Spring semester 2025
Symbolic Dynamics
Lectures (14 times 2 hours) Jan 15 – Feb 28:
- 10:15-12:00 Wednesdays in room M1 (Quantum, 2nd floor)
- 10:15-12:00 Thursdays in room M2 (Quantum 2nd floor)
- 10:15-12:00 Fridays in room M1 (Quantum, 2nd floor)
Homework sessions (6 times 2 hours):
- 10:15-12:00 Mondays in room M1 (Quantum, 2nd floor)
Exceptions: No classes on 17.1.-24.1. and not on Thursdays 20.2. and 27.2. Friday 28.2. will be homework instead of a lecture.
Course Web Page: http://users.utu.fi/jkari/sd2025
Instructor: Jarkko Kari <jkari@utu.fi>; office: Quantum 365, 3rd floor
- No textbook. Lecture notes are posted on the course web page.
About homework:
- To pass the course, at least 25% of the homework problems must be completed. The more problems you solve, the more credit towards the final grade you get: You get demo class
- A, if you complete 70%-100%,
- B, if you complete 45%-70%,
- C, if you complete 25%-45%
of the given problems.
Final exam:
- Date TBA
- Anyone with democlass at least C has qualified to take the exam.
- Homework activity (demo class A, B or C) and the score of the final exam determine the final grade.
Brief course outline
- Review of topology (compact metric spaces, Cantor space)
- Topological dynamics (mixing properties, recurrence, sensitivity)
- Intoduction to shift spaces
- Subshifts of finite type, sofic shifts, effective subshifts