Dr. Erkki Kankare
Department of Physics and Astronomy, FI-20014 University of Turku, Finland
erkki.kankare “at” utu.fi
ORCID: 0000-0001-8257-3512
03/2021, Title of Docent, astronomy, University of Turku, Finland.
03/2013, PhD, astronomy, University of Turku, Finland.
07/2007, MSc, astronomy, University of Turku, Finland.
Current position
10/2023…12/2024, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku, Finland.
Previous positions
10/2018…09/2023, Senior Research Fellow, Turku Collegium for Science, Medicine and Technology (TCSMT), Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku, Finland.
09/2014…09/2018, Postdoc, Queen’s University Belfast, UK.
03/2014…06/2014, Postdoc, Tuorla Observatory, University of Turku, Finland.
04/2013…03/2014, Postdoc, Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO, University of Turku, Finland.
01/2009…06/2010, Student Support Astronomer, Nordic Optical Telescope, La Palma, Spain.
Research grant periods as principal investigator (PI)
01/2021…12/2024, project grant, Emil Aaltonen foundation, 200 000 €.
10/2018…09/2021, start-up project funding, Turku Collegium for Science and Medicine, 20 000 €.
04/2013…03/2014, postdoctoral grant, Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation, 26 000 €.
08/2012…09/2012, doctoral thesis grant, University of Turku Foundation, 3174 €.
07/2011…07/2012, doctoral thesis grant, The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, 21 000 €.
07/2010…06/2012, doctoral thesis grant, The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, 18 000 €.
01/2008…12/2008, doctoral thesis grant, The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, 15 000 €.
11/2017…to date, multiple travel grants, 1300 €.
Since 2008 I have 10 first-author refereed articles (1 Nature Astronomy, 2 ApJ, 2 MNRAS, 5 A&A) with over 300 citations. In total, I have authored 148 peer-review publications (including 1 in Science, 3 in Nature, and 5 in Nature Astronomy) in major astronomical journals with over 12600 citations. My h-index is 56. In addition, I have authored 11 conference proceedings, over 800 astrophysical information notices (Astronomer’s Telegrams, Transient Name Server AstroNotes, IAU Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams, and GRB Coordinates Network circulars). Citation counts from the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS).
Leadership experience
04/2019…to date, a leader of the NUTS2 multi-period observing programme at the NOT.
05/2017…to date, a leader of the ePESSTO/ePESSTO+ science group
Highly energetic transients and supernovae in the centres of active galaxies.
Supervision of students (graduation year indicated)
2027 (estimated), 2 PhD projects (principal supervisor), University of Turku, Finland.
2025 (estimated), 1 PhD project (co-supervisor), University of Turku, Finland.
2021, 1 PhD project (co-supervisor), University of Turku, Finland.
2020, 1 PhLic project (co-supervisor), University of Turku, Finland.
2018, 2 MSci projects (principal supervisor), Queen’s University Belfast, UK.
2017, 1 MSci project (co-supervisor), Queen’s University Belfast, UK.
2016, 1 MSci project (co-supervisor), Queen’s University Belfast, UK.
2014, 1 MSc project (co-supervisor), University of Turku, Finland.
Teaching experience (at University of Turku, Finland)
2021 & 2022 & 2023 & 2024, Observational Techniques Using the NOT (7 ECTS) MSc level, organisation, primary lecturer.
2021, Spectroscopic Diagnostics in Astrophysics, 8 ECTS MSc level, individual lecture.
2018 & 2019 & 2020, Havaitseva tähtitiede (5 ECTS) (Observational astronomy) BSc level, individual lectures.
2019, Projektityö (3 ECTS) (Project work) BSc level (physics course), supervision of a project.
2013 & 2018 & 2019, Methods of Observational Astrophysics I (6 ECTS) MSc level, individual lectures.
Pedagogical training (via University of Turku, Finland)
2024, Orientation day for doctoral supervisors seminar.
2021, Research ethics and data protection seminar.
2020, Training for Doctoral Thesis Supervision seminar series.
2019, Yliopistopedagogiikan perusteet 2 (5 ECTS) (Basics of university pedagogy 2).
2018, Yliopistopedagogiikan perusteet 1 (5 ECTS) (Basics of university pedagogy 1).
10/2019, University of Turku Department of Physics and Astronomy achievement award, 1000 €.
05/2012, G.W. Wulff Research Fund stipend, 1620 €.
Academic leadership & activities
05/2023, a member of the of the International Time Programme (ITP) Time Allocation Committee
03/2019…05/2022, an external reviewer for Time Allocation Groups including LT, INT, and OPTICON.
10/2018…to date, HAWK-I instrument scientist of the ENGRAVE programme.
06/2018…to date, a member of the NOT Observing Programmes Committee (OPC).
04/2014…to date, a Data Release builder of the PESSTO/ePESSTO/ePESSTO+ programme.
10/2012…to date, referee for astronomical journal series including A&A, ApJ, ApJS, and MNRAS.
06/2008…to date, over 40 talks in international conferences, meetings and workshops.
Observing experience
12/2009…03/2021, NTT+EFOSC2/SOFI, 35 nights (3 remotely).
01/2009…11/2012, NOT+ALFOSC/NOTCam/FIES, 66 nights (55 as a NOT student, 3 remotely).
Observing programmes as principal investigator
2019…2025, NOT+ALFOSC/NOTCam P59-506, P61-507, P62-505, P64-507, P66-506, P68-505, P70-503 (132 nights, of which 84 nights ToO)
The local transient Universe (NUTS2)
2018…2020, NOT+ALFOSC/NOTCam/StanCam P58-506, P59-507, P61-508 (128 hours, ToO)
Electromagnetic transients associated with gravitational-wave signals
2018, SALT+RSS 2018-1-DDT-003 (1 hour)
Spectroscopic classification of AT 2018cux
2018, VLT+UVES 0101.D-0202 (4 hours, ToO)
The circumstellar medium around narrow-line transients: towards calibrating future supernova rates
2018, VLT+HAWK-I/GRAAL 0060.A-9475 (2 hours)
HAWK-I/GRAAL imaging of four nearby luminous infrared galaxies
2017, VLT+FORS2 0100.D-0567 (2 hours)
The nature of the peculiar optical transient SN2016cvk
2016…2017, LT+IO:O PL16A01, PL17A11 (42 hours)
Optical monitoring of all nearby narrow-line transients
2015, Swift+UVOT 31834 (2 hours)
2015, VLT+FORS2 095.D-0793 (4.5 hours)
The nature of peculiar optical transient SNhunt248
2014…2015, TNG+NICS AOT29-ID20, AOT30-ID18 (24 hours, ToO)
Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG – near-IR monitoring
2012, NOT+ALFOSC P46-021 (2 nights)
SN 1994W-like Type IIn Supernovae – What are They?
2010…2015, NOT+NOTCam P42-007, P43-029, P45-007, P48-012, P49-028, P50-026 (27 nights)
Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG – near-IR imaging
Organising scientific meetings
06/2022, workshop: NOT – a telescope for the future, La Palma, Spain
SOC chair
11/2020, meeting: NUTS2 Meeting II, online
06/2019, meeting: NOT Observing Programmes Committee P60 meeting, Turku, Finland
04/2019, meeting: ePESSTO+ Meeting I, Turku, Finland
International conferences, meetings & workshops with contribution
11/2024, workshop: Cyprus Astrophysics Workshop 2024, Paphos, Cyprus
talk: The core-collapse supernova population in luminous infrared galaxies
05/2024, meeting: Tuorla-Tartu meeting 2024, Turku, Finland
talk: NOT Un-biased Transient Survey 2
09/2023, meeting: ePESSTO+ Meeting @Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
talk: Core-collapse supernovae in luminous infrared galaxies
09/2023, meeting: NUTS2 Meeting III, Padova, Italy
talk: NUTS2 P63 – P66 Summary
04/2023, workshop: ENGRAVE data reduction workshop, Naples, Italy
talk: Introduction to HAWK-I data reduction
02/2023, meeting: 3rd ENGRAVE meeting, Garching, Germany
talk: HAWK-I imaging
11/2022, workshop: Cyprus Astrophysics Workshop 2022, Paphos, Cyprus
talk: The core-collapse supernova population in luminous infrared galaxies
09/2022, workshop: 1st Finland-Japan bilateral meeting on extragalactic transients, Turku, Finland
talk: The core-collapse supernova population in luminous infrared galaxies
06/2022, workshop: NOT – a telescope for the future, La Palma, Spain
talk: Finnish observing courses with the NOT
10/2021, meeting: Tuorla-Tartu meeting 2021, Turku, Finland
talk: Core-collapse supernovae and their rates in luminous infrared galaxies
03/2021, conference: Physics Days 2021, Jyväskylä, Finland (online)
talk: Core-collapse supernovae in luminous infrared galaxies
11/2020, meeting: NUTS2 Meeting II, Turku, Finland (online)
talk: NUTS2 P60 & P61 summary
10/2019, meeting: NUTS2 Meeting, Padova, Italy
talk: NUTS2 P59 summary
07/2019, workshop: Optimizing training samples for SN photometric classification, Clermont-Ferrand, France
talk: (invited) ePESSTO+: advanced Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects
06/2019, conference: EWASS 2019, Lyon, France
talk: (invited review) An observational overview of extremely energetic nuclear transients
07/2018, workshop: Transients in New Surveys, Leiden, the Netherlands
talk: A population of energetic narrow-line nuclear transients
05/2018, conference: Shocking Supernovae, Stockholm, Sweden
talk: (invited) Observations of dust in supernovae
04/2018, conference: EWASS 2018, Liverpool, UK
talk: A population of extremely energetic nuclear transients
12/2017, meeting: ePESSTO Meeting II, Dublin, Ireland
talk: Highly energetic nuclear narrow-line transients
11/2017, workshop: SUNBIRD Workshop, Cape Town, South Africa
talk: Supernova impostors
11/2017, conference: IAU Symposium 339 (WS11), Stellenbosch, South Africa
talk: Extremely luminous nuclear transients (optical/near-IR)
11/2017, conference: IAU Symposium 339, Stellenbosch, South Africa
talk: A new population of highly energetic nuclear transients
08/2017, meeting: FinCOSPAR 2017, Seili, Finland
talk: A new type of extremely energetic transients in Seyfert galaxies
08/2017, meeting: NUTS Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden
talk: PS16dtm, SN 2017ben, Gaia16ada
06/2017, conference: EWASS 2017, Prague, Czech Republic
poster: A new type of highly energetic transients associated with Seyfert galaxies
05/2017, meeting: Evolution and Explosion of Massive Stars 2017, Dublin, Ireland
talk: Extremely energetic hydrogen-rich optical transients
03/2017, meeting: ePESSTO Kick-off Meeting I, Belfast, UK
talk: Extremely energetic narrow-line transients in the centres of galaxies
10/2016, meeting: NUTS Meeting, Padova, Italy
talk: PS16dtm
09/2016, conference: INAM 2016, Dublin, Ireland
talk: (invited) PESSTO: Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects
08/2016, conference: EWASS 2016, Athens, Greece
talk: Highly energetic supernovae in centres of galaxies
06/2016, conference: NAM 2016, Nottingham, UK
talk: Highly energetic superluminous supernovae in central regions of galaxies
09/2015, meeting: Sharp Eyes on European Skies, Cambridge, UK
talk: Supernovae in luminous infrared galaxies with Gemini-North ALTAIR/NIRI adaptive optics
06/2015, conference: EWASS 2015, Tenerife, Spain
talk: Supernovae in central regions of galaxies
06/2015, meeting: Paris PESSTO Meeting IX, Paris, France
talk: Triple peaks of the peculiar supernova impostor SNHunt248
06/2014, meeting: Belfast PESSTO Meeting VII, Belfast, UK
talk: Supernovae in luminous infrared galaxies
05/2014, meeting: (Circum)nuclear SNe with Gaia, Cambridge, UK
talk: AO assisted near-IR searches in nuclear regions of LIRGs
07/2013, conference: EWASS2013, Turku, Finland
talk: Core-collapse supernovae in luminous infrared galaxies
08/2012, meeting: LIRG Meeting 2012, Granada, Spain
talk: Extinction correction for supernovae in the local universe
06/2012, meeting: Astronomer’s days 2012, Porvoo, Finland
talk: Core-collapse supernovae in dusty environments
12/2011, meeting: ESO Large Program Meeting, Padova, Italy
talk: SN 2009kn & SN 2011ap
09/2011, meeting: FinCOSPAR 2011, Kasnäs, Finland
talk: SN 2009kn – The twin of SN 1994W?
08/2011, conference: Explosive Ideas about Massive Stars, Stockholm, Sweden
poster: SN 2009kn – The twin of SN 1994W
06/2011, workshop: From Starburst to Supernova, Sydney, Australia
talk: SN 2009kn – The twin of SN 1994W?
06/2011, conference: Supernovae and their Host Galaxies, Sydney, Australia
poster: SN 2009kn – The twin of SN 1994W?
12/2010, meeting: ESO Large Program Meeting, Padova, Italy
talk: SN 2009kn – The twin of SN 1994W?
09/2009, meeting: VLT LIRG Meeting, Granada, Spain
talk: Extinction of SN host galaxies
05/2009, meeting: 50th Meeting of the NOT STC, La Palma, Spain
talk: Dust extinction and supernova rates in the local universe
09/2008, conference: Cosmic Dust Near & Far 2008, Heidelberg, Germany
poster: Highly obscured supernovae in luminous infrared galaxies
06/2008, workshop: Supernovae & Luminous Infrared Galaxies, Piikkiö, Finland
talk: Extinction correction for supernova rates
Visiting colloquium talks
10/2017, colloquium: Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile
talk: A population of highly energetic transient events in the centres of active galaxies
11/2014, colloquium: Tuorla Observatory, University of Turku, Piikkiö, Finland
talk: 10adi: a superluminous supernova or an AGN outburst of a narrow-line Seyfert?
09/2013, colloquium: Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
talk: Supernovae in dense and dusty environments
11/2008, colloquium: Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, UK
talk: Optical depth of spiral galaxies and highly extinguished supernovae
Public outreach activities
10/2021, TCSMT (University of Turku) at Turku Main Library: University of Turku Collegia Lecture Series
talk: Supernova once per year – luminous infrared galaxies are manufacturing stellar explosions (Supernova kerran vuodessa – kirkkaat infrapunagalaksit tehtailevat tähtien räjähdyksiä)
12/2020, Ursa Astronomical Association: Public Lecture Series (online)
talk: When will Betelgeuse explode as a supernova? (Milloin Betelgeuse räjähtää supernovana?)
03/2020, TCSM (University of Turku) at Turku Main Library: University of Turku Collegia Lecture Series
talk: From supernovae to kilonovae – astrophysical transients end stellar life cycles in spectacular ways (Supernovista kilonoviin – astrofysikaaliset transientit päättävät näyttävästi tähtien elinkaaria)
03/2019, Tuorla science centre (University of Turku) at Panimoravintola Koulu: Star days (Tähtipäivät)
panel discussion: (invited) How will the world end? (Miten maailma loppuu?)
12/2018, University of Turku: Host of a high-school student for a 2 day familiarization with working life.
10/2017, Dunsink Observatory, Dublin, Ireland: Public Open Night
talk: (invited) Where are the missing supernovae?
05/2016, Queen’s University Belfast: Guidance at Mercury Transit Day
02/2016, Queen’s University Belfast at the Ulster Museum: Guidance at NI Science Festival
12/2015, Queen’s University Belfast at W5: Guidance at Destination Space
03/2015, Queen’s University Belfast: Guidance at A Day of Stargazing at Queen’s
02/2015, Queen’s University Belfast: Guidance at Sun Watch at Queen’s (part of NI Science Festival)
A selection of press releases
06/2021, University of Turku: Suomalaiset tähtitieteilijät etsivät gravitaatioaaltojen lähteitä
(Finnish astronomers search for sources of gravitational waves)
11/2017, STFC: UK leads international team to discover fiery explosion in a distant galaxy
11/2017, Academy of Finland: Scientists may have discovered one of the brightest supernova explosions ever
11/2017, Queen’s University Belfast: Queen’s astronomer leads international team to ground-breaking fiery explosion in a distant galaxy
11/2017, University of Turku: Turkulaistutkijat mukana löytämässä äärimmäisen kirkkaita supernovaräjähdyksiä (Researchers from Turku discovering extremely bright supernova explosions)
10/2017, University of Turku: Astronomers Observe First Light from Gravitational Wave Source
10/2013, University of Turku: Magneettiset tähdet ovat universumin kirkkaimpien räjähdysten takana
(Magnetic stars are the source of the most luminous explosions in the universe)
02/2013, University of Turku: Tieto piilossa olevista supernovista tuo lisätietoa maailmankaikkeudesta
(Information on hidden supernovae brings more knowledge on the universe)
09/2012, University of Turku: Uudet supernovahavainnot valottavat tähtien syntyhistoriaa (New supernova observations give information on star formation history)
01/2009, Gemini Observatory: First Supernova Discovered with Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics
A selection of news and popular astronomy items
07/2021, Helsingin Sanomat: Lasten tiedekysymykset: Miten Betelgeusen räjähdys näkyy maapallolle ja milloin? (Children’s science questions: How will the explosion of Betelgeuse be seen from Earth and when?)
04/2021, Aurora Verkko+: Maailmankaikkeuden majakat tietokoneen ruudulla (The lighthouses of the Universe on the Computer Screen)
11/2019, Aurora 2/2019, page 12-13: NOT-teleskooppi paljastaa avaruuden salat (The NOT telescope reveals the secrets of space)
10/2019, TS Makasiini: Tähtitieteen paraatipaikka (Parade place of astronomy)
06/2018, Iltalehti: Turkulaistutkijat mukana tekemässä historiaa: Kuolevan tähden plasmasuihku tallennettiin ensimmäistä kertaa kuvaan (Researchers from Turku involved in making history: A plasma jet of a dying star was recorded for the first time in an image)
11/2017, Newsweek: Giant Space Explosion That’s Never Been Witnessed Before Challenges What We Know About Stars and Black Holes
11/2017, Helsingin Sanomat: Suomalaiset löysivät todennäköisesti yhden kaikkien aikojen kirkkaimmista supernovista tai tähden, jota musta aukko repii rikki (Finns most likely found one of the brightest supernovae ever – or a star that a black hole is tearing apart)
11/2017, Tekniikka & Talous: Suomalaistutkijan johtama ryhmä löysi uuden joukon räjähdyksiä kaukaisista galakseista ehkä yksi kaikkien aikojen kirkkaimmista supernovista (A group lead by a Finnish researcher discovered explosions of a new type in distant galaxies – maybe one of the brightest supernovae ever)
11/2017, Iltasanomat: Suomalaistutkijat löysivät ehkä kaikkien aikojen räjähdyksen repikö supermassiivinen musta aukko tähden hajalle? (Finnish researchers possibly found an all time record breaking explosion – did a supermassive black hole tear a star apart?)
11/2017, Savon Sanomat: Suomalaistutkijat havaitsivat uskomattoman kirkkaan räjähdyksen kaukaisessa galaksissa (Finnish researchers discovered an incredibly bright explosion in a distant galaxy)
11/2017, Iltalehti: Suomalaistutkijan johtama ryhmä teki harvinaisen löydön – yksi kaikkien aikojen kirkkaimmista supernovaräjähdyksistä? (A group lead by a Finnish researcher made a rare discovery – one of the brightest supernova explosions? )
10/2017, Tekniikka & Talous: Tutkijat todistivat ensimmäistä kertaa historiassa kahden neutronitähden sulautumisen toisiinsa – “Suurin osa maailmankaikkeuden kullasta syntyy näin” (Researchers witnessed for the first time in history a coalescence of two neutron stars – “Most of the gold in the universe is created like this”)
10/2017, Iltalehti: Suomalaistutkijat mukana tähtitieteen läpimurrossa – yksi heistä “ydinryhmässä” (Finnish researchers involved in an astronomical breakthrough – one of them in the “core group”)
01/2014, Tähdet ja Avaruus (in the print version): Supernovahavaintoja liukuhihnalta (Supernova observations from a conveyor belt)
10/2013, Tähdet ja Avaruus: Universumin kirkkaimpia räjähdyksiä tehtailevat magnetarit (The brightest explosions in the universe are manufactured by magnetars)
09/2012, Tähdet ja Avaruus: Suomalaistutkijat: Suuri osa supernovista jää piiloon (Finnish researchers: A large fraction of supernovae is hiding)
09/2012, Turun Sanomat: Kaksi viidestä supernovasta jää löytymättä tähtipölyn takia (Two out of five supernovae are not found because of star dust)
02/2009, Aurora 1/2009, page 9: Lasersäde johdattaa supernovan jäljille (Laser beam leads to traces of a supernova)