

HANNU J. NURMI: Scholarly Publications


1. Causality and Complexity: Some Problems of Causal Analysis in the
Social Sciences, Turku:Publications of the University of Turku, ser.B:131,
2. Rationality and Public Goods: Essays in Analytic Political Theory,
Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica: Commentationes Scientiarum
Socialium, Fasc.9, 1977.
3. An Introduction to Decision and Game Theory, Helsinki: Gaudeamus,
1978 (in Finnish).
4. Comparing Voting Systems, Dordrecht:D.Reidel 1987.
5. Group Decision and Rank Ordering (with Bengt Hoglund, Jan-Erik
Lane and Sven Berg), Stockholm: Forskningsradsnamden, 1991 (in
6. Rational Behaviour and the Design of Institutions: Concepts, Theories
and Models, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1998.
7. Voting Paradoxes and How to Deal with Them, Berlin-Heidelberg-New
York: Springer-Verlag 1999.
8. Voting Procedures under Uncertainty, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York:
Springer-Verlag 2002.
9. In Search for the Will of the People (with Per Molander), Stockholm:
SNS Forlag 2003 (in Swedish).
10. Models of Political Economy, London and New York: Routledge 2006.
11. Monotonicity Failures Aicting Procedures for Electing a Single Candidate
(with Dan S. Felsenthal), Cham: Springer International Publishing,
2017. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-51061-3
12. Voting Procedures for Electing a Single Candidate. Proving Their
(In)Vulnerability to Various Voting Paradoxes (with Dan S. Felsenthal),
Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-74033-1


1. 1976-77, Editor of Politiikka
2. 1984, Editor of Politiikka
3. 1988 Editor (together with D.Anckar and M.Wiberg ), Rationality
and Legitimacy: Essays on Political Theory, Helsinki: The Finnish
Political Science Association.
4. 1996, Editor (together with Sven Berg) of special issue “Group Decision
Quality and Social Choice Theory” of Group Decision and Negotiation,
Volume 5, No.3.
5. 1997 Editor (together with J. Kacprzyk and M. Fedrizzi), Consensus
under Fuzziness, Boston-London-Dordrecht: Kluwer.
6. 2011 Editor (together with E. Herrera-Viedma, J. L. Garca-Lapresta,
M. Fedrizzi, J. Kacprzyk and S. Zadro_zny), Consensual Processes,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer Verlag.
7. 2013 Editor (together with Manfred J. Holler) of Power, Voting, and
Voting Power: 30 Years After, Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
8. 2014 Editor (together with Tapio Raunio) of The Serious Game of Politics.
Festschrift for Matti Wiberg, Helsinki: Finnish Political Science


1. On the Concept of Complexity and Its Relationships to the Methodology
of Policy-Oriented Research,Social Science Information, no.1,
2. Social Causality and Empirical Data-Reduction Techniques, Quality
and Quantity, No.2, 1974.
3. Crisis in Statistical Causal Analysis, Political Methodology, 1975, 331-
4. Nature and Criteria of Systems Models in the Social Sciences, Journal
of Cybernetics 5, 1975, 35-50.
5. Ways out of the Prisoner’s Dilemma, Quality and Quantity 11, 1977,
6. On the Strategies of Cybernetic Model-Building,Kybernetes 7, 1978,
7. Majority Rule: Second Thoughts and Refutations, Quality and Quantity
14, 1980, 743-765.
8. Game Theory and Power Indices,Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie 40,
1980, 35-58.
9. A Fuzzy Solution to a Majority Voting Game, International Journal
of Fuzzy Sets and Systems 5, 1981, 187-198.
10. Approaches to Collective Decision Making with Fuzzy Preference Relations,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 6, 1981, 249-259.
11. On the Properties of Voting Systems, Scandinavian Political Studies
4, 1981, 19-32.
12. Voting Procedures: A Summary Analysis, British Journal of Political
Science 13, 1983, 181-208.
13. The F-Twist and the Evaluation of Political Institutions, Zeitschrift
fur Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften 103, 143-159.
14. Imprecise Notions in Individual and Group Decision Theory, Stochastica
VI, 1982, 283-303.
15. On Riker’s Theory of Political Succession, Scandinavian Political Studies
6, 1983, 177-194.
16. Taking on Superior Beings: Professor Brams’ Game-Theoretic Theology,
Inquiry, 1984, 159-166.
17. Probabilistic Voting, Political Methodology 10, 1984, 81-95.
18. Social Choice Theory and Democracy, European Journal of Political
Research 12, 1984, 325-333.
19. On the Strategic Properties of Some Modern Methods of Group Decision
Making, Behavioral Science 29, 1984, 248-257.
20. Some Properties of the Lehrer-Wagner Method for Reaching Rational
Consensus, Synthese 62, 1985, 13-24.
21. On Apportionment and Proportional Representation, Political Studies
XXXIII, 1985, 113-121.
22. Problems of Finding Optimal Voting and Representation Systems, European
Journal of Operational Research 24, 1986, 91-98.
23. Computer Simulations of Approval and Plurality Voting (with Y.Uusi-
Heikkila), European Journal of Political Economy 2, 1986, 47-59.
24. Mathematical Models of Elections and Their Relevance for Institutional
Design, Electoral Studies 5, 1986, 167-181.
25. A Game-Theoretic Approach to Political Characteristics of East-West
Trade (with U.Kivikari), Cooperation and Con
ict XXI, 1986, 54-78.
26. Discrepancies in the Outcomes Resulting from Dierent Voting Schemes,
Theory and Decision 25, 1988, 193-208.
27. Making Choices in the Old-Fashioned Way, (with S.Berg) Economia
delle scelte pubbliche 2, 1988, 95-113.
28. Computational Approaches to Bargaining and Choice, Journal of Theoretical
Politics 1, 1989, 407-426.
29. Probability Models in Constitutional Choice, European Journal of Political
Economy 6, 1990, 107-117.
30. A Cryptographic Approach to the Secret Ballot, (with A. Salomaa)
Behavioral Science 36, 1991, 34-40.
31. On Fuzzy Tournaments and Their Solution Concepts in Group Decision
Making (with J. Kacprzyk), European Journal of Operational
Research 51, 1991, 223-232.
32. Secret Ballot Elections in Computer Networks, (with A.Salomaa and
L.Santean), Computers & Security 10, 1991, 553-560.
33. Preferences, Choices, Tournaments: Alternative Foundations for the
Evaluation of Voting Schemes, Quality & Quantity 25, 1991, 393-405.
34. An Assessment of Voting System Simulations, Public Choice 73, 1992,
35. Secret Ballot Elections and Public-Key Cryptosystems, (with A. Salomaa),
European Journal of Political Economy 8, 1992, 295-303.
36. Cryptographic Protocols for Vickrey Auctions, (with A. Salomaa),
Group Decision and Negotiation 2, 1993, 363- 373.
37. Cancellation and Reassignment of Votes in Secret Ballot Elections,
(with A. Salomaa), European Journal of Political Economy 9, 1993,
38. The Distribution of A Priori Voting Power in the EC Council of Ministers
and the European Parliament, (with K. Herne), Scandinavian
Political Studies 16, 1993, 269-284.
39. Problems in the Theory of Institutional Design, Journal of Theoretical
Politics 5, 1993, 523-540.
40. Consensus Degrees under Fuzzy Majorities and Fuzzy Preferences Using
OWA (Ordered Weighted Average) Operators, (with M. Fedrizzi
and J.Kacprzyk), Control and Cybernetics 22, 1993, 77-86.
41. Conducting Secret Ballot Elections in Computer Networks: Problems
and Solutions, (with A. Salomaa), Annals of Operations Research 51,
1994, 185-194.
42. On the Diculty of Making Social Choices, Theory and Decision 38,
1995, 99-119.
43. How Dierent Are Social Choice Functions: A Rough Sets Approach,
(with M. Fedrizzi and J. Kacprzyk) Quality and Quantity 30, 1996,
44. Probabilistic, Fuzzy and Rough Concepts in Social Choice, (with J.
Kacprzyk and M. Fedrizzi) European Journal of Operational Research
95, 1996, 264-277.
45. It’s Not Just the Lack of Monotonicity, Representation 34, 1997, 48-52.
46. Referendum Design: An Exercise in Applied Social Choice Theory,
Scandinavian Political Studies 20, 1997, 33-52.
47. The Representation of Voter Groups in the European Parliament: a
Penrose-Banzhaf Index Analysis, Electoral Studies 16, 1997, 317-327.
48. Compound Majority Paradoxes and Proportional Representation, European
Journal of Political Economy 13, 1997, 443-454.
49. On Power Indices and Minimal Winning Coalitions, Control and Cybernetics
26, 1997, 609-611.
50. Voting Paradoxes and Referenda, Social Choice and Welfare 15, 1998,
51. A Note on Rough Sets and Common Knowledge Events, (with H.
Salonen),European Journal of Operational Research 112, 1999, 692-
52. A Comparative Overview of Cryptographic Voting Protocols, (with A.
Salomaa), Annals of Operations Research 84, 1998, 29-43.
53. A Priori Power Measures and the Institutions of the European Union,
(with T. Meskanen), European Journal of Political Research 35, 1999,
54. Voting Paradoxes and MCDM, (with T. Meskanen), Group Decision
and Negotiation, 2000, 297-313.
55. Game-Theoretical Approaches to the EU Institutions: An Overview
and Evaluation, Homo Oeconomicus XVI, 2000, 363-389.
56. Calculus of Consent in the EU Council of Ministers, (with T. Meskanen
and A. Pajala), Homo Oeconomicus XVII(1/2), 2000, 85-106.
57. The 1999 Parliamentary Elections in Finland, (with L. Nurmi), Electoral
Studies 20, 2001, 147-157.
58. Resolving Group Choice Paradoxes Using Probabilistic and Fuzzy Concepts,
Group Decision and Negotiation 10, 2001, 177-198.
59. The 2000 Presidential Elections in Finland, (with L. Nurmi), Electoral
Studies 21, 2002, 473-479.
60. Measuring Disagreement in Group Choice Settings, pp. 313-331 in
M.J. Holler, H. Kliemt, D. Schmidtchen and M. E. Streit (eds), Power
and Fairness. Jahrbuch fur Neue Politische okonomie, Band 20, Tubingen:
Mohr Siebeck 2002.
61. Which Decision Rule for the Future Council?, (with M.O. Hosli) European
Union Politics 4, 2003, 37-50.
62. The parliamentary election in Finland, March 2003, ( with L. Nurmi),
Electoral Studies 23, 2004, 557-565.
63. Monotonicity and Its Cognates in the Theory of Choice, Public Choice
121, 2004, 25-49.
64. Assessing Contestability of Electoral Outcomes: An Illustration of
Saari’s Geometry of Elections in the Light of 2001 British Parliamentary
Elections, (with Maria Suojanen), Quality & Quantity 38, 2004,
65. A Comparison of Some Distance-Based Choice Rules in Ranking Environments,
Theory and Decision 57, 2004, 5-24.
66. A Responsive Voting System, Economics of Governance 6, 2005, 63-
67. Power, Outcomes and Preferences, (with Manfred J. Holler) Jahrbucher
fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik 225, 2005, 181-191.
68. Aggregation Problems in Policy Evaluation: An Overview, European
Journal of Political Economy 21, 2005, 287-300.
69. Political Representation: Perspective from Fuzzy Systems Theory,
(with Janusz Kacprzyk) New Mathematics and Natural Computation
3, 2007, 153-163.
70. Fuzzy Sets in Political Science: An Overview, (with Janusz Kacprzyk)
New Mathematics and Natural Computation 3, 2007, 281-299.
71. The Parliamentary Election in Finland, March 2007 (with Lasse Nurmi),
Electoral Studies 26, 797-803.
72. The Best Represented Voters in Europe: An a Priori Voting Power
Analysis of the 2004 Elections for the European Parliament (with Juha
Helin and Tapio Raunio), Homo Oeconomicus 24 (3-4), 2007, 485-500.
73. Fuzzy Social Choice: A Selective Retrospect, Soft Computing 12, 2008,
74. A Method for Finding Patterns of Party Support and Electoral Change:
An Analysis of British General and Finnish Municipal Elections (with
Fuad Aleskerov), Mathematical and Computer Modelling 48,2008, 1385-
75. More on Borda Count Variations for Project Assessment (with Hannu
Salonen), AUCO { Czech Economic Review 1, 2008, 109-122.
76. VotingWeights or Agenda Control: Which One Really Matters? AUCOCzech
Economic Review 4, 2010, 5-17.
77. Measurement of Power, Probabilities, and Alternative Models of Man
(with Manfred J. Holler), Quality and Quantity 44, 2010, 833-847.
78. The Parliamentary Election in Finland, April 2011 (with Lasse Nurmi)
Electoral Studies 31, 2012, 234-238.
79. Some Remarks on the Concept of Proportionality, Annals of Operations
Research 215, 2014, 231-244. DOI: 10.1007/s10479-012-1252-9.
80. Power Sharing in Politics (with Manfred J. Holler), International Game
Theory Review 15, 2013, 1340013-1 {1340013-13.
81. Are We Done with Preference Rankings? If We Are, then What?, Operations
Research and Decisions 24, 2014, 63 { 74. DOI: 10.5277/ord40405.
82. The Parliamentary Election in Finland, April 19, 2015 (with Lasse
Nurmi), Electoral Studies 40, 2015, 433 { 438.
83. Two Types of Participation Failure under Nine Voting Methods in
Variable Electorates (with Dan S. Felsenthal), Public Choice 168(1),2016,
115-135, DOI 10.1007/s.11127-016-0352-5
84. On Types of Responsiveness in the Theory of Voting (with Manfred
J. Holler), Operations Research and Decisions 26, 2016, 87 – 106, DOI
85. Reforming Democracy: Comment on “Proposals for a Democracy of
the Future” by Bruno Frey, Homo Oeconomicus, DOI 10.1007/s.41412-017-0043-6
86. Monotonicity Violations by Borda’s Elimination and Nanson’s Rules:
A Comparison (with Dan S. Felsenthal), Group Decision and Negotiation
27, 2018, 637 { 664.


1. Poliittinen uudenaikaistuminen: muutamien viitekehysten vertailua,
Politiikka XII, 1970, 47-66.
2. Selittamisesta, ymmartämisestä ja politiikan tutkimuksen tavoitteista,
Politiikka XIII, 1971, 1-9.
3. Muuttujien valisten yhteyksien asymmetrian tarkastelusta relaatioiden
lineaarisuusoletuksesta lähtien, Turun Yliopiston valtio-opin laitoksen
tutkimuksia, C:17, 1971.
4. Automaattien teorian statuksesta politiikan tutkimuksessa, Turun Yliopiston
valtio-opin laitoksen tutkimuksia, C: 19, 1971.
5. Vertailevan politiikan tutkimuksen metodologisista valinnoista, Politiikka
XIV, 1972, 3-32.
6. Sosiaalitieteellisen tutkimuksen hyodyntämisen filososia ongelmia, Politiikka
XVI, 1974, 5-19.
7. On Synthetizing Research Stemming from Dierent Methodological
Ground Positions, Institute of Political Science, University of Turku,
Research Report Series D: 2, 1974.
8. Mallin käsitteestä ja mallin hyvyyden kriteereistä, Turun yliopiston
yhteiskuntatieteiden metodiikan monistesarja 9, 1974.
9. Problem och tyngdpunkter i empirisk kausalanalys, Finsk Tidskrift
1/1975, 1975, 25-32.
10. Some Lessons from the Study of Biological Systems for the Modelling
of Social Systems, in Progress in Cybernetics and Systems Research,
vol. I, Washington, D.C.:Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1975.
11. Poliittisten instituutioiden talousteorioista, in V. Helander (ed.), Politiikan
tutkimuksen nakökulmia, Turku: Turun Yliopiston julkaisuja
sarja C: 20, 1978.
12. On the Economic Theories of Political Institutions, Munich Social Science
Review 4, 1978, 7-24.
13. On Fuzzy Games, in Progress in Cybernetics and Systems Research,
vol.IV, 1978.
14. Power and Support,Munich Social Science Review 4, 1978, 5-24.
15. Public Goods and the Analytic Theory of State, in P. Birnbaum, J.
Lively and G. Parry (eds), Democracy, Consensus & Social Contract,
London and Beverly Hills: SAGE Publications 1978.
16. Katastroteoriasta, in H. Frey and P. Malaska eds, Tulevaisuus vedenjakajalla,
Turku 1978.
17. Äänestysparadokseista ja kollektiivisesta päätöksenteosta, Tieteenfilosfioan
seminaari, Turun kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja A: 6, 1979.
18. Modelling Uncertainty in Political Decision Making, in P. Whiteley
(ed.), Models of Political Economy, London:Sage 1980.
19. E pluribus unum: äänestysmenettelyn valinnan ongelmia, Politiikka
XXIII, 1981, 410-437.
20. Aatelismiehia kansanvallan asialla, in T. Toivonen (ed.), Yhteiskuntatieteiden
kentältä, Turku: Turun yliopiston julkaisuja C: 34, 1982.
21. Measuring Power, in M.J.Holler (ed.), Power, Voting, and Voting
Power, Wurzburg-Wien:Physica Verlag 1982.
22. The Problem of the Right Distribution of Voting Power, in M.J.Holler
(ed.)Power, Voting, and Voting Power Wurzburg-Wien:Physica Verlag
23. Probability and Fuzziness: Some Methodological Considerations, in
L.Sjoberg et al. (eds.),Human Decision Making,Lund:Doxa, 1983.
24. Past Masters and Their Modern Followers, in I.Heiskanen and S. Hanninen
(eds.),Exploring the Basis of Politics, Tampere:Finnpublishers, 1983.
25. Toimiiko kanslerinvaalin äänestysmenettely?, Yliopisto 37, 1983.
26. Valtio-oppi 1600-luvun Turun Akatemiassa, in J.Nousiainen and D.
Anckar eds, Valtio ja yhteiskunta, Helsinki: WSOY 1983.
27. On Taking Preferences Seriously, in D.Anckar and E.Berndtson (eds.),
Essays on Democratic Theory, Tampere: Finnpublishers, 1984.
28. Observations on the Finnish Electoral System (with E. Lagerspetz),
in D. Anckar and E. Berndtson (eds.), Essays on Democratic Theory,
Tampere: Finnpublishers, 1984.
29. Problems of Voting Procedure, in Academia Scientiarum Fennica:
Yearbook 1984-1985, 183-189.
30. Michael OlaiWexionius and the 17th Century European Political Thought,
in V.Harle (ed.), Essays in Peace Studies, Aldershot: Avebury, 1987.
31. Political Succession as Policy Succession: Why So Much Stability?, in
P.Calvert (ed.), The Process of Political Succession, London: Macmillan
32. James M. Buchanan – julkisen valinnan teoreetikko, Kansantaloudellinen
aikakauskirja LXXXIII, 1987, 82-86.
33. W poszukiwaniu teorii rozstrzygania kon
iktow, Projektowanie i Systemy
IX, 1987, 19-38.
34. Inferential Modes in Applying Social Choice Theory, in B. R. Munier
and M.F. Shakun (eds.), Compromise, Negotiation and Group Decision,
Dordrecht: D.Reidel 1988.
35. Assumptions of Individual Preferences in the Theory of Voting Procedures,
in J.Kacprzyk and M.Roubens (eds.), Non-Conventional Preference
Relations in Decision Making, Berlin: Springer-Verlag 1988.
36. Banks, Borda and Copeland: A Comparison of Some Solution Concepts
in Finite Voting Games, in D.Sainsbury (ed.), Democracy, State
and Justice: Critical Perpectives and New Interpretations, Stockholm:
Almqvist & Wiksell International 1988.
37. Rational Consensus Models: Some Comparative Remarks, Complex
Control Systems 5, 1988, 3-8.
38. On Rationality and Legitimacy of Voting Procedures, in D. Anckar,
H.Nurmi & M.Wiberg (eds.), Rationality and Legitimacy: Essays on
Political Theory, Helsinki: The Finnish Political Science Association
39. Vaalijarjestelmien teoreettisesta tutkimuksesta, Politiikka XXX, 1988.
40. Maurice Allais’n paatoksentekotutkimuksesta, Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja
LXXXIV, 1988, 434-438.
41. Mita yhteiskuntatieteissä voi ennustaa?, in R. Lehti, T. Markkanen
and J. Rydman (eds), Isaac Newton – jättiläisen hartioilla, Helsinki:
URSA 1988.
42. Sota ja rauha 1500- ja 1600-lukujen yhteiskuntateorioissa, Rauhantutkimus
2/1988, 1988, 11-18.
43. On Nanson’s Method, in J.Paastela (ed.), Democracy in the Modern
World, Tampere: Acta Universitatis Tamperensis ser A, vol 260, 1989.
44. Linguistic Quantiers and Fuzzy Majorities for More Realistic and
Human-Consistent Group Decision Models, (with J. Kacprzyk) in G.
W. Evans, W. Karwowski and M. R. Wilhelm (eds.), Applications of
Fuzzy Set Methodologies in Industrial Engineering, Amsterdam: Elsevier
45. Arvoristiriitojen ratkaisusta äänestysmenettelyjä käyttäen, in P. Malaska,
I. Kantola and P. Kasanen (eds), Energiapolitiikan arvoristiriidat, Turun
kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja A -1, 1989.
46. Oveluutta kansan edun nimissä: katsaus esityslistan manipulointiin
ja strategiseen äänestämiseen, in M. Wiberg (ed.), Esseitä politiikan
päiväjärjestyksestä, Turun yliopisto: Valtio-oppi, tutkimustiedotteita
10, 1989.
47. A Theoretical Review of the Finnish Parliamentary and Presidential
System, in J.Sundberg and S.Berglund (eds.), Finnish Democracy,
Helsinki: The Finnish Political Science Association 1990.
48. Computer Simulation of Voting Systems, in K.Borcherding, O.Larichev
and D.Messick (eds.), Contemporary Issues in Decision Making, Amsterdam:
North-Holland 1990.
49. Vague Notions in the Theory of Voting, (with M. Fedrizzi and J.Kacprzyk)
in J.Kacprzyk and M.Fedrizzi (eds.), Multiperson Decision Making using
Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic
Publishers 1990.
50. Fuzzy Logic with Linguistic Quantiers in Group Decision Making and
Consensus Formation, (with J.Kacprzyk and M. Fedrizzi) in R.Kulikowski
and J.Kacprzyk (eds), Badania Systemowe, Tom 3, Warszawa: Omnitech
Press 1990.
51. Riskinotto ilman empiriaa eli päätöksenteon perusongelmia suurissa
teknologiahankkeissa, in M. Ojanpera (ed.), Sireenien ulvonnasta seireenien
lauluun: antologia modernin yhteiskunnan riskeistä, IVO-viestintäpalvelut
52. Muutos ja kausaliteetti, in I. Halonen and H. Hayry (eds), Muutos,
Helsinki: Suomen Filosonen yhdistys 1990.
53. Understanding Institutions through Theoretical Models, in M. Wiberg
(ed.), The Political Life of Institutions: Scripta in honorem professoris
Jaakko Nousiainen sexagesimum annum complentis, Helsinki:
The Finnish Political Science Association 1991.
54. Salaiset vaalit ja matemaattinen kryptograa, (with A. Salomaa), Politiikka
XXXIII, 1991, 11-18.
55. Arguments for Voting Systems, in J. Pietarinen (ed.), Problems of
Philosophical Argumentation: II Special Arguments, Turku: Reports
from the Department of Practical Philosophy, vol. 5, 1992.
56. Group Decision Making and Consensus under Fuzzy Preferences, (with
J. Kacprzyk and M. Fedrizzi), Fuzzy Sets and Systems 49, 1992, 21-31.
57. Apriorisen äänestysvallan jakautuminen Euroopan Yhteisön ministerineuvostossa,
Politiikka XXXIV, 1992, 118-128.
58. Tietokonevaalit ja Tengvallin credo, Politiikka XXXIV, 1992, 199-201.
59. Designing Viable Political Institutions: Perspectives from Social Choice
Theory, in J.W. Owsinski, J.Stefanski and A.Straszak (eds.), Transition
to Advanced Market Economies: Strategic Options, Modelling
Approaches and Operational Research Perspectives, Warszawa: Association
of Polish Operational Research Societies 1992.
60. Some Lessons from Social Choice Theory to Constitutional Design, in
D. Anckar and K.Jurgaitiene (eds.), Democracy in Theory and Practice:
Lectures and Presentations, Abo: Abo Akademi Press 1993.
61. Cryptographic Protocols for Auctions and Bargaining, in J. Karhumaki,
H. Maurer and G.Rozenberg (eds.), Results and Trends in Theoretical
Computer Science. Colloqium in Honor of Arto Salomaa, Berlin:
Springer-Verlag 1994 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 812).
62. The Nearly Perfect Auctioneer, (with A.Salomaa) in S.Rios (ed.), Decision
Theory and Decision Analysis: Trends and Challenges, Boston-
Dordrecht-London: Kluwer 1994.
63. On Cryptographic Auctions, in R.Kulikowski, K. Szkatula and J. Kacprzyk
(eds.), Proceedings of 9th Polish-Italian and 5th Polish-Finnish Symposium
on Systems Analysis and Decision Support in Economics and
Technology, Warszawa: Omnitech Press 1994.
64. Kylla kansa tietaa, Politiikka XXXVI, 1994, 167-176.
65. Kakunjaon ongelma, in A. Kovalainen and J. Ikonen (eds), Tieteen boheemi
– boheemin tiede, Turku: Turun kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja,
Keskusteluja ja raportteja 6, 1994.
66. EU-kansanaanestys ja sosiaalisen valinnan teoria, Kanava 1, 1994, 36-
67. Tutkimuksen laatu ratkaiskoon!, in M. Wiberg (ed.), Yliopisto uusiksi!,
Helsinki: Gaudeamus 1995.
68. Voting as a Game of Strategy, in M.Wiberg (ed.), Multidisciplinary
Views on Strategic Interactions, Turku: Studies of Political Science
n:o 14, Department of Political Science, University of Turku 1996.
69. Special Issue: Group Decision Quality and Social Choice Theory, Editorial,
(with S.Berg) Group Decision and Negotiation 5, 1996, 207-209.
70. Yhdistetyt enemmistöt, Simpsonin paradoksi ja demokratia, in M.
Wiberg (ed.), Politiikan moninaisuus, Turku: Turun yliopiston julkaisuja
C: 118, 1996.
71. “Soft” Degrees of Consensus under Fuzzy Preferences and Fuzzy Majorities,
(with J. Kacprzyk and M. Fedrizzi), in J. Kacprzyk, H. Nurmi
and M. Fedrizzi (eds.), Consensus under Fuzziness, Boston-London-
Dordrecht: Kluwer 1997.
72. OWA Operators in Group Decision Making and Consensus Reaching
under Fuzzy Preferences and Fuzzy Majority, (with J. Kacprzyk
and M. Fedrizzi), in R.R. Yager and J. Kacprzyk (eds.), The Ordered
Weighted Averaging Operators: Theory and Applications, Boston-London-
Dordrecht: Kluwer 1997.
73. Kolme lähestymistapaa Euroopan Unionin instituutioiden tutkimiseen,
in T. Raunio and M. Wiberg eds, Päätöksenteko Euroopan Unionissa,
Helsinki: Gaudeamus 1998.
74. Group Decision Making Under Fuzziness, (with J. Kacprzyk) in R.
Slowinski, ed., Fuzzy Sets in Decision Analysis, Operations Research
and Statistics, Boston-Dordrecht-London: Kluwer 1998.
75. Calculus of Consent in the EU Council of Ministers, (with T. Meskanen
and A. Pajala), pp. 291-313 in M. J. Holler and G. Owen (eds), Power
Indices and Coalitions Formation, Boston-Dordrecht-London: Kluwer
76. Group Decision Making and a Measure of Consensus under Fuzzy Preferences
and a Fuzzy Linguistic Majority, (with J. Kacprzyk and M.
Fedrizzi) in L. A. Zadeh and J. Kacprzyk (eds), Computing with Words
in Information/Intelligent Systems 2, Heidelberg-New York: Physica-
Verlag 1999.
77. Schwartz’ Paradox Is a Variant of No-Show Paradox, in E. Fuhle,
ed., Proceedings of the Symposium Clinical Trials, Games or Power?
in Honour of Professor Sven Berg and Professor Jan Lanke, Lund:
Department of Statistics, University of Lund 1999.
78. Causality in Comparative Research, in L. Karvonen and K. Stahlberg
(eds), Festschrift for Dag Anckar on His 60th Birthday on February
12, 2000, Abo: Abo Akademi University Press 2000.
79. Majority Rule and Stability: Where Do We Stand Now? in S. S.
Nagel, ed., Handbook of Global Political Policy, New York – Basel:
Marcel Dekker 2000.
80. Social Choice and Fuzziness: A Perspective, (with J. Kacprzyk) in
J. Fodor, B. De Baets and P. Perny (eds), Preferences and Decisions
under Incomplete Knowledge, Heidelberg – New York: Physica-Verlag
81. Rationaalisen valinnan teorian oikeasta ja väärästä kritiikistä, pp.
411-427 in P. Kettunen, A. Kultanen and T. Soikkanen, eds, Jäljillä.
Kirjoituksia historian ongelmista. Turku: Kirja-Aurora 2000.
82. Comments to Jones: The Ambiguity of Proportional Representation,
Finnish Yearbook of Political Thought 2000, 42-49.
83. Decision Rules in the Council, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced
Studies, European University Institute, Working Paper, December 2001.
84. Kansan todennäköinen tahto, pp. 105-109 in V. Launis and M. Oksanen
eds, Viisauden ystavyys, Turku: Turun yliopiston losoan laitos
85. Decision Rules and Voting Weights in the Council of Ministers: Remarks
on the Relevance of A Priori Power Measures, pp. 231-243 in U.
Vesa, ed., Studying the World and Changing It. Festschrift for Jyrki
Kakonen, Tampere: Tampere Peace Research Institute 2003.
86. Kansanvallan arvoista ja arvojen ristiriidoista, pp. 355-371 in V. Kanniainen
and M. Sintonen, eds, Etiikka ja talous, Helsinki: WSOY 2003.
87. Decision Making in Committees: An Introductory Overview, pp. 47-
63 in J. Kacprzyk and D . Wagner eds, Group Decisions and Voting,
Warszawa: Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
88. Patterns of Party Competition in British General and Finnish Municipal
Elections, (with F. T. Aleskerov), Moscow State University: High
School of Economics, Working paper WP7/2003/07.
89. Korkeakoulujen arviointi äänestämisen teorian valossa, pp. 159-173
in M. Widgren, ed., Kansallisesta voitosta globaaleille markkinoille,
Helsinki: Taloustieto 2004.
90. Consensus Finding as Distance Minimization, pp. 89-98 in V. A.
Niskanen and J. Kortelainen, eds, On the Edge of Fuzziness. Studies
in Honor of Jorma K. Mattila on His Sixtieth Birthday, Lappeenranta:
Acta Universitatis Lappeenrantaensis 179, 2004.
91. Consensus Finding as Distance Minimization, pp. 223-237 in M.G.
Dmitriev and A.P. Petrov, eds, Proceedings of the International Conference
\Mathematical Modelling of Social and Economical Dynamics,
Moscow: Russian State Social University, 2004.
92. On Group Decision Making, Voting and Some Voting Paradoxes under
Fuzzy Preferences, (with J. Kacprzyk and S. Zadrozny), pp. 19-32, in
P. Walden, R. Fuller and J. Carlsson, eds, Expanding the Limits of the
Possible, Abo 2006.
93. Distance from Consensus: A Theme and Variations (with Tommi
Meskanen), pp. 117 – 132 in B. Simeone and F. Pukelsheim, eds,
Mathematics and Democracy: Recent Advances in Voting Systems and
Collective Choice. Studies in Choice and Welfare, Berlin-Heidelberg:
Springer Verlag 2006.
94. Enemmistövaltaa vähemmistosuojan kera, in J. Käkonen and J. Paastela,
eds, Demokratia ja poliittinen osallistuminen, Tampere: Tampereen
yliopisto, Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos, 2006.
95. Berksonin ongelma, in J. Haukioja and A. Repo, eds, Halu ymmärtää,
Turku: Turun yliopiston losoan laitoksen julkaisuja no. 16, 2006.
96. Suomalainen vaalitapa eilen, tänään ja (ehka) huomenna, Tieteessä
tapahtuu 1, 2007, 13-20.
97. Assessing Borda’s Rule and Its Modications, pp. 109-119 in P. Emerson,
ed., Designing an All-Inclusive Democracy. Consensual Voting
Procedures for Use in Parliaments, Councils and Committees, Berlin:
Springer 2007.
98. Designing Representative Bodies when the Voter Preferences Are Fuzzy,
(with Janusz Kacprzyk), pp. 211-219 in Patricia Melin, Oscar Castillo,
Luis T. Aguilar, Janusz Kacprzyk and Witold Pedrycz, eds, Foundations
of Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing, LNAI 4529, Berlin-Heidelberg
99. Representing Groups with Imprecise Opinions,(with Janusz Kacprzyk)
pp. 445-448 in Martin ^St^epni^cka, Vilem Novak and Ulrich Bodenhofer,
eds, New Dimensions in Fuzzy Logic and Related Technologies, Vol. I,
Ostrava: Universitatis Ostraviensis 2007.
100. Closeness Counts in Social Choice (with Tommi Meskanen), pp. 289-
306 in Matthew Braham and Frank Steen, eds, Power, Freedom and
Voting: Essays in Honor of Manfred J. Holler, Berlin: Springer-Verlag
101. On the Art of Being Usefully Wrong: Lessons from Voting Paradoxes,
pp. 119-129 in H. Flam and M. Carson, eds, Rule Systems Theory: Applications
and Explorations, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Langer, 2008.
102. Yhteiskunnalliset lait ja kausaliteetti (Social Laws and Causality) (with
Olli Koistinen),Ajatus 65, 2008, 7-23.
103. On Group Decision Making, Consensus Reaching, Voting and Voting
Paradoxes under Fuzzy Preferences and a Fuzzy Majority: A Survey
and Some Perspectives, (with Janusz Kacprzyk, Mario Fedrizzi
and S lawomir Zadrozny), pp. 263-295 in H. Bustince, F. Herrera, J.
Montero, eds, Fuzzy Sets and Their Extensions: Representation, Aggregation
and Models, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer Verlag
104. On Group Decision Making, Consensus Reaching, Voting and Voting
Paradoxes under Fuzzy Preferences and a Fuzzy Majority: A Survey
and a Granulation Perspective, (with Janusz Kacprzyk, Mario Fedrizzi
and S lawomir Zadrozny), pp. 906-929 in W. Pedrycz, A. Skowron, V.
Kreinovich, eds, Handbook of Granular Computing, Chichester: Wiley
105. Probability and Fuzziness { Echoes from 30 Years Back, pp. 161-174
in R. Seising, ed., Views on Fuzzy Sets and Systems from Dierent
Perspectives, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer Verlag, Studies
in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 2009.
106. Fuzzy Preferences as a Convenient Tool in Group Decision Making and
a Remedy for Voting Paradoxes, (with Janusz Kacprzyk, S lawomir
Zadro_zny and Mario Fedrizzi) pp. 345-360 in R. Seising, ed., Views on
Fuzzy Sets and Systems from Dierent Perspectives, Berlin-Heidelberg-
New York: Springer Verlag, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing,
107. Some Fundamental Problems of Opinion Modelling with Implications
to Committee Composition and Social Choice. In Proceedings of
FUZZ-IEEE 2009, August 20-24, 2009, ICC Jeju, Korea, pp. 987-991.
108. Finland, (with Rauli Mickelsson) pp. 318-328 in: in W. Lehmann,
(ed.), The Selection of Candidates for the European Parliament by
National Parties and the Impact of European Political Parties, European
Parliament, Directorate for Internal Policies, 2009.
109. Voting Systems for Social Choice, pp. 167-182 in D. M. Kilgour and
C. Eden (eds), Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation, Berlin-
Heidelberg-New York: Springer Verlag, 2010.
110. Connections and Implications of the Ostrogorski Paradox for Spatial
Voting Models, (with Donald G. Saari) pp. 31-56 in A. Van Deemen
and A. Rusinowska, eds, Collective Decision Making. Views from Social
Choice and Game Theory, Berlin-Heldelberg-New York: Springer
111. On the Relative Unimportance of Voting Weights: Observations on
Agenda-Based Voting Procedures, pp. 171-180 in M. Cichocki and K.
Zyczkowski, eds, Institutional Design and Voting Power in the European
Union, Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate 2010.
112. Thin Rationality and Representation of Preferences with Implications
to Spatial Voting Models, pp. 321-337 in S. Greco, R. A. Marques
Pereira, M. Squillante, R. Yager and J. Kacprzyk, eds, Preferences
and Decisions: Models and Applications, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York:
Springer Verlag 2010.
113. Nice, but Are They Relevant? A Political Scientist Looks at Social
Choice Results, pp. 27-28 in V. Conitzer and J. Rothe (eds), Proceedings
of the Third International Workshop on Computational Social
Choice, COMSOC 2010, Dusseldorf: Dusseldorf University Press.
114. Voting Theory, pp. 101-123 in D. Rios Insua and S. French (eds),
e-Democracy, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer Verlag 2010.
115. Wholes and Parts Revisited, pp. 54-72 in P. Ahonen, S. Hanninen
and K. Palonen (eds), Fortunae Rota Volvitur, Helsinki: The Finnish
Political Science Association 2010.
116. Felsenthal, Dan S. (1938-) pp. 245-246 in K. Dowding (ed.), Encyclopedia
of Power, Los Angeles: SAGE 2011.
117. Machover, Moshe (1936-) p. 397 in K. Dowding (ed.), Encyclopedia of
Power, Los Angeles: SAGE 2011.
118. Paradox of New Members, pp. 471-472 in K. Dowding (ed.), Encyclopedia
of Power, Los Angeles: SAGE 2011.
119. Voting Paradoxes, pp. 695-698 in K. Dowding (ed.), Encyclopedia of
Power, Los Angeles: SAGE 2011.
120. Power Indices, pp. 1334-1335 (Vol. 4) in G. Kurian (ed.), The Encyclopedia
of Political Science, Washington, D. C.: CQ Press 2011.
121. Voting Procedures, pp. 1747-1748 (Vol. 5) in G. Kurian (ed.), The
Encyclopedia of Political Science, Washington, D. C.: CQ Press 2011.
122. Settings of Consensual Processes: Candidates, Verdicts, Policies, pp.
159-177 in E. Herrera-Viedma, J. L. Garca-Lapresta, J. Kacprzyk,
M. Fedrizzi, H. Nurmi and S. Zadro_zny (eds), Consensual Processes,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer Verlag 2011.
123. On the Relevance of Theoretical Results to Voting System Choice,
pp. 255-274 in D. S. Felsenthal and M. Machover (eds.), Electoral
Systems: Paradoxes, Assumptions, and Procedures, Berlin-Heidelberg-
New York: Springer Verlag 2012.
124. Full Proportionality in Sight? Pp. 317-333 in C. Anckar and D. Anckar
(eds.), Comparisons, Regimes, Elections: Festschrift for Lauri
Karvonen, Abo: Abo Akademi University Press 2012.
125. Fuzzy Sets Seemed to Work. Pp. 487-492 in R. Seising, E. Trillas, C.
Moraga and S. Termini (eds), On Fuzziness: A Homage to Lot A.
Zadeh – Volume 2. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer 2013.
126. Towards a Comprehensive Similarity Analysis of Voting Procedures
Using Rough Sets and Similarity Measures, (with Janusz Kacprzyk
and S lawomir Zadro_zny), pp. 359-380 in A. Skowron and Z. Suraj
(eds.), Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems { Professor Zdzis law Pawlak
in Memoriam, Volume 1, Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer 2013.
127. Reflections on Power, Voting, and Voting Power, (with Manfred J.
Holler), pp. 1 – 24 in M. J. Holler and H. Nurmi (eds.), Power, Voting,
and Voting Power, Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer 2013.
128. Party Competition and Electoral Turnout: Downs’s Calculus in a Multiparty
System (with Juha Helin), pp. 160-176 in F. Cabrillo and M. A.
Puchades-Navarro (eds.), Constitutional Economics and Public Institutions.
Essays in Honour of Jose Casas Pardo, Cheltenham: Edward
Elgar 2013.
129. Some Voting Paradoxes: A Fuzzy Preference and Fuzzy Majority Perspective
(with J. Kacprzyk, S. Zadro_zny and M. Fedrizzi), pp. 219-
236 in A. Ventre, A. Maturo, S. Hoskova-Meyerova and J. Kacprzyk
(eds.), Multicriteria and Multiagent Decision Making with Applications
to Economics and Social Sciences, Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer
Verlag 2013. Zadro_zny
130. Making Sense of Intransitivity, Incompleteness and Discontinuity of
Preferences, pp. 184 – 192 in P. Zarate, G. Kersten and J. Hernandez
(eds.), Group Decision and Negotiation: A Process-Oriented View,
LNBIP 180, Cham-Heidelberg-New York-Dordrecht-London: Springer
Verlag 2014.
131. Aiding the Choice of a Voting Procedure for a Business Decision Problem
(with Adiel Teixeira de Almeida), pp. 269 – 276 in P. Zarate, G.
Camilleri, D. Kamissoko and F. Amblard (eds.), Group Decision and
Negotiation 2014: Proceedings, Toulouse: Toulouse University 2014.
132. Aspects of Power Overlooked by Power Indices (with Manfred J. Holler),
pp. 205-219 in R. Fara, D. Leech and M. Salles (eds.), Voting Power
and Procedures: Essays in Honour of Dan Felsenthal and Moshe Machover,
Switzerland: Springer International 2014.
133. Pathology or Revelation? The Public Good Index (with Manfred J.
Holler), pp. 247 – 257 in R. Fara, D. Leech and M. Salles (eds.),
Voting Power and Procedures: Essays in Honour of Dan Felsenthal
and Moshe Machover, Switzerland: Springer International 2014.
134. Institution Design and the Preference Ranking Assumption, pp. 107
– 121 in T. Raunio and H. Nurmi (eds.), The Serious Game of Politics.
Festschrift for Matti Wiberg, Helsinki: Finnish Political Science
Association 2014.
135. The Choice of Voting Rules Based on Preferences over Criteria, pp.
241 – 252 in B. Kaminski, G. E. Kersten and T. Szapiro (eds.), Outlooks
and Insights on Group Decision and Negotiation, Cham-Heidelberg-
New York-Dordrect-London: Springer International Publishing Switzerland
136. A Framework for Aiding the Choice of a Voting Procedure (with Adiel
Teixeira de Almeida), pp. 211 – 225 in B. Kaminski, G. E. Kersten
and T. Szapiro (eds.), Outlooks and Insights on Group Decision and
Negotiation, Cham-Heidelberg-New York-Dordrect-London: Springer
International Publishing Switzerland 2015.
137. Choosing a Voting Procedure for a Leisure Group Activity (with Lihi
Naamani-Dery and Adiel Teixeira de Almeida), pp. 225 -227 in B.
Kaminski, G. Kersten, P. Szufel, M. Jakubczyk and T. Wachowicz
(eds.), The 15th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation
Letters, Warsaw: Warsaw School of Economics Press 2015.
138. Mitähän professori Riker sanoisi tänaän? Politiikan teorian ja sosiaalisen
valinnan jaälleennäkeminen, pp. 114 – 124, teoksessa M. Ahteensuu
(toim.), E pluribus unum: Scripta in honorem Eerik Lagerspetz
sexagesimum annum complentis, University of Turku: Reports
from the Department of Philosophy 2016.
139. The Finnish Way of Governance: Something New on the Horizon?,
Research on Finnish Society 8, 2015, 99 – 104.
140. Mita vikaa Granger-kausaliteetissa?, pp. 319 – 329 teoksessa H. Laiho
and A. Repo (toim.), De natura rerum: Scripta in honorem professoris
Olli Koistinen sexagesimum annum complentis, University of Turku:
Reports from the Department of Philosophy 2016.
141. Reflections on the Signicance of Misrepresenting Preferences, pp. 149
– 161 in N. T. Ngyuen, R. Kowalczyk and J. Mercik (eds), Transactions
on Computational Collective Intelligence XXIII, Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer
Verlag 2016.
142. Vaalimenettelyt ja äänestämisen hyöty äänestäjälle (Voting procedures
and the benet of voting to the voter), pp. 190 – 218 in E. Kestilä-
Kekkonen and P-E. Korvela (eds), Poliittinen osallistuminen. Vanhan
ja uuden osallistumisen jännitteitä, Jyvaäskylä: Sophi 2017.
143. Choosing a Voting Procedure for the GDSS GRUS (with R. P. Palha,
P. Zarate, and A. T. de Almeida), pp. 163-174 in M. Schoop and D.
M. Kilgour (eds.), Group Decision and Negotiation: A Socio-Technical
Perspective. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol.
293, Cham: Springer International Publishing 2017.
144. Using Similarity and Dissimilarity Measures of Binary Patterns for the
Comparison of Voting Procedures (with J. Kacprzyk and S. Zadro_zny),
pp. 141 – 169 in J. Kacprzyk, D. Filev and G. Beliakov (eds.), Granular,
Soft and Fuzzy Approaches for Intelligent Systems. Dedicated to
Professor Ronald R. Yager, Springer International Publishing Switzerland
2017. DOI: 10.1007/978 – 3 – 319 – 40314 – 4.
145. The Introduction and Development of Fuzzy Sets Theory and Applications
in Finland, (with C. Carlsson and V. A. Niskanen) Archives for
the Philosophy and History of Soft Computing, Issue 1/2017), 2017, 2
– 10.
146. An Overview and Re-Interpretation of Paradoxes of Responsiveness,
pp. 21 – 31 in M. Collan and J. Kacprzyk (eds.), Soft Computing
Applications for Group Decision-making and Consensus Modeling,
Cham: Springer International Publishing 2017. DOI 10.1007/978-3-
147. Reason vs. Rationality, (with J. Kacprzyk and S. Zadrozny) pp. 28 –
39 in N. T. Ngyuen, R. Kowalczyk and J. Mercik (eds), Transactions
on Computational Collective Intelligence XXVII, Berlin-Heidelberg:
Springer Verlag 2017.
148. Optimaalinen edustus kasitteellisenä ongelmana (Optimal representation
as a conceptual problem), pp. 253 – 278 in E. Kestila-Kekkonen
and T. Raunio (eds), Valta ja politiikka. Juhlakirja Ilkka Ruostetsaarelle
hanen 60-vuotispäivanään, Helsinki: The Finnish Political
Science Association 2018.
149. Reflections of Two Old Condorcet Extensions, pp. 1-13 in Transactions
on Computational Collective Intelligence XXXI, Switzerland:
Springer 2018.


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2. Michael Laver: Playing Politics. Harmondsworth, Penguing Books
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3. Michael Laver: The Politics of Private Desires. Harmondsworth. Peguing
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4. Robert Abrams: Foundations of Political Analysis: An Introduction
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5. William H. Riker: Liberalism against Populism: A Confrontation between
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6. Michael L. Balinski and H. Peyton Young: Fair Representation, Meeting
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7. Steven J. Brams and Peter C. Fishburn: Approval Voting. Birkhuser
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9. Michael Laver: Invitations to Politics. Martin Robertson, Oxford
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10. Anthony Giddens: Yhteiskuntateorian keskeisiä ongelmia. Suom. I.
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11. Steven J. Brams: Superpower Games: Applying Game Theory to Superpower
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12. Michael Laver and Norman Schoeld : Multiparty Government. The
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13. Mika Mannermaa: Evolutionaarinen tulevaisuudentutkimus. Tulevaisuuden
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14. Michael Laver and Norman Schoeld: Multiparty Government. The
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Oxford University Press, Oxford; 1991, pp. vii + 308. European
Journal of Political Economy 8, 133, 1992.
15. Valerie M. Hudson (toim.), Articial Intelligence and International
Politics. Westview Press, Oxford 1991, 422 s. Kosmopolis 24, 89-94,
16. Steven J. Brams and Alan D. Taylor: Fair Division: From Cake-
Cutting to Dispute Resolution. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge;
1996, pp. xiv – 272. Politiikka 38, 64-66, 1996.
17. Steven J. Brams and Alan D. Taylor: Fair Division: From Cake-
Cutting to Dispute Resolution. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge;
1996, pp. xiv – 272. European Journal of Political Economy
12, 169-172, 1996.
18. Dan S. Felsenthal and Moshe Machover: The Measurement of Voting
Power: Theory and Practice, Problems and Paradoxes. Edward Elgar,
Cheltenham 1998, pp. xviii + 322. European Journal of Political
Economy 15, 773-775, 1999.
19. P. K. Dutta: Strategies and Games: Theory and Practice. MIT Press,
Cambridge, Mass., 1999, Journal of Economics/Zeitschrift fur National
okonomie 71, 82-84, 2000.
20. Steven J. Brams and Alan D. Taylor: The Win-Win Solution. Guaranteeing
Fair Shares to Everybody. W. W. Norton, New York 1999,
pp. 177. Tieteessä tapahtuu, 7/2000, 61-63, 2000.
21. Norman Schoeld, The Spatial Model of Politics. Routledge Frontiers
of Political Economy 95, Routledge, London and New York: Routledge
2008, pp. xxiii+296. European Journal of Political Economy 25, 567-
570, 2009.
22. Andranik Tangian, Mathematical Theory of Democracy. Studies in
Choice and Welfare. Berlin { Heidelberg 2014, xiii + 615 pp. Journal
of Economics 111, 203-205.

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