnish women by union status: a descriptive account. Demographic Research​ 28(14): 409–420.

Jalovaara Marika (2012). Socio-economic resources and first-union formation in Finland, cohorts born 1969–81. Population Studies 66(1): 69–85.

Lyngstad Torkild & Marika Jalovaara (2010). A review of the antecedents of union dissolution. Demographic Research 23: 257–292.

Jalovaara Marika (2003). The joint effects of marriage partners’ socio-economic positions on the risk of divorce. Demography​ 40: 67–81.

Jalovaara Marika(2002). Socioeconomic differentials in divorce risk by duration of marriage. Demographic Research​ 7: 537–564.

Jalovaara Marika (2001). Socio-economic status and divorce in first marriages in Finland 1991–93. Population Studies 55: 119–33.

Valkonen Tapani, Martikainen Pekka, Jalovaara Marika, Koskinen Seppo, Martelin Tuija & Pia Mäkelä (2000). Changes in socioeconomic inequalities in mortality during an economic boom and recession among middle-aged men and women in Finland. European Journal of Public Health 10: 274–280.

Jalovaara Marika (2000). Divorce by family composition and socioeconomic status in Finnish first marriages. Yearbook of Population Research in Finland 36: 63–88.

B. Non-refereed scientific articles

Potente, Cecilia, Lydia Palumbo & Marika Jalovaara (2024). Partner’s Education and Mortality in Finland: A Study of Married and Cohabiting Unions among Cohorts Born Between 1932 and 1970. INVEST Working Papers 109/2024, FLUX Working Papers 31/2024.

Kailaheimo-Lönnqvist, Sanna, Marika Jalovaara & Mikko Myrskylä (2023): Parental separation and children’s education – changes over time? MPIDR Working Paper WP 2023-036.

Jalovaara, Marika, Leen Rahnu, Anneli Miettinen (2024). Employment uncertainty and entry into parenthood – Trends among Finnish cohorts. INVEST Working Papers 97/2024, FLUX Working Papers 20/24.

Andersson, Linus, Natalie Nitsche, Alessandra Trimarchi, Marika Jalovaara (2024). Cohort fertility and couple educational pairing. INVEST Working Papers 94/2024, FLUX Working Papers 22/2024.

Jalovaara, Marika & Anneli Miettinen (2024). Childlessness trends at different ages by educational attainment for men and women in Finland. INVEST Working Papers 90/2024, FLUX 18/2024.

Jessica Nisén, Anni Erlandsson, Marika Jalovaara (2023): Gendered Relationship of Childbearing with Earnings Accumulated by Midlife in Two Nordic Countries INVEST Working papers 75/2023, FLUX Working Papers 14/2023

Jalovaara, Marika & Linus Andersson (2022). A register-based account of period trends in partnership prevalence, entries, and exits by educational level for men and women in Finland. FLUX 7/2022 Working Papers, INVEST Working Papers 54/2022.

Andersson, Linus, Marika Jalovaara, Jan Saarela & Caroline Uggla (2022). A matter of time: Bateman’s principles and mating success as count and duration in contemporary Finland. FLUX Working Papers 5/2022, INVEST Working Papers  52/2022.

Nisén, Jessica, Marika Jalovaara, Anna Rotkirch & Mika Gissler (2022): Fertility recovery despite the Covid-19 pandemic in Finland? FLUX Working Papers 4/2022, INVEST Working Papers 50/2022.

Rahnu, Leen & Jalovaara, Marika (2022). Partnership dynamics and entry into parenthood: Comparison of Finnish birth cohorts 1969–2000. FLUX Working Papers 3/2022, INVEST Working Papers 47/2022.

Andersson Linus, Jalovaara Marika, Uggla Caroline & Jan Saarela. Less is more or more is more? Union dissolution and re-partnering as an engine for fertility in a demographic forerunner context – a register based completed cohort fertility approach. INVEST Working Papers 43/2021, FLUX Working Papers 1/2021.

Jalovaara, Marika 2021. Syntyvyys ja väestönkehitys. Suomen väestörakenne ja sosiaaliturva -tietokooste. Sosiaaliturvakomitean ja strategisen tutkimuksen tietokumppanuus. Strateginen tutkimus, Suomen Akatemia. Available at:

Kailaheimo, Sanna, Fasang Anette, Jalovaara Marika, Struffolino Emanuela (2020). Parental divorce homogamy and its effect on separation from cohabitation and marriage. INVEST Working Papers 16/2020.

Nitsche, Natalie, Trimarchi, Alessandra & Marika Jalovaara. Couples’ educational pairings, selection into parenthood, and second birth progressions. MPIDR Working Paper WP-2020-029.

Comolli, Chiara, Neyer Gerda, Andersson Gunnar, Dommermuth Lars, Fallesen Peter, Jalovaara Marika, Jónsson Ari Klængur, Kolk Martin, Lappegard Trude (2020). Beyond the Economic Gaze: Childbearing during and after recessions in the Nordic countries. INVEST Working Papers 13/2020.

Jalovaara, Marika, Andersson Linus, Miettinen Anneli (2020). Parity disparity: Educational differences in Nordic fertility across parities and number of reproductive partners. INVEST Working Papers 12/2020.

Čapková, Klára & Marika Jalovaara: Educational disadvantages in single fatherhood and single motherhood family pathways. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography 2020: 08. (Working paper – Also submitted to Advances in Life Course Research).

Jalovaara, Marika (2019). Erkanevia elämänkulkuja? Sosiaalisen aseman yhteys lasten perhemuotoihin. Working Papers on Social and Economic Issues 7/2019.

Morosow Kathrin & Marika Jalovaara (2019). Disadvantaging Single Parents? Effects of Long Family Leaves on Single and Partnered Mothers’ Labour Market Outcomes in Finland. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography 20/2019.

Solaz Anne, Jalovaara Marika, Kreyenfeld Michaela, Meggiolaro Silvia, Mortelmans Dimitri & Inge Pasteels (2019): Unemployment and divorce: Evidence from five European countries. Working Papers on Social and Economic Issues 5/2019.

Comolli, Chiara, Neyer Gerda, Andersson Gunnar, Dommermuth Lars, Fallesen Peter, Jalovaara Marika, Jónsson Ari Klængur, Kolk Martin, Lappegard Trude (2019). Beyond the Economic Gaze: Childbearing during and after recessions in the Nordic countries. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography 2019:16.

Jalovaara Marika & Anette Eva Fasang (2018). Gaps and gradients: Family life courses, gender, and mid-life earnings. Working Papers on Social and Economic Issues 10/2018.

Miettinen, Anneli & Marika Jalovaara (2018). Unemployment delays parenthood but not for all. Life stage and educational differences in the effects of employment uncertainty on first births. Working Papers on Social and Economic Issues 9/2018.

Jalovaara, Marika & Michaela Kreyenfeld (2018). Childbearing across Partnerships in Finland and Germany.  Working Papers on Social and Economic Issues  8/2018.

Jalovaara, Marika & Hill Kulu (2018). Homeownership after separation: A longitudinal analysis of Finnish register data. ​Working Papers on Social and Economic Issues​7/2018.

Morosow ​Kathrin, Marika Jalovaara & Juho Härkönen (2018). Cash-for-care use and union dissolution in Finland. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography 1918:18.

Jalovaara Marika, Neyer Gerda, Andersson Gunnar, Dahlberg Johan, Dommermuth Lars, Fallesen Peter, and Lappegård Trude (2017). Education, gender and cohort fertility in the Nordic countries. ​Stockholm Research Reports in Demography 2017:6.

Holopainen, Jari, Helama Samuli, Jalovaara Marika & Timo Partonen (2017). Avioerohakemusten kuukausivaihtelu Suomessa vuosina 1994–2015 [Monthly variation in divorce filings in Finland 1994–2015]. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 2/2017.

Schnor Christine & Marika Jalovaara (2017). The spread of non-marital childbearing and its link to educational expansion. Working Papers on Social and Economic Issues1/2017. Turku: TCWR.

Jalovaara Marika & Gunnar Andersson (2017). Disparities in children’s family experiences by mother’s education: The case of Finland. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography 2017:22. (Final version published in Population Research and Policy Review.)

Jalovaara, Marika & Anette Eva Fasang (2016). From lone wolves to serial cohabitors: Union trajectories to childlessness. Working Papers on Social and Economic Issues18/2016. Turku: TCWR.

Härkönen Juho, Lappalainen Eevi & Marika Jalovaara (2016). Double disadvantage in a Nordic welfare state: A demographic analysis of the single mother employment gap in Finland, 1987–2011Stockholm Research Reports in Demography 2016:11. 

Jalovaara Marika & Hill Kulu (2016). Union duration and union dissolution: an immediate itch? Working Papers on Social and Economic Issues 3/2016. Turku: TCWR.

Erola Jani & Marika Jalovaara (2015). The replaceable: the inheritance of paternal and maternal socioeconomic statuses in non-standard families. Working Papers on Social and Economic Issues 2/2015. Turku: TCWR. (Final version published in ​Social Forces.)

Hoem Jan M., Jalovaara Marika & Cornelia Mureşan (2011). Recent patterns in group-specific total fertility in Finland. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography 2011:20.

Mäenpää Elina & Marika Jalovaara (2011): The effects of homogamy in socio-economic background and education on union dissolution: Divergent effects in cohabitations and marriages? Stockholm Research Reports in Demography 2011:18.

Kari Pitkänen & Marika Jalovaara (2007). Perheet ja perheenmuodostus [Families and family formation]. In: Koskinen Seppo, Martelin Tuija, Notkola Irma-Leena, Notkola Veijo, Pitkänen Kari, Jalovaara Marika, Mäenpää Elina, Ruokolainen Anne, Ryynänen Markku & Ismo Söderling (eds.): Suomen väestö. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. Pp. 115–167. (Used as university-level learning material.)

Koskinen Seppo, Jalovaara Marika & Tuija Martelin (2007). Demografiset mittaluvut [Demographic measures]. In: Koskinen Seppo, Martelin Tuija, Notkola Irma-Leena, Notkola Veijo, Pitkänen Kari, Jalovaara Marika, Mäenpää Elina, Ruokolainen Anne, Ryynänen Markku & Ismo Söderling (eds.): Suomen väestö. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. Pp. 23–40. (Used as university-level learning material.)

Valkonen Tapani, Pensola Tiina & Marika Jalovaara (1998). Peruskoulu-uudistuksen vaikutus sosiaaliryhmien välisiin eroihin ylioppilastutkinnon suorittamisessa [The effect of comprehensive school system reform on differences in educational achievement by social class]. In: Valkonen, T, S Koskinen & T Martelin (eds.): Rekisteriaineistot yhteiskunta- ja terveystutkimuksessa. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. Pp. 229–241.

Jalovaara Marika (1998). Sosiaalisen aseman vaikutus eronneiden miesten ja naisten uudelleenavioitumiseen [The effect of social position on remarriage after divorce]. In: Valkonen, Tapani, Seppo Koskinen & Tuija Martelin  (eds.): Rekisteriaineistot yhteiskunta- ja terveystutkimuksessa. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. Pp. 206–228.

Jalovaara Marika (1997). Avioerot 1990-luvun Suomessa [Divorces in Finland in the 1990s]. In: Alkio P, Söderling I & M Takoja (eds.): Väheneekö väki – paranevatko pidot?Helsinki: The Family Federation of Finland. Pp. 15–19.

Valkonen Tapani & Marika Jalovaara (1996). Kuolleisuus koulutusasteen mukaan 1987–95 [Mortality by educational attainment 1987–95]. Kuolemansyyt 1995, SVT Terveys 1996:5. Helsinki: Statistics Finland. Pp. 17–19 and 50–55.

Valkonen Tapani, Pensola Tiina & Marika Jalovaara (1996). Peruskoulu-uudistuksen vaikutus sukupuolten, alueiden ja sosiaaliryhmien välisiin eroihin perusasteen jälkeisessä koulutuksessa [The effect of the comprehensive school system reform on differences in educational attainment by sex, region and social class]. In: Jakku-Sihvonen, R, Lindström A & S Lipsanen (eds.): Toteuttaako peruskoulu tasa-arvoa? Arviointi 1/96. Helsinki: National Board of Education.

C. Scientific books (Monographs)

Published dissertation: Jalovaara Marika (2007). The effects of marriage partners’ socio-economic positions on the risk of divorce in Finland. Finnish Yearbook of Population Research, XLIII Supplement. Helsinki: The Family Federation of Finland.

Koskinen Seppo, Martelin Tuija, Notkola Irma-Leena, Notkola Veijo, Pitkänen Kari, Jalovaara Marika, Mäenpää Elina, Ruokolainen Anne, Ryynänen Markku & Ismo Söderling (eds. 2007). Suomen väestö [The Population of Finland]. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. [editing] . (Used  as university-level learning material.).

E. Publications intended for the general public

Myrskylä, Mikko, Julia Hellstrand, Marika Jalovaara (2024). Suomi tarvitsee parempia väestöennusteita. HS Lukijan mielipide 4.11.2024.

Myrskylä, Mikko, Julia Hellstrand, Marika Jalovaara (2024). Puutteellisia väestöennusteita puutteellisilla resursseilla. FLUX Blogi 31.10.2024.

Juho Härkönen, Marika Jalovaara & Anneli Miettinen (2023). Employment of single mothers and fathers has remained lower than that of partnered mothers.  FLUX Policy Brief 3/2023. 

Juho Härkönen, Marika Jalovaara & Anneli Miettinen (2023). Puolisottomien äitien ja isien työllisyys on jäänyt selvästi jälkeen puolison kanssa asuvien vanhempien työllisyydestä. FLUX Tietoa päätösten tueksi (Policy Brief) 3/2023. 

Andersson Linus, Jalovaara Marika (2023). Educational disparities in partnership formation and dissolution in Finland (1990–2019). N-IUSSP, June 26, 2023.

The demographic change challenges the sustainability of the Finnish society
Jalovaara Marika, Valkonen Tarmo, Leinonen Taina, Kmak Magdalena, Samaletdin Yasmin, Hanell Tomas, Rotkirch Anna, Vaalavuo Maria, Kauppinen Timo, Linnosmaa Ismo, Zechner Minna, Kuivalainen Susan, Stowe Robert (2022). FLUX Policy Briefs 4/2022.

Jalovaara Marika, Valkonen Tarmo, Leinonen Taina, Kmak Magdalena, Samaletdin Yasmin, Hanell Tomas, Rotkirch Anna, Vaalavuo Maria, Kauppinen Timo, Linnosmaa Ismo, Zechner Minna, Kuivalainen Susan (2022): Väestörakenteen muutos haastaa yhteiskunnan kestävyyden. FLUX Tietoa päätösten tueksi 2/2022.

Marika Jalovaara & Anneli Miettinen (2022): Korkeasti koulutetut saavat usein kaksi lasta – enintään keskiasteen koulutuksen saaneilla yleistyvät sekä lapsettomuus että suuret lapsiluvut. FLUX Tietoa päätösten tueksi 1/2022.

Marika Jalovaara & Anneli Miettinen (2022): The highly educated often have two children — childlessness and high numbers of children more commonly seen among low- and medium-educated persons. FLUX Policy Brief 1/2022.

Gissler Mika, Jalovaara Marika, Nisén Jessica (2022). The Finnish birth rate is rising – due to or in spite of the Covid-19 pandemic? FLUX Blog

Gissler Mika, Jalovaara Marika, Nisén Jessica (2022). Syntyvyys kasvaa Suomessa – koronapandemian vuoksi vai siitä huolimatta? THL Blogi

Marika Jalovaara, Erika Lilja, Jessica Nisén, Mikko Myrskylä, Mika Gissler, Satu Helske, Johanna Lammi-Taskula, Rasmus Mannerström, Pasi Moisio, Katariina Salmela-Aro, Heikki Tikanmäki, Eva Österbacka (forthcoming): Muuttuva perheenmuodostus – syyt, seuraukset ja mahdolliset tulevaisuudet (FLUX). Tilannekuvaraportti 2021. Strategisen Tutkimuksen Neuvosto, Suomen Akatemia.

Jakso 6: Syntyvyys (Part 6: Fertility). INVEST Podcast “Samassa veneessä”, Marika Jalovaara ja Anneli Miettinen (with Maria Vaalavuo). Published 23 December 2021.

Erola Jani, Niemelä Mikko, Sirniö Outi, Kailaheimo-Lönnqvist Sanna, Heiskala, Laura, Jalovaara Marika, Salonen Laura & Niko Eskelinen (2020). Koronakriisin vaikutukset lasten ja nuorten oppimiseen koulutukseen ja hyvinvointiin pitkällä aikavälillä, INVEST Policy Brief.

Christine Schnor & Marika Jalovaara (2020): Breaking down the increase in non-marital births in Finland. N-IUSSP (February 24, 2020).

Marika Jalovaara (2020): neferblog: Mies – myös sinun kellosi tikittää

Työttömyys hidastaa ensimmäisen lapsen hankintaa (Tutkimustiedote / Research bulletin 19.1.2020)

Marika Jalovaara & Anette Fasang (2020): Do egalitarian Nordic family policies equalize earnings among men and women with different family lives? Discover Society Blog

Marika Jalovaara & Christine Schnor (2019): Avioliiton ulkopuolinen lastensaanti yleistyi väestön koulutustason noustessa – Ratkaisu mysteeriin INVEST Blogi 3/2019

Marika Jalovaara (2019): neferblog: Poikkeukselinen vauvakato vai hälyä tyhjästä?

Christine Schnor & Marika Jalovaara (2019): Non-marital childbearing became hugely common during the educational expansion – The solution to the puzzle. INVEST blog, 4/2019.

Marika Jalovaara (2019). New kind of inequality and partnership dynamics behind declining birth rates. Optimi 3/2019.

Marika Jalovaara (2019): Syntyvyyden vajoamiseen kätkeytyy uudenlaista eriarvoisuutta ja liittodynamiikkaa. Optimi 3/2019

Jalovaara, Marika & Gunnar Andersson (2019). Socioeconomic disparities in Finnish children’s family life, May 13, 2019, N-IUSSP.

Jalovaara, Marika, Gerda Neyer & Gunnar Andersson (2019). Persistence and reversals in Nordic fertility. April 15, 2019,  N-IUSSP.

Jalovaara, Marika (2017). Sosiaalisen aseman ja lasten perhemuotojen yhteys vahva [Large socioeconomic disparities in children’s family forms]. TITA Policy Brief 8/2017.Jalovaara, Marika (2017).

Lapsettomilla takana puolisottomuutta tai lyhyitä avoliittoja [Childlessness preceded by neverpartnering or short cohabitations]. TITA Policy Brief​ 3/2017.

Jalovaara, Marika (2017). Sukupuoli, koulutus ja lastensaanti Pohjoismaissa [Gender, education, and childbearing in the Nordic countries]. TITA Policy Brief 2/2017.

G. Theses

Published doctoral thesis (three journal articles and summary): Jalovaara Marika (2007). The effects of marriage partners’ socio-economic positions on the risk of divorce in Finland. Finnish Yearbook of Population Research, XLIII Supplement. Helsinki: The Family Federation of Finland. (Grade: Eximia cum laude approbatur)

Master’s thesis: Jalovaara Marika (1997). Sosioekonomiset tekijät ja avioero Suomessa [Socio-economic factors and divorce in Finland; in Finnish]. Master’s thesis. Department of Sociology, University of Helsinki. (Grade: Eximia cum laude approbatur)

Conference presentations of recently published articles

Härkönen Juho, Lappalainen Eevi & Marika Jalovaara (2019): Double disadvantage in a Nordic welfare state: A demographic analysis of the single mother employment gap in Finland, 1987–2011. 
Paper presented at the FamiliesAndSocieties Consortium Meeting, Madrid, Spain, January 14–16, 2015, at the RC28 Summer Meeting 2015, Philadelphia, the US 17–19 August 2015, and at the Divorce Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, 17–19 September 2015, and at PAA 2016 meeting, Washington, the US, 28 March–2 April 2016. 

Kailaheimo, Sanna, Fasang Anette, Jalovaara Marika, Struffolino Emanuela (2020). Parental divorce homogamy and its effect on separation from cohabitation and marriage. Forthcoming, Demography. Paper presented at 18th Meeting of the “European Networkd for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce”, Cologne (Germany), 14–16 October 2020 (held online due to corona crisis).

Jalovaara, Marika, Andersson Linus, Miettinen Anneli (2020). Parity disparity: Educational differences in Nordic fertility across parities and number of reproductive partners. Forthcoming, Population Studies.  Paper presented (by MJ) for Vienna University Faculty of Social Sciences, 4 June 2020 (online), (by MJ) at Turku Center for Welfare Research (TCWR) webinar, 11 June 2020, and at IUSSP (International Union for the Scientific Study of Population) International Population Conference 2021, Hyderabad (India), 5–10 December 2021 (held online).

Comolli, Chiara, Neyer Gerda, Andersson Gunnar, Dommermuth Lars, Fallesen Peter, Jalovaara Marika, Jónsson Ari Klængur, Kolk Martin, Lappegard Trude (2019). Beyond the Economic Gaze: Childbearing during and after recessions in the Nordic countries. Forthcoming, European Journal of Population. Paper presented at the European Population Conference 2018, Brussels at 3rd Human Fertility Database Symposium ‘Fertility Across Time and Space: Data and Research Advances’. Vienna, 5–7 December 2018. Poster presented at the 21st Nordic Demographic Symposium, Reykjavik 13–15 June 2019.

Morosow ​Kathrin, Marika Jalovaara & Juho Härkönen (forthcoming): Cash-for-care use and union dissolution in Finland. Journal of Marriage and Family.
Paper presented at ESPAnet Conference, 1–3 September 2016, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and at the 14th European Divorce Conference, Stockholm, Sweden 13–15 October 2016, and at PAA Meeting 2017, Chicago, the US.

Solaz Anne, Jalovaara Marika, Kreyenfeld Michaela, Meggiolaro Silvia, Mortelmans Dimitri & Inge Pasteels (2020): Unemployment and divorce: Evidence from five European countries. Published in Journal of Family Research. Paper presented at the FamiliesAndSocieties Consortium Meeting, Madrid, Spain, January 14–16, 2015, and at the Divorce Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, 17–19 September 2015, and at the European Population Conference 31.8.–3.9.2016 in Maintz, Germany.

Miettinen, Anneli & Marika Jalovaara (2019). Unemployment delays parenthood but not for all. Life stage and educational differences in the effects of employment uncertainty on first births. Published in Advances in Life Course Research. Paper presented at the 41st Finnish Seminar of the Finnish Demographic Society 2016, Tvärminne, Finland.

Jalovaara Marika & Anette Eva Fasang (2019). Family life courses, gender, and mid-life earnings. Published in European Sociological Review. Paper presented at RC28 conference in Singapore, 26–29 May, 2016, at the European Population Conference 31.8.–3.9.2016 in Maintz, Germany, the TITA WP2 meeting 21 April 2016, Stockholm, and ECSR Thematic Workshop  ‘Demography and Inequality’, December 8–9, 2016, Berlin, Germany, at AlpPop 2017, La Thuile, Italy, 15–18 January 2017, and at the ECSR 2018 Conference 29–31 October 2018, Paris; at the ISA RC28 Spring Meeting (plenary session), Frankfurt, 21–23 March 2019; at the PAA Annual Meeting 2019, Austin, Texas; and at DIAL mid-term conference 8.6.2018, Turku.

Jalovaara Marika & Hill Kulu (published in Demographic Research): Homeownership after separation: A longitudinal analysis of Finnish register data.Invited presentation at the International Research and Policy Symposium on Family Changes and Housing Transitions in the Life Course. St Andrews, UK, 18-19 May 2017. Paper presented at TCWR seminar 9.3.2018 and Divorce Conference 2018, 10–12 October 2018, Tel Aviv-Yaffo.

Schnor Christine & Marika Jalovaara (published in Acta Sociologica): The spread of non-marital childbearing and its link to educational expansion. Presented at the European Population Conference 31.8.–3.9.2016 in Maintz, Germany,  at Podays, 8–10 February 2017, Florence, Italy, and at International Population Conference 2017, Cape Town, South Africa​.

Jalovaara Marika & Gunnar Andersson: Disparities in children’s family experiences by mother’s education: The case of Finland. Published in Population Research and Policy Review. Paper presented at the Nordic Demographic Symposium 2017, Turku, Finland. and at AlpPop 2018, La Thuile, Italy, and the European Population Conference 2018, Brussels.

Jalovaara Marika & Hill Kulu: Union duration and union dissolution: an immediate itch (2018). Published in European Sociological Review. Paper presented at the European Population Conference 2014, 25–28 June, Budapest, Hungary, at TCWR seminar 6.2.2015, at PGR/staff seminar, School of Environmental Sciences, Liverpool, UK, 24.4.2015; at the Divorce Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania 17–19 September 2015, at the 40th Finnish Demography seminar 5.–6.11.2015, Tvärminne, Finland, and at the Spade Colloquium at the University of Stockholm, Sweden, 12 February 2016.​

Jalovaara Marika, Neyer Gerda, Andersson Gunnar, Dahlberg Johan, Dommermuth Lars, Fallesen Peter, and Lappegård Trude. Education, gender and cohort fertility in the Nordic countries. Published in European Journal of Population. Paper presented at  the 41st Finnish demography seminar, 3.–4.11.2016, Tvärminne, at Podays, 8–10 February 2017, Florence; at Nordic Demographic Symposium 2017, Turku, Finland, at International Population Conference 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, at the conference ‘Changing Gender inequalities, changing families?’, Leuven, Belgium 2018 (Invited presentation), the PAA meeting 2018, Denver, the US, and at the symposium ‘Family and Fertility over the Life Course in Europe’, 15–16 November 2018, University of St Andrews (invited presentation).

Kreyenfeld, Michaela, Geisler Esther, Castro Martin Teresa, Hannemann Tina, Heintz-Martin Valerie, Jalovaara Marika, Meggiolaro Silvia, Mortelmans Dimitri, Pasteels Inge, Seiz Marta & Anne Solaz. ”Separation and Second Birth Fertility in Western Europe: Patterns and Policy Contexts”. Published in Demographic Research. Paper presented at the FamiliesAndSocieties Consortium Meeting, Madrid, Spain, January 14–16, 2015, PAA Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 30 April–2 May, 2015, and the ISSP International Seminar on Separation, Divorce, Repartnering and Remarriage around the World, Montreal, Canada, 4–6 May 2015.

Jalovaara, Marika & Anette Eva Fasang (2017): From never-partnered to serial cohabitors: Union trajectories to childlessness.​ Published in ​Demographic Research. Paper presented at the 14th European Network Meeting for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce, Stockholm, Sweden, 13–15 October 2016, and at the International Population Conference 2017, Cape Town, South Africa.​

Erola Jani & Marika Jalovaara [equal contributions; submitted]. The replaceable: the inheritance of paternal and maternal socioeconomic statuses in non-standard families. Published in Social Forces. Previous version presented by Jalovaara at: 2012 Summer Meeting of the ISA RC28, University of Virginia, USA 13–15 August 2012, and European Divorce Research Conference, University of Helsinki, Finland 11–13 October 2012.

Jalovaara, Marika & Anette Eva Fasang (2015). Are there gender differences in family trajectories by education in Finland? Demographic Research 33(44):1241–1256. Previous versions presented at AlpPop2016, Villars-Sur-Ollon, 26.–29.1.2016 and the ECSR Conference in Tallinn, September 10–12.9.2015.​​
