Teemu Hynninen
University Lecturer
teemu.hynninen (at) utu.fi
University of Turku
Department of Physics and Astronomy
FI-20014 Turku University
Research interests
General topics
- Ab initio calculations (Vasp, Siesta, Gpaw, etc.)
- Stochastic methods (TAPAS, etc.)
- Molecular dynamics simulations (Scifi, Cashew, etc.)
- Code development (Fortran, Python, Java, C, etc.)
- Graphical design and visualization
- Education and science popularizing
Current projects
- Development of undergraduate teaching
Past projects
- Defects and degradation in CMOS materials
- Scanning Probe Microscopy (nc-AFM, KPFM)
- Nanomanipulation of metallic clusters on insulating substrates
- Friction and nanotribology of ice
- Anisotropic wet chemical etching of Si
- Diluted magnetic semiconductors
Organized meetings
- PiAWCE, Levi 30.11.-1.12.2006
- TRNM 2007, Levi 10.-12.12.2007
- TRNM 2008, Levi 3.-5.12.2008
- CONARES, Espoo 13.-18.9.2009
- TRNM 2009, Levi 7.-9.12.2009
- TRNM 2010, Levi 6.-8.12.2010
- SIN in Japan, Japan 12.-27.11.2011
- TRNM V, Levi 19.-23.2.2012
- PBW 2012, Helsinki-Stockholm 15.-17.5.2012
- IPhO 2012, Tallinn, Estonia 15.-24.7.2012
- HSS 2012, Helsinki 14.-15.8.2012
- TRNM VI, Levi 11.-13.2.2013
- PBW 2013, Helsinki-Stockholm 4.-6.6.2013
- HSS 2013, Helsinki 13.-14.8.2013
- TRNM VII, Levi 10.-12.2.2014
- PBW 2014, Helsinki-Stockholm 3.-5.6.2014
- TRNM VIII, Levi 9.-11.2.2015
- PBW 2015, Helsinki-Stockholm 9.-11.6.2015
- PBW 2016, Helsinki-Stockholm 31.5.-2.6.2016
- TRNM IX, Levi Feb 2017
- FFYS5009 Fysiikka 1 (I 14-)
- FFYS5010 Fysiikka 2 (II 14-)
- FFYS5011 Fysiikka 3 (III 14-)
- FFYS5012 Fysiikka 4 (IV 14-)
- FFYS7063 Materiaalitutkimuksen menetelmien erikoiskurssi (V 15-16)
Aalto / TKK
- Tfy-0.1011 & Tfy-0.1012 Fysiikka IA+B (I+II 05-06, I+II 07-08)
- Tfy-0.1024 & Tfy-0.1023 Fysiikka IIA+B (III+IV 08-09)
- Tfy-0.202 Fysiikka IV (III+IV 05-06)
- Tfy-3.1540 & Tfy-3.1530 Fysiikan laboratoriotyöt (I+II 06-07)
- Tfy-0.2113 Teoreettinen mekaniikka (III 06-07, III 07-08)
- Tfy-0.2124 Kvanttimekaniikka (IV 06-07, IV 07-08)
- Tfy-0.3233 Materiaalifysiikka I (III-IV, 12-13)
- Tfy-3.4311 Materials Physics II (I-II, 13-14)
- PHYS-A0140 Structure of Matter (IV-V, 13-14)
- FYS-1760 Kvanttimekaniikka II (III+IV 10-11)
- FYS-1550 Physics seminar (I+II 11-12)
- Physics applets (educational simulations)
- Pysic (variable-charge force fields; Python + Fortran90)
- Cashew (molecular dynamics, 3D-MB model; Fortran90)
- Ash (geometry manipulation, visualization; Java)
- Video abstract - Defect mediated manipulation of nanoclusters on an insulator
- T. Hynninen, T. Musso, A. S. Foster, Limitations of reactive atomistic potentials in describing defect structures in oxides Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 24, 035022 (2016)
- T. Hynninen, L. Himanen, V. Parkkinen, T. Musso, J. Corander, A. S. Foster An object oriented Python interface for atomistic simulations Computer Physics Communications 198, 230 (2016)
- N. Samadashvili, B. Reischl, T. Hynninen, T. Ala-Nissila, A. S. Foster Atomistic simulations of friction at an ice-ice interface Friction 1, 242 (2013)
- T. Hynninen, G. Cabailh, A. S. Foster, C. Barth Defect mediated manipulation of nanoclusters on an insulator Sci. Rep. 3, 1270 (2013)
- S. Kawai, F. Federici Canova, T. Glatzel, T. Hynninen, E. Meyer, A. S. Foster, Measuring electronic field induced sub-picometer displacement of step edge ions Physical Review Letters 109 146101 (2012)
- C. Barth, M. Gingras, A. S. Foster, A. Gulans, G. Felix, T. Hynninen, R. Peresutti, C. R. Henry Two-dimensional nanostructured growth of nanoclusters and molecules on insulating surfaces Advanced Materials 24, 3146 (2012)
- T. Hynninen, C. L. Dias, A. Mkrtchyan, V. Heinonen, M. Karttunen, A. S. Foster, T. Ala-Nissila A molecular dynamics implementation of the 3D Mercedes-Benz water model Computer Physics Communications, 183, 363 (2012)
- T. Hynninen, C. Barth, A. S. Foster Polarized tips or surfaces: consequences in Kelvin probe force microscopy e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 9, 6 (2011)
- C. L. Dias, T. Hynninen, A. S. Foster, T. Ala-Nissila, M. Karttunen Hydrophobicity within the 3D Mercedes-Benz model: Potential of Mean Force Journal of Chemical Physics, 134, 065106 (2011)
- C. Barth, T. Hynninen, M. Bieletzki, C. R. Henry, A. S. Foster, F. Esch, U. Heiz FM tip characterization by Kelvin probe force microscopy New Journal of Physics 12, 093024 (2010)
- T. Hynninen, V. Heinonen, C. L. Dias, M. Karttunen, A. S. Foster, T. Ala-Nissila Cutting Ice: Nanowire Regelation Physical Review Letters 105, 086102 (2010)
- M. Bieletzki, T. Hynninen, T. M. Soini, M. Pivetta, C. R. Henry, A. S. Foster, F. Esch, C. Barth, U. Heiz Topography and work function measurements of thin MgO(001) films on Ag(001) by nc-AFM and KPFM Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12, 3203-3209 (2010)
- T. Hynninen, A. S. Foster, M. A. Gosalvez, K. Sato, R. M. Nieminen Adsorption of metal impurities on H-terminated Si surfaces and their influence on the wet chemical etching of Si Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20, 485005 (2008)
- T. Hynninen, M. A. Gosalvez Model for hydrogen bubbles and connection to roughness of etched surfaces Journal of Chemical Physics 129, 156101 (2008)
- T. Hynninen, M. A. Gosalvez, A. S. Foster, H. Tanaka, K. Sato, M. Uwaha, R. M. Nieminen Effect of Cu impurities on wet etching of Si(110): formation of trapezoidal hillocks New Journal of Physics 10, 013033 (2008)
- A. S. Foster, M. A. Gosalvez, T. Hynninen, R. M. Nieminen, K. Sato First principles calculations of copper adsorption on the H-terminated silicon surface Physical Review B 76, 075315 (2007)
- T. Hynninen, H. Raebiger, J. von Boehm Structural and magnetic properties of (Ga,Mn)N from first principles Physical Review B 75, 125208 (2007)
- M. A. Gosalvez, Y. Xing, T. Hynninen, M. Uwaha, A. S. Foster, R. M. Nieminen, K. Sato Faster simulations of step bunching during anisotropic etching: formation of zigzag structures on Si(110) Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 17, S27-S37 (2007)
- T. Hynninen, M. Ganchenkova, H. Raebiger, J. von Boehm Ferromagnetism and its evolution during long-term annealing in (Ga,Mn)As Physical Review B 74, 195337 (2006)
- T. Hynninen, H. Raebiger, J. von Boehm A multiscale study of ferromagnetism in clustered (Ga,Mn)N Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18, 1561-1567 (2006)
- T. Hynninen, H. Raebiger, A. Ayuela, J. von Boehm High Curie temperatures in (Ga,Mn)N from Mn clustering Applied Physics Letters 88, 122501 (2006)
- H. Raebiger, T. Hynninen, A. Ayuela, J. von Boehm Effects of Mn clustering on ferromagnetism in (Ga,Mn)As Physica B 376-377, 643-646 (2006)
- L. Zyga Controlling nanoclusters with surface defects could lead to construction of nanodevices PhysOrg.com (feature)
- T. Hynninen, A. S. Foster Nanorypäiden manipulointi atomivoimamikroskoopilla: kulkevatko klusterit omia polkujaan? Arkhimedes 2-3/2011, 22 (2011)
- L. Zyga Scientists investigate how ice melts below freezing due to nanowire's pressure PhysOrg.com (feature)
- M. Woo Cutting Ice with a Nanowire Physical Review Focus (feature)
- T. Hynninen, M. Ganchenkova, H. Raebiger, J. von Boehm Ferromagnetism and its evolution during long-term annealing in (Ga,Mn)As Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology 24 (2006) (selected)
- H. Raebiger, T. Hynninen, M. Ganchenkova, J. von Boehm, A. Ayuela, R. M. Nieminen Electronic and magnetic properties of magnetic semiconductors CSC Report on Scientific Computing in Finland 2004-2005, 57-60 (2005)
Guided theses
- Lauri Himanen Combining Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical methods, Aalto (Assignment)
- Oski Kervinen Optimization of AFM tip structures using evolutionary algorithms, TUT (Assignment)
- Vili Heinonen Computational study on nanoscale ice flows, Aalto (Master's)
- Tuomas Vanhanen The tipgenetic program, TUT (Assignment)
- Simiam Ghan Semi-empirical study of Au adatoms and dimers on the NaCl(001) surface, Aalto (Assignment)