9th September, 2024

Kimi Kärki
PhD, Lecturer
Cultural Study of Music
Sibelius Academy, University of the Ars Helsinki (Seinäjoki campus)

Title of Docent: Cultural Heritage Studies, University of Turku; Area and Cultural Studies, University of Helsinki

Mobile phone (work): +358 50 576 6668.
Email: kimi.karki(at)


International Institute for Popular Culture (IIPC)

Cultural History, School of History, Culture and Arts Studies
FIN-20014 University of Turku




Director: Fascinating fascism and its affective heritage in Finnish culture (Kone Foundation, 2021–2025): 

Senior Researcher: Talking Machines. Electronic voice and the interpretation of emotions and self-understanding in human-machine communication in 1960–2020 (Kone Foundation 2018–2022):



Name: Kärki, Kimi Ervo Petteri

Time and place of birth: 16th April, 1976 Rauma
Married to  Maarit Leskelä-Kärki
Children: Aalo (born 2002) and Aarni (born 2007)



2022 Adjunct Professor (Title of Docent), University of Helsinki, Area and Cultural Studies.
2018 Adjunct Professor (Title of Docent). University of Turku, Cultural Heritage Studies. Field of speciality: Popular culture, in particular the cultural heritage of popular music.
2014 PhD. University of Turku, Cultural History. Doctoral Thesis title: Rakennettu areenatähteys. Rock-konsertti globalisoituvana mediaspectaakkelina 1965-2013. (Constructed Arena Stardom. Rock Concert as a Globalizing Media Spectacle, 1965-2013).
2008 Licentiate of Philosophy. University of Turku, Cultural History. Phil. Lic. Thesis title: Epätoivon ja teknologian teatterissa: Pink Floydin lavaesiintyminen 1965-1995. (In the Theatre of Despair and Technology: Pink Floyd’s Stage Performance 1965-1995).
2002 M.A. University of Turku, Cultural History.
M.A.-thesis title Taiderockin naamiot teknologian teatterissa. Pink Floydin lavaesiintyminen 1965-1981
(Masques of Art Rock. Pink Floyd’s Stage Performance 1965-1981).
Side subjects: Comparative Religion, Practical Philosophy.
2002 B.A. University of Turku, Cultural History.
Side subjects: Comparative Religion, Practical Philosophy.
1997 Undergraduate, Department of History, University of Turku.




Lecturer, Cultural Study of Music, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki (Seinäjoki unit)


Fasismin lumo ja affektiivinen perintö suomalaisessa kulttuurissa (The Fascination and Affective Heritage of Fascism in Finnish Culture. Project funded by Kone Foundation 2021–2023, extended to 2025). PI: Adjunct Professor Kimi Kärki.

Talking Machines. Electronic voice and the interpretation of emotions and self-understanding in human-machine communication in 1960–2020 (Project funded by Kone Foundation 2018–2022). PI: Adjunct Professor Pertti Grönholm.



October-December 2019: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS), planning the future of Scholars at Risk network in Finland.

Project Designer (Turku City Library, Music Library). January–May 2018.

ASLA-Fulbright Junior Scholar (Center for Popular Music Studies, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA). January to June 2017.

January 2016-December 2016 University Lecturer (45%), International Institute for Popular Culture (IIPC), see

January 2016-December 2016 University Lecturer (55%), European Heritage, Digital Media and the Information Society. A European Master’s Programme, part of EuroMACHS Network. University of Turku (partner universities: Coimbra, Cologne, Graz, Salento). See

March 2012-December 2015 Coordinator, International Institute for Popular Culture (IIPC), see

March 2008-December 2015 Coordinator, European Heritage, Digital Media and the Information Society. A European Master’s Programme, part of EuroMACHS Network. University of Turku (partner universities: Coimbra, Cologne, Graz, Salento). See

January 2012-January 2015, Coordinator, PhD Programme in Popular Culture Studies (PPCS), University of Turku (partner universities: Abo Akademi, University of Eastern Finland, University of Jyväskylä).

Grant researcher, Emil Aaltonen Foundation, September-October 2013. During this time I was on a research leave from the coordinating duties.

November 2010-February 2012 Coordinator, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS), see

September 2011-October 2011 Coordinator, International Institute for Popular culture (IIPC), see

January 2008-February 2008 Grant Researcher, Cultural History, University of Turku.

August 2005-December 2007 Research Fellow, the Academy of Finland project “The Starnet: Changing Discourses of Popular Music Stardom

February 2006-July 2006 Visiting Fellow, Institute of Popular Music, University of Liverpool, UK

August 2004-July 2005 Assistant, Cultural History, University of Turku

May 2003-July 2004 Coordinator, The Graduate School on Cultural Interaction
and Integration and the Baltic Sea Region

August 2002-July 2003 Assistant, Cultural History, University of Turku

April-May 2002 Project secretary, Cultural History, University of Turku

May-September 2001 Trainee for Governmental Administration, Cultural History, University of Turku



2021 Kone Foundation: Research project Fascinating fascism and its affective heritage in Finnish culture. 351 300 euros. PI: Adjunct Professor Kimi Kärki. My own funding is 1 year 9 months, the whole duration of the project is 2021–2023. Extended to 2025.

2020 Turku University Foundation: Granö Scholarship for one-week research residence at Granö Center, Villa Tammekann, Tartu, Estonia.

2017 Kone Foundation: Research project Talking Machines. Electronic voice and the interpretation of emotions and self-understanding in human-machine communication in 1960–2020. PI: Adjunct Professor Pertti Grönholm. My funding is for 2 years and 6 months. The whole duration of the project is 2018–2022.

2016 Emil Aaltosen Säätiö: one year research grant (used in 2017)

2016 Fulbright Finland: 6 month Visiting Fellowship at Case Western Reserve University Center for Popular Music Studies (cost share with University of Turku)

2013 Emil Aaltosen Säätiö: 2 month research grant.

2012 Turku University Foundation: Granö Scholarship for two-week research residence at Granö Center, Villa Tammekann, Tartu, Estonia.

2012 University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS): Grant for 1 Month PhD-work.

2008 Turku University Foundation: Grant for a conference trip to Iceland.

2007 Suomen Kulttuurirahaston Varsinais-Suomen rahasto: 6 month grant for PhD-work.

2005 Academy of Finland: Grant for Visiting Foreign Research Institute (Institute of Popular Music, University of Liverpool, 6 months).

2001 The Finnish University Foundation of Turku: Research grant for MA-thesis.



Pedagogical studies (35 ECTS):

University Pedagogy (University of Turku Faculty of Education, tailored for Cultural History department,  10 ECTS, 2004)

Feminist Pedagogy I (HILMA Network, 5 ECTS, 2021, )

Feminist Pedagogy II (HILMA Network, 5 ECTS, 2022)

Feminist Pedagogy III (Tunteet ja ruumiillisuus opetuksessa, HILMA Network, 5 ECTS, 2022)

Feminist Pedagogy IV (Ohjaus feministisessä pedagogiikassa, HILMA Network, 5 ECTS, 2023)

Feminist Pedagogy V (Feministisen pedagogiikan kehittämishanke ja vertaismentorointi, HILMA Network, 5 ECTS, 2023)


Seminar teaching

September 2016-April 2022: PhD Student Seminar on popular culture and media technologies. Cultural History, University of Turku. Together with Paavo Oinonen.

February 2008-December 2016: MA-seminar for European Heritage, Digital Media and the Information Society students.

August 2002-December 2016: MA-level theme seminar on the history of popular culture (always 6 to 15 students, depending on the year), Cultural History, University of Turku. In the last years the emphasis was also on material culture. Have co-supervised more than 80 (eighty) MA Theses.

January-May 2003 “Föribeat”. Seminar on Turku pop and rock scene between 1950s and 1970s.


Lectures and lectured courses

Spring 2024, several 1-5 ECTS courses, with lectures and additional readins. Cultural Study of Music, University of the Arts Helsinki, Seinäjoki unit: Lecture series Kirjoittamisen lajit ja tiedeviestintä (Variations of writing and scientific communication, 16 h lectures, 26 h small groups mentoring), Reading roundtable Cultural Study of Music Research Articles (in English, 26 h), Musiikin kulttuuriperintö (Cultural heritage of music, 20 h, my share of lectures 16 h) Musiikkikulttuurien moninaisuus (Global music cultures, 24 h), Kvantitatiiviset menetelmät (Quantitative methods, 10 h, my share 8 h), Työelämä ja työnhakutaidot (intensive course on Employment seeking skills, 6 h, my share 4 h).

Autumn 2023, several 2-5 ECTS courses, with lectures and additional readings. Cultural Study of Music, University of the Arts Helsinki, Seinäjoki unit: Lecture series Elektronisen musiikin historiaa (History of Electronic Music, 24 h), Practice based course Elokuvamusiikki ja musiikkivideot (Film Music and Music Videos, 26 h). Reading roundtable Kulttuurintutkimuksen klassikkotekstejä (Classics of the Cultural Studies, 26 h), Vähemmistöjen musiikki (Music of the Minorities, several lecturers, my share is 2 h); Musiikki ja sukupuoli (Music and Gender, 10 h).  Additionally, there was an open university lecture series for University of Helsinki Area and Cultural Studies, based on the ongoing Kone Foundation project I am directing: Fasismin lumo eurooppalaisessa kulttuurissa (Fascination with Fascism in European Culture, several lecturers, 5 ECTS, 28 h). My share was 12 h.

Spring 2023, several 5 ECTS courses, with lectures and additional readings. Cultural Study of Music, University of the Arts Helsinki, Seinäjoki unit: Lecture series Taiteenfilosofian perusteet (Foundation of the  Philosophy of Art, 24 h), Lecture series Populaarimusiikkitähteys ja musiikkiteollisuus, (Popular Music Stardom and Music Industy, 24 h).  Practice based course Laadullisten menetelmien harjoituskurssi (Qualitative Methods, 24 h) . Reading roundtable Tieteen- ja taiteenfilosofian klassikkotekstejä (Classics of the Philosophy of Arts and Sciences, 22 h). Musiikki Suomessa 3 ECTS, My lecture 2 hours: “Suomalainen vaihtoehtoinen populaarimusiikki 1970-luvulta 2000-luvulle”.
Spring 2023. A lectured course for Arts Management Students, Uniarts Helsinki. Popular Culture and the Arts (2-4 ECTS, 16 hours and additional readings).
Spring 2023. A lecture for Arts Managment Students, Uniarts Helsinki: “Personal Development: Self Confidence”. 4 hours.
Spring 2023. A lecture in AI Academy, University of Turku lecture series Puhuvien koneiden historiaa. 2 hours: “Elokuvien puhuvat ja vaikenevat koneet”.

Autumn 2022, several 5 ECTS courses, with lectures and additional readings, Cultural Study of Music, University of the Arts Helsinki, Seinäjoki unit: Lecture series Johdatus musiikki- ja kulttuurialaan (Introduction to Music and Cultural Industries, 28 h); Lecture series Johdatus kulttuurintutkimukseen (Introduction to Cultural Studies, 20h); Lecture series Tieteenfilosofian perusteet (Foundations of the Philosophy of Science, 24 h); Lecture series Johdatus tutkimusmenetelmiin (Introduction to Research Methods 24 h).
Autumn 2022, lecture at Historiafoorumi, University of the Arts Helsinki. One hour: “Fasismin lumoa ja puhuvia koneita”
Autumn 2022, Studia Generalia lecture at the Turku Castle 21 September. One hour: “Vanhan linnan puistossa” – turkulainen populaarimusiikki.

Spring 2022, a hybrid lecture for Cultural History, University of Turku course KUHI3022-3002 Kulttuurihistorian historia ja nykytutkimus. Two hours (shared with Dr. Paavo Oinonen, also including a panel discussion “Populaarin ja median historiat”): “Populaarikulttuurin historiaa rockspektaakkeleista puhuviin koneisiin”
Spring 2022, a hybrid lecture for School of History, Culture, and Arts Studies, University of Turku course HIST0148 Puhuvien koneiden historiaa: Kuvittelua, kohtaamisia ja tunteita. Two hours: “Elokuvien puhuvat ja vaikenevat koneet”
Spring 2022. a hybrid lecture for School of History, Culture, and Arts Studies, University of Turku course HISTO0108 Historian käyttö. Two hours: “Fasimin pimeä lumo”

Autumn 2021, a lecture for Suomen Dosenttiliitto event Kaiken maailman dosentteja — tutkittua tietoa. One hour: ”Fasismin lumo” & panel discussion  ”Dosentit työelämän suola: dosenttien paikka ja merkitys yhteiskunnassa.”  (With Johanna Moisio, Emma Raitoharju, and Pilvi Torsti). Online.
Spring 2021, a lecture in Cultural Heritage Studies course Populaarimusiikin kulttuuriperintö (online, 4 hours): “Suomalainen vaihtoehtoinen populaarimusiikki 1990-luvun molemmin puolin”
Spring 2021, visiting lecture series (5 ETCS) in Master’s Programme in Area and Cultural Studies, University of Helsinki. Twenty-eight (28) hours (online): “Tulevaisuuden kuvittelu populaarikulttuurissa”
Autumn 2021, a lecture in Cultural Heritage Studies, University of Turku (online, 4 hours): “Vaikea kulttuuriperintö”

Spring 2020, visiting lecture series (5 ETCS) in Master’s Programme in Area and Cultural Studies, University of Helsinki. Twenty-eight (28) hours: “Mediaspektaakkeli: näkökulmia audiovisuaaliseen nykykulttuuriin”

Autumn 2019, two lectures in Cultural Heritage Studies, University of Turku. Two hours: ”Rockspektaakkelien historiointi ja rockin muistomerkkikulttuuri”, two hours (for PhD students): “Populaarikulttuurin tutkimus”
Spring 2019, a lecture in Philosophy, University of Turku. One hour: “Evolutions of The Wall: Fascistic Aesthetics, Memory and Communication”
Spring 2019, a lecture in Cultural Heritage Studies, University of Turku. Four hours: “Populaarimusiikin kulttuuriperintö ja musiikilla rakennettu identiteetti”
Spring 2019, lecture series (5 ECTS) in Nordic Cultural Resilience Master’s Programme, University of Turku: “Nordic Societies, Global Cultures”. Together with Kari Kallioniemi, Kimmo Laine & Janne Mäkelä. 12 hours of lectures. Also evaluated the essays.

Autumn 2018, a lecture in Cultural Heritage Studies, University of Turku. Two hours: Dark Heritage: kulttuuriperinnön synkkä lumo.
Spring 2018, lecture series (5 ECTS) in International Institute for Popular Culture (IIPC), University of Turku: “Fasismin perintö populaarikulttuurissa” (Heritage of Fascism in Popular Culture). Together with Kari Kallioniemi and Petri Saarikoski. Eight hours of lectures. Also co-evaluated the essays.

Autumn 2017, lecture series (5 ECTS) in International Institute for Popular Culture (IIPC), University of Turku: Media Spectacles: History and Interpretation. Eight hours of lectures & ten hours of guided contact group work. Also evaluated the learning diaries.
April 2017, invided lecture to Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, OH, USA). One hour: “Love SS Leather? Totalitarian Alternative Futures and the Fascination of Nazi Aesthetics”.
March 2017, invited lecture to Bowling Green State University (Bowling Green, OH, USA). Two hours: “Tommy Tearing Down the Wall: Intermedial Afterlife of the Post-War Concept Albums”.
March 2017, invited lecture to Western University, (London, Ontario, Canada). Two hours: “Metal Music and Nationalism”

April 2016, a lecture in Cultural Heritage Studies, University of Turku lecture series Eurooppalaisen menneisyyden representaatioita. Two hours: ”Rockspektaakkelien historiointi ja rockin muistomerkkikulttuuri”
April 2016, a lecture in Digital Culture, University of Turku lecture series Hitler-videomeemien historia ja anatomia. Two hours: “Inglorious Basters: pastissi ja kontrafaktuaalisuus”
April 2016, a lecture in Cultural History, University of Turku lecture series History of the Finnish Popular Culture after the World War II. Two hours: “Love Records and the Finnish Heritage? Finnish Progressive rock and the Evolution of Kalevalaic Metal, 1970s to 2010”
February 2016, a lecture in Musicology, University of Turku lecture series New Audiovisual Aesthetics. Two hours: ”Live Stadium Rock Spectacles”
IIPC Debate lecture #79. Fri 29 Jan 2016, 15-16, University of Turku. Dr Kimi Kärki: ”Evolutions of The Wall, 1979-2013”

May 2015, a lecture for Turun Klassikon lukio students, as part of Tieteen päivät. Two hours: “Cheek ei tullut tyhjästä. Tähteyden ja populaarimusiikin historian tutkimuksesta”
April 2015, a lecture in Baltic Sea Region Studies, University of Turku lecture series Spaces of Cross-cultural Interaction in the Baltic Sea Region. Two hours: ”Northerness in Exreme Metal”. Re-lectured for the same course in December 2015.
March 2015, a lecture in Cultural History, University of Turku lecture series Risteävät maailmat. Two hours: ”Populaarimusiikkikulttuurien kohtaaminen”. Re-lectured for the same course in April 2016.
February 2015, a lecture for Turun historiallinen yhdistys (THY), Turku city library. One hour: “Areenarockin historiakulttuuri”

Autumn 2014, a lecture in Popular Culture Studies Master’s Degree Pathway course Introduction to Popular Culture Studies. Two hours: “Stardom”. Re-lectured in 2015 and 2016.
Spring 2014, a lecture in Cultural History, University of Turku lecture series Risteävät maailmat. Two hours: ”Populaarimusiikkikulttuurien kohtaaminen” (with Kari Kallioniemi)
Spring 2014, a lecture in Media Education, University of Lapland lecture series Approaches to Media Cultures. Four hours: ”Popular Culture Studies”

Autumn 2013, a lecture in Cultural History, University of Turku lecture series Tutkimusmenetelmät ja teoriat. Two hours: ”Audiovisuaalisten aineistojen kulttuurihistoriallinen lähilukeminen”
Spring 2013, European Heritage, Digital Media and the Information Society course organisation, lectures and tutoring: Experts in E-Learning Humanities (20 ECTS). Excersise-based course on e-learning and building Moodle course environments.

January 2012, a lecture at Turun suomenkielinen työväenopisto as part of the lecture series Populaarimusiikkia, dekkareita ja elokuvaa Britanniasta. Two hours: ”Populaarimusiikin murros 1960–70-lukujen vaihteen Britanniassa”
October 2012, a lecture in PhD Programme in Popular Culture Studies lecture series Popular Culture Studies: An Introduction to Methodologies. Two hours: ”History of Popular Culture Studies?” Also the marking and organising the lecture series.
August 2012, a public lecture in the Night of the Arts, Brinkkalan piha, Turku. One hour: ”Progen juuret: Englantilainen ja Yhdysvaltain länsirannikon psykedelia”
May 2012, a lecture in University of Lapland lecture series Musiikki vallankäyttönä, määrittelyvaltana ja vastarintana 1900-luvun Suomessa. Three hours: ”Minkä värinen on ihmiskunnan tulevaisuus? Yhteiskunnallisuus suomalaisessa progressiivisessa rockissa”

March 2011, a lecture in Aalto-yliopisto (Taideteollinen korkeakoulu, Pori) lecture series Film. Three hours: “Film Music: Collaborations in Rhythm and Soundscape”

February 2010, a lecture in Cultural History, University of Turku lecture series Populaarikulttuurin materiallinen historia. Two hours: “Populaarimusiikki: lavaesiintyminen, materiaalisuus ja teknologia”

January 2010, a sixteen hour visiting lecture series Populaarikulttuurin historia ja tutkimusmenetelmät for the department of history and geography, Joensuu, University of Eastern Finland. 4 ECTS Credits, with additional reading. I also evaluated the lecture diaries from the series.

April 2009, a lecture in Cultural History, University of Turku lecture series Populaarikulttuurin historia – näkökulmia tutkimukseen. Two hours: ”Stadionrockin estetiikan muutokset”
April 2009, revised and re-lectured in April 2011, and again Dec 2012 and Dec 2014, a lecture in European Heritage, Digital Media and the Information Society lecture series Heritage and Lived Environment in an Urban Context. Name changed in 2012 to Urban History and Heritage: A Baltic Sea Region Perspective (again revised and re-lectured). Four hours: ”First in Turku: Popular cultural interaction in city space”

Autumn 2008 “The State of Sound: Popular Music and Nationality”. Course tutor for Finnish Virtual University, Moodle environment. Also author of the course modules (six weekly modules with essays and discussions), constructed with Docent Janne Mäkelä.

November 2007, a guest lecture in University of Tampere Media Studies lecture series Julkiset kasvot: näytteleminen, esittäminen, rooli. Two hours: “Tähteyden naamiot populaarimusiikissa.”

Visiting Lecturer, School of Critical and Historical Studies, University of Brighton, March 2006 (Week 10)

Spring and Autumn 2005, Spring 2007, Spring 2008, Spring 2009, Autumn 2010, Autumn 2011 “Suomalaisuus populaarimusiikissa” (Finnishness in Popular Music). Course tutor for Finnish Virtual University, first WebCT, then Moodle environment. Also author of one module of the course, “Rock ja kansallinen mytologia” (Rock and National Mythology).

March 2004, a lecture in Baltic Sea Region Studies lecture series Regional European and Global Interaction in Baltic Sea Region Cultures. Two hours: “Towards an International Rock Professionalism: Finnish Interaction With Anglo-American Music Market from 1970s to 2000.”



2021:- Suomen Musiikkitieteellinen Seura (SMS), hallituksen varajäsen 2021, varsinainen jäsen 2022, hallituksen varajäsen 2023.
2019-: Suomen Historiallinen Seura (SHS), tutkijajäsen.
2019-: Turun yliopistojen dosenttiyhdistys. Hallituksen jäsen 2021-.
2018-: ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association.
2014-: Association for Cultural Studies (ACS).
2012-: European Popular Culture Association (EPCA). Founding member. Member of the board of the EPCA since 2012. The Secretary of EPCS 2014-2023. The President of EPCS 2023-2025.
2010-: International Society for Cultural History (ISCH).
2009-: Society for Cultural Studies in Finland.
2007-: International Institute for Popular Culture (IIPC). Founding member. Task Group Member and the Chief Editor of the IIPC Publication Series ISSN 1797-318X (online).
2006-: Eetos ry.
2004-: Finnish Association for the Study of Popular Culture. Founding member. From 2010 onwards Popular Culture Association Finland (PCA Finland). Member of the board 2010-2012.
2002-2014: Finnish Graduate School of History
2002-: Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers (FUURT)
2001-: International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM, Nordic Branch). Finnish National Representative in the board of IASPM Norden, 2010. Web/Publications representative of the IASPM International Executive Committee, 2017–2019, 2019–2021, 2021–2023. Six years in all.



Acted as a preliminary examiner of Aila Mustonen’s doctoral dissertation ”Yö, metsä, aika ennen kristinuskoa.” Kotimaan ja kansakunnan representaatiot black metalissa ja folk metalissa Suomessa ja Norjassa, Faculty of Humanities, University of Oulu. Autumn 2015. This thesis was defended successfully in April 2016.

Member of the Editorial Council, Musiikki journal, The Finnish Musicological Society (2022-). 

Member of the International Advisory Board,  IASPM Journal (2021-).

Member of Curatorial Committee for Aboagora. Between Arts and Sciences Festival (2017–).

Member of the Editorial & Advisory Board, European Journal of Popular Culture (Intellect Books, 2013-).

Member of the Creative Cultural Heritage Peer Learning Network. See

Member of the Cultural Committee at The Regional Council of Southwest Finland (University of Turku representative, 2013-2017, and again 2021-2025, resigned 2022 after becoming lecturer in University of the Arts Helsinki).

Currently supervising three PhD-students, and three have defended their thesis already. Three at Cultural History, University of Turku (Marika Ahonen, Johanna Gunell, Niko Heikkilä PhD completed in Oct 2021, Drew Karrager), one at Cultural Heritage Studies, University of Turku (Anna Peltomäki), one at History of Art, University of Malta, Valetta (Lasse Ullvén PhD Completed Sep 2022), and one at Cultural History, University of Lapland (Marko Niemelä PhD Completed Sep 2023).

Co-supervised so far 57 MA-Theses within the thematic seminars on popular culture and material culture subjects in the Department of Cultural History, University of Turku (2002–2016). Co-supervised all students of the Master’s Degree Programme in European Heritage, Digital Media and the Information Society 2008–2016. I have been the responsible teacher of the main MA-seminar of the programme, with every student furthermore assigned two external supervisors. 26 have graduated. As there have been no dropouts, this can be considered 100% pass through. When the completed works are combined I have co-supervised 83 MA Theses so far.

Co-evaluated one MA-thesis for University of Lapland’s Faculty of Arts, with professor Kristiina Hänninen, fourteen for University of Turku’s Faculty of Humanities, three with professor Hannu Salmi (Department of Cultural History), professor Taina Syrjämaa (Master’s Degree Programme European Heritage, Digital Media and the Information Society, EurHeri), two with Professor Jaakko Suominen (EurHeri), docent Anna Sivula (EurHeri), docent Petri Saarikoski (EurHeri), two with MA Johannes Koski (EurHeri), docent Meri Heinonen (EurHeri), MA Essi Huuhka, Kari Kallioniemi (Musicology) and with docent Markku Jokisipilä (Baltic Sea Region Studies), two for Aalto University (School of Arts, Design, and Architecture). When combined, I have evaluated 17 MA Theses.

Article & Book reviewer for Popular Music (University of Cambridge Press),

Book reviewer for Music list at Routledge (Taylor & Francis).

Book reviewer for Emerald Series for Metal Music and Culture (Emerald Publishing)

Reviewer for The Academy of Finland competition for senior second grade students, Smarty/Viksu,

Peer reviewer for Journal of Aesthetics & Culture (Routledge).

Peer reviewer for Journal for Religion in Europe (Brill).

Peer reviewer for Musiikki (The Finnish Musicological Society).

Peer reviewer for Etnomusikologian vuosikirja (The Finnish Society for Ethnomusicology).

Peer reviewer for Pelitutkimuksen vuosikirja (Suomen pelitutkimuksen seura,

Peer reviewer for eSharp (electronic social sciences, humanities and arts review for postgraduates), University of Glasgow (2006)

Expert for the Committee for the Future (Tulevaisuusvaliokunta), Finnish Parliament. Lecture on the forms of dystopia in popular culture, 23rd Feb, 2018.

Popular culture expert in discussion program POPKULT – Populaarikulttuurin syyt ja seuraukset, Yle Teema TV-channel, Finnish Broadcasting Company, 2008-2009. Featured in episodes ”Salaliitot”, ”Jumala”, ”Hulluus”, ”666”, ”Kauhu” and ”Lama”.




Volter Kilpi Kustavissa -kirjallisuusviikko. Kustavi July 10-14. Invited lecture: “”Homma on kovassa nousussa!” Fasismin lumo ja mytologisoiva tarinallistaminen suomalaisessa kulttuurissa”.

EUPOP 2024 ‘Borders’. The 11th Conference of the European Popular Culture Association. Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Tallinn, Estonia, 1-3 July. Paper: “”Jesus was a Humanist, My God is Lucifer”: The Curious Case of Finnish Nazi Occultist Pekka Siitoin”.

XIII IABA (International Auto/Biography Association World Conference), University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland June 12-15. Paper (together with Maarit Leskelä-Kärki): “Voicing the Nordic In‐Betweenness: The Musical Agency of Anna Järvinen”.

Avant Aboagora. Sibelius Museum, Turku May 17. Invited lecture: “Gustav Holst, planeetat ja avaruudellinen populaarimusiikki”.

Music Research Now! 2024. University of Turku January 26. Paper: “Mustavalkoista! Varhasten norjalaisten black metal -videoiden estetiikasta”.


Reframing Music Video Research. Online conference, University of Turku 12-13 October. Paper: “Ariosophic Whiteness in the Nordic Far-right Metal and Neofolk Music Videos”.

EUPOP 2023 ‘The Darkness Within’. The 10th Conference of the European Popular Culture Association. University of Stirling, Scotland 2-5 July. Paper: “Dark Heritage Humour: Iron Sky universe and the post-trust era”.

IASPM 2023 Popular Music in Crisis. International Association for the Study of Popular Music XXII Biennial Conference, Minneapolis, USA 26-30 June. Paper:  “Ariosophic Whiteness in the Nordic Far-right Metal Music Videos”. Also as a Chair in session “Music and Politics in Hong Kong”.

Music, Research, and Activism. University of Helsinki, Finland, May 10-12. Paper: “Finnish Fascism and its Affective Musical Heritage”. Also as a chair in session “Resistance and community organisation”.

Yksinkertaista mutta totta: seminaari suomirockista. Musiikkimuseo FAME 26 April. Paper: “Buenos Tardes, everybody! Bocart Co., teinipop ja rock-autenttisuus”.


Conspiracy Theories, Denialism and Scepticism. Contrarian Epistemologies Between Epistemic Fringe and Democratic Core symposium. Helsinki Center for Advanced Studies (HCAS), University of Helsinki 1-2 November, 2022. Invited speaker. Paper: “The Eternal Return of Nazis: Popular Culture, Nazi Conspiracies, and Underground Entryism”

Historiantutkimuksen päivät 2022. University of Tampere 20-22 October, 2022. Paper (with Docent Kari Kallioniemi): “Suomalainen fasismi ja populaarikulttuuri”. Also as a chair in the session: “Poliittiset liikkeet 1900-luvulla”.

Disciplining Music Heritage. IASPM Norden conference 13-14 October, 2002, University of the Arts Helsinki, Seinäjoki unit. Paper: “Finnish neofolk: Nature, heritage, and entryist fascism”. Also as a chair in the session “Spaces”.

EUPOP 2022. The 9th Conference of the European Popular Culture Association. Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland 14-16 July, 2022. Paper: “Finnish Neofolk and Fascism”. Also as a chair in Alexandra Arhipova Keynote, and the sessions “Fascism and popular culture”, and “Popular Music and Beyond”.

IASPM 2022. Climates of Popular Music. International Association for the Study of Popular Music XXI Biennial Conference, Daegu, South Korea 5-9 July. Paper: “Vocaloid Liveness? Hatsune Miku and the Live Production of the Japanese Virtual Idol Concerts”. Also as a chair in the session “Japanese Idols and Iconoclasts”.

XII IABA (International Auto/Biography Association World Conference) 2022. Life-Writing: Imagining the Past, Present and Future. University of Turku 14-17 June, 2022. Paper: “Neo-Nazis, Ariosophy, Life Writing: How to do artistic research on Finnish Far-right Dark Heritage ethically?”

Popular Music, Populism and Nationalism in Contemporary Europe. University of Oldenburg, Germany (online) 7.-9.4.2022. Paper: “Finnish neofolk and the Possibility of Entryist Fascism”.

Music Research Now! 2022. University of Turku 4.2.2022 (online). Paper: ”Thoughts on fascism and neofolk in Finland”. Also  the organizer and chair of the event.


Kulttuurintutkimuksen päivät 2021, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu 8.–10.12, 2021. Paper: ”Vokaloidin ilot ja surut. Hatsune Mikun affektiivinen muovautuminen.” Also as a Chair in session ”Suomalaisen fasismin affektiivisuus”.

Populaarimusiikin kulttuuriperintö -hybridiseminaari, Porin yliopistokeskus 24.–25.11.2021. Paper: ”Pimeä populaarimusiikkiperintö”.

Nordic Metal Music Seminar Online Edition 13.–15.9.2021. Chairing duties in ”Q&A”, panel discussion, with Johannes Eckerström (Avatar), Suvimarja Halmetoja (Humavoid), Josh Rood (Nexion), and Niilo Sevänen (Insomnium). 15.9.2021. Online.

Technology and Change in Music Cultures/Teknologia ja muutos musiikkikulttuureissa. Suomen Musiikintutkijoiden 24. valtakunnallinen symposium 5.–7.5.2021 (online). Paper: “Hatsune Miku ja laulajan rajat”.

Pyhiinvaelluksen paikat -seminaari. Center for the Study of Christian Cultures (CSCC) 22.-23.4.2021 (online). Paper: “Seuraa kaukaista tähteä. ajatuksia Jim Morrisonin ja Elvis Presleyn hautojen vetovoimasta.”

Fasismin fasinaatio ja suomalaisuus. Fasismin lumo ja affektiivinen perintö –projektin avausseminaari 9.4.2021 (online). Chairing duties and project introduction.

Music Research Now! 2021. University of Turku 29.1.2021 (online). Paper: “Fasismin lumo ja affektiivinen perintö suomalaisessa kulttuurissa” (projektin esittely).

Kulttuurihistorian joulukoulu. The annual research symposium of the department of Cultural History, University of Turku 8.1.2021 (online). Paper: “Fasismin lumo ja affektiivinen perintö suomalaisessa kulttuurissa” (projektin esittely).



Several cancelled appearances, due to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Music Research, Now! 2020. Åbo Akademi 31.1.2020. Paper: “Spectacular Vocaloids”.

Kulttuurihistorian joulukoulu. The annual research symposium of the department of Cultural History, University of Turku 10th January, 2019. Paper present together with Docent Kari Kallioniemi: “Dark Heritage and the Fascination with Fascism”.



Historiantutkimuksen päivät, Oulun yliopisto 24.-26.10.2019. Paper: “Tieteiselokuvien tekoäly ja transhumanistinen ekologia”.

EUPOP 2019. The 8th conference of the European Popular Culture Association (EPCA). Mary Immaculate College & University of Limerick, Ireland, 16-18 July, 2019. Paper: “From ‘Daisy Bell’ to Virtual Idols: AI, Vocaloids and Collaborative Musical Creativity”. Also as a Chair in sessions Shame and Popular Culture, Social Media and Popular Culture.

IASPM 2019. Turns and Revolutions in Popular Music. International Association for the Study of Popular Music XX Biennial Conference. Australian National University, Canberra, 24-28 June, 2019. Paper: “Sounds of Singularity: AI Voices, Popular Music and Creativity”.

Approaching Esotericism and Mysticism: Cultural Influences. Donner Institute, Turku, 5-7 June, 2019. Paper: “Sounds like magick: The two soundtracks of Kenneth Anger’s film Lucifer Rising”.

Music Research, Now! Turku City Library, Music Library, 11 January, 2019. Main event organizer. Paper: “Opening Words and Talking Machines”.



‘1984’ – Populaarikulttuurin lähihistoriaa – Seminar on Current History of Popular Culture, 12 December, 2019. IIPC Seminar at University of Turku. Paper: ”’Nothing clean, right?’ Dialogues with the Cyberdyne Systems Model 101”.

Imagining City Futures Across Disciplines, 19 November, 2019. TIAS Symposium at University of Turku. Paper: ”Thirty Years of Imaginary Los Angeles. Climate Change and the Retrofitted Megalopolis in Blade Runner (1982) and Blade Runner 2049 (2017)”.

Music, digitalisation and democracy. IASPM Norden Symposium, Åbo Akademi University, December 13–14, 2018. Paper: ”Democratic Singularity? AI Creativity, Agency and Music”.

Glitch Art Exhibition, 17 November, 2018, at Kutsi Museum for Modern Art (Sisäsatama, Vaasa). Paper: ”Tuhoutuva konepuhe: katoavat ja hidastuvat äänet tieteiselokuvista Sophia-robottiin”.

TransVision Madrid Conference, 19–21 October, 2018 at Ateneo de Madrid. Paper: ”Transhumanism Around the World: Finland/Introducing Talking Machines”.

Talking Machines launch symposium at University of Turku 31 August, 2018: Puhuvat koneet – Elektroninen ihmisääni tunteiden ja itseymmärryksen tulkkina 1960–2020. Paper: “’You Have My Sympathies’ – Koneen tunteet tieteiselokuvissa”.

Aboagora 2018. Burden/Skuld. Sibelius Museum, Turku 22-24 August, 2018. AGORA keynote lecture. Dystopia: The Burden of Truth. Together with Albion Butters and Pertti Grönholm. My lecture: “Totalitarian Alternative Histories in Trump era Television Entertainment”.

NSU Summer Session 2018. Reimagining and Remembering the Other: Narrative Empathy and its Limitations. Fårö 29 July-2 August, 2018. Paper: “Imagine the Talking Macines: Emotional ‘Other’ in AI Voices of Visionary Science Fiction Films’.

EUPOP 2018. The 7th conference of the European Popular Culture Association (EPCA). Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic 24-26 July, 2018. Paper: “The Smile of Ash: Voicing the AI in Three Visionary Science Fiction Films”. Also as a Chair in sessions Online Cultures, Talking Machines and Progressive Rock, Fantasy and Imagination, Film, and Professor Petr A. Bílek keynote lecture.



Historiantutkimuksen päivät, Turku 19.-21.10.2017. Paper: “Neonväriä: Turkulaisen kasaripopin kansainvälistymispyrkimykset.”

EUPOP 2017. The 6th conference of the European Popular Culture Association (EPCA). University of the Arts London, UK. 25-27 July, 2017. Keynote lecture: “Totalitarian Alternative Futures and the Fascination of Nazi Aesthetic”. Also several chairing duties.

PCA Summer Institute. Bowling Green State University (OH), USA, 21-25 May, 2017.

PCA/ACA National 2017. San Diego Marriott Marina, San Diego (CA), USA, 12-15 April, 2017. Paper: “Audible Futures: What is Transhumanist Popular Music?”



Muistettu Leonard Cohen. Seminaari lauluista, muistoista ja muistamisesta. IIPC- ja SELMA-tutkimuskeskusten yhteisseminaari 16.12.2017. Paper: “’En tunnusta!’ Leonard Cohen ja Joni Mitchell”.

Bowie Seminar. IIPC David Bowie Study Day, University of Turku, December 12, 2016. Chair of the panel discussion: “Remembering Bowie”.

Atmospheres of Listening. A Symposium on Musical Situationality. University of Turku, November 25. Paper: “Audiovisual dreamspaces in arena rock”.

Music Festival and Urban Identity. University Consortium Pori, September 27, 2016. Keynote lecture: “Rock Spectacles as Containers of History Culture”.

EUPOP 2016. The 5th conference of the European Popular Culture Association (EPCA). University of Nanterre, Paris. July 20-22. Paper: “More Than Human. The Early Roots of Transhumanism in Popular Culture”. Also as a chair in sessions “Popular Music Stardom Reconsidered”, and Performance, Philosophy, Moral”. Member of the organising committee.

Modern Heavy Metal 2016. Aalto School of Business, Helsinki. June 30-July 1. Keynote lecture: “Some Kind of Capitalist: Metallica and Cultural Studies”.

Excavating Lives. IABA 2016 (the Tenth IABA World Conference). University of Cyprus, Nicosia. Paper: “’I am Not Confessing’: Life Writing of Leonard Cohen and Joni Mitchell”. Also as a chair in Session 33 – Stream 5: Multi-Mediated/Digital Lives: Performing the Self.



EUPOP 2015. The 4th conference of the European Popular Culture Association (EPCA). Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, July 29-31, 2015. Paper: “Timelapse! Analysing the power-relations and temporalities of the Computer Game GTA V.” Also as a chair in sessions “Science Fiction and New Media”, and “European Popular Music”. Member of the organising committee.

Modern Heavy Metal. Markets, Practices and Cultures. Aalto University School of Business, Finland, June 8-12, 2015. Paper: “Forging Metal: The Kalevala in the Finnish Heavy Metal Performance.”

Dialogical Dimensions in Narrating Lives and Life Writing. IABA Europe Conference 2015. Funchal, Madeira 27-29 May 2015. Paper: Electric and Acoustic Autoethnography: Life Writing Through Guitar Playing.”

Dark Sound. Falmouth University, Cornwall. 23-25 April 2015. Paper: “Hammer, Hammer, Hammer!’ Audio-visual Fascism in Pink Floyd’s The Wall album (1979), concerts (1980–1981), and film (1982).”

PCA/ACA conference 2015, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, USA 1-4 April 2015. Paper: “Skating for Grail? Rick Wakeman’s Spectacular Progressive Rock Ice Capades and the Cultural Memory of the 1970s.”

Electric Guitar in Popular Culture. Bowling Green State University, Ohio, USA 27-28 March 2015. Paper: “Solid Guitar Autoethnography: Gibson SG as a Touring Companion.”

Ambiguous Heritage of the Second World War. IIPC Seminar, University of Turku, Finland, 28 February. Paper: “’Northerness’ in Extreme Metal.”



IASPM Norden conference, Oslo, Norway, 3–4 Dec, 2014. Paper: “Forging Metal: Kalevala in the Finnish heavy metal performance.”

Bridging North America: Connections and Divides. John Morton Center, University of Turku, Finland 28–30 August, 2014. Paper: ”Grand Theft Americana: Analysing the Satirical Depiction of the USA in the Computer Game GTA V.”

EUPOP 2014, the Third Conference of the European Popular Culture Association. London College of Fashion, University of the Arts, London, UK 29-31 August 2014. Paper: ”Popular Music vs Violence: Singing along after the terrorist attacks at Oslo and Utøya”. Also as a Chair & Member of the organising committee.

10th Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Tampere, Finland 1-4 July 2014. Paper: “Listening to Transhumanist Dreams”. Also as a Chair in session “G7 Past, Present and Future Transgressions”.

PCA/ACA conference 2014, Chicago Marriott Hotel, Chicago, USA 16-19 April 2014. Paper: “The Soundtracks of Transhumanism.”



Kulttuurintutkimuksen VI päivät, ”Totta ja tarua – Truths and Tales”, Lapin yliopisto 28.-30.12.2013. Paper: ”Transhumanismin soundtrack”. Also as a Chair in session ”Totta ja tarua”.

ISCH 2013, Artefacts Culture and Identity, Istanbul, Turkey, 11-14 September, 2013. The annual conference of the International Society for Cultural History. Paper: ”Tear Down the Artefact: The Wall Live in Berlin and the Varieties of Cultural Memory.”

EUPOP 2013. The Second Conference of the European Popular Culture Association. University of Turku, 31 July to 2 August, 2013. Paper: ”Searching for the Soundscapes of Transhumanism.” Also as a Chair for Russell Reising keynote lecture, and sessions ”Audible Futures” & ”Graphic Novel”. Member of the organising committee.

Bridge Over Troubled Waters: Challenging Orthodoxies. The 17th Biennial Conference of IASPM (The International Association for the Study of Popular Music). University of Oviedo, Gijón, Spain 24-28 June, 2013. Paper: ”’My Rainbow Race’: Building a Collective Musical Response To a Mass Murder.” Also as a chair in session ”Sounding Off.”

The Cultural Memory of Sound and Space symposium, University of Turku, Finland, March 13-15, 2013. Paper: ”King Arthur On Ice: Rick Wakeman’s Ephemeral Spectacle at Wembley Empire Pool in May 1975.”

Music Research Now! University of Turku 8.2.2013. Paper: ”Historicising the Stadium Rock Sound and Staging Technology.” Also as a Chair and responsible organiser.



Imagining Communities Musically: Putting Popular Music in its Place. IASPM UK conference, September 7-9, 2012, University of Salford, UK. Paper: ”Heavy Metal Finland: Soundscapes From the Land of Thousand Lakes.”

EUPOP 2012. Inaugural Conference of the European Popular Culture Association. London College of Fashion, University of the Arts, London, 10-13 July, 2012. Paper: ”Performing Mythologies: Finnish Popular Music and the Kalevala Mythos.”

PCA-Finland Summer School 2012: “Popular Culture Studies Now and in the Future”, 31 May to June 2, 2012. Popular Culture Association Finland. Member of the organising committee.

Musiikkitiede, nyt! Turun yliopisto 20.1.2012. Paper: ”LIVE! Stadium Rock and the Problem of Representation.” Also as a Chair.



Kulttuurintutkimuksen V päivät, ”Sisäistetty raha”, Turun yliopisto 16.-17.12.2011. Paper: ”Neljäkymmentä nuolaisua: stadionrock ja ansaintalogiikan muutos.”

Shared Past symposium, 28-29 September, 2011, University of Turku. Paper: “Winter War Digitalized: Historical Edutainment Through Talvisota – Icy Hell Computer Game”

PCA-Finland Summer School 2011, 15-16 Aug, 2011. Popular Culture Association Finland. Member of the organising committee.

Tiedekaruselli 2. Faculty of Humanities, University of Turku 13th May, 2011. Paper: ”Taiderockia stadioneilla eli miten avantgarde myytiin massoille”.

International Symposium on Audiovisual Performance and Embodiment, 11-12 May, 2011. Department of Musicology & the IIPC, University of Turku. Paper: “’In the Flesh: Stadium Rock Stardom and Corporeality.”

Tieteidenvälinen Rappio!-seminaari Porin yliopistokeskuksessa, Pori 15.4.2011. Paper: ”Shokki!!! Varhaisen kauhurockin genealogiaa”.

MARS 2011 (Music Assebly Research Showbusiness) music industries seminar. Rytmikorjaamo, Seinäjoki 9th-12th Feb, 2011. Panel discussant: ”Artisti kaiken A ja O vai välttämätön paha?” With Pekka Leinonen (executive director, Tangomarkkinat festival), Tommy Lindgren (Don Johnson Big Band), Heta Hyttinen (executive editor, Rytmi magazine) and Eeka Mäkynen (venue manager & promoter, Nosturi / Elmu ry).



Tunteiden affektimarkkinat. Fanitutkimuspäivä (Fandom Research Day), University of Tampere, 4th Nov, 2010. Keynote lecture: ”Stadionrockin teknologinen affektiivisuus.”

Reusing the Industrial Past. ICOHTEC/TIICH Joint Conference. University of Tampere 10-15 Aug, 2010. Paper: ”Circulating Technology in Stadium Scale Rock Entertainment”. Also as a Chair in session ”Machines and Machineries in Music Industry”.

Cultural Histories: Close Readings, Critical Syntheses. ISCH Annual Conference 2010: University of Turku, Finland, 26–30 May, 2010. Paper ”Spectacular Sports: Riefenstahl’s Olympia (1938) and Turin Winter Olympics 2006.” Also as a Chair in session Resistance and Counter Culture, and discussant in the session “Teaching Cultural History”.

Hillitön spektaakkeli. Tampereen yliopiston mediakulttuurin ja Turun yliopiston kulttuurihistorian yhteisseminaari, University of Tampere 12 May, 2010. Paper: ”Stadionrockspektaakkelin juuret: The Beatlesista Pink Floydiin 1965-1975”



Kulttuurintutkimuksen IV päivät. University of Jyväskylä 11th to 12th Dec, 2009. Paper: ”Tähteys spektaakkelina”. Also as a chair in session ”Tähteyden teoria, populaarikulttuuri ja julkisuus.”

Uusia näkökulmia talvisotaan -seminaari. University of Turku 27th Nov, 2009. Paper: ”Talvisota ja populaarikulttuuri.”

Popular Music Worlds, Popular Music Histories. A 15th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM), University of Liverpool, UK, 13-17 July, 2009. Paper: ”HORROR ROCK! Staging the Early Aesthetics of Fear and Terror.” Also as a chair in session ” Analysing Live Music in the UK.”

Musiikkitieteen tuolle puolen. Suomen musiikintutkijoiden 13. valtakunnallinen symposium. University of Turku, 26-28 March, 2009. Paper: ”Stadionrockin kulttuurihistoriaa? Tieteenalojen välillä luovimisen taidosta ja vaikeudesta.”



IX Women’s and Gender History Conference: Gender, Space and Borders. University of Iceland, Reykjavik 11th to 14th Aug, 2008. Paper: “Body and Bono: Masculinities in Huge Stadium Rock Spectacles.”

Krautrock Abend. Cosmic Music and Counter Culture from West Germany, 1968-1975. A seminar and live performance event, organized by IIPC. 4th April, 2008. Paper: “Krautrockin juuret: Englantilainen ja amerikkalainen psykedelia sekä progressiivisen rockin synty.”



De-Canonizing Music History. International Symposium for Histories of Popular Music, Jazz & Folk Music. Sibelius Academy, Nov 29- Dec 1, 2007. Paper: “’Tear Down the Wall!’ Roger Waters’ The Wall and the Popular Memory.”

Historia, tieto ja valta. Turun yliopisto 13.-14.9.2007. Paper: “Konsertti Pompeijin aaveille? Pink Floyd ja historialla ratsastaminen.”

Cultural Studies Now (University of East London), June 19-22 2007. Paper: “Everything is Cultural History? Surviving in the Multidisciplinary Crossroads.”

Working Seminar on Cultural Musicology. University of Jyväskylä, 7.-8.5.2007. Paper: “Studying Theatrical Rock Spectacles”

Urheilun ja liikunnan taide ja estetiikka. Porin yliopistokeskus 3.4.2007. Paper: “Riefenstahlin Olympian perintö? Urheiluspektaakkelit ja mahtipontisuuden estetiikka.”

Song, Stage & Screen II: Interdisciplinary approaches to the musical stage. School of Cultural Industries and Performance, University of Leeds 23rd-25th March 2007. Paper: “Growing Up a Stage? Visions and Dynamics in Peter Gabriel’s 2002-03 Concert Tour.”



History of Popular Music Stardom Reconsidered. University of Turku 9th-11th November, 2006. Paper: “Cutting the Moss with Laser Beams: The Uses of History in The Rolling Stones’ Bridges To Babylon Stadium Tour.” Also as a chair in several sessions & member of the organising committee.

Manchester: Music and Place. Manchester Institute of Popular Culture, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, 8th-10th June, 2006. Paper: “Pop Art to PopMart: Architectural Designer Mark Fisher and the Gargantuan U2 Arena.”

SPAN (Scottish Pop Academic Network) meeting, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK, 19th May, 2006. Paper: “Stadium Rock Spectacle: Audiovisual Reconstruction of Religious Illusions or Rather Self-Indulgent Pompousness?”

Sounds of the Overground: A postgraduate colloquium on ubiquitous music and music in everyday life, May 17, 2006, Institute of Popular Music, University of Liverpool. Paper: “Sound and Light Can Move the Mountains: Stadium Stardom Aesthetics and Stage Designer Mark Fisher’s Creative Work Process.”

School of Music Research Seminar, University of Liverpool, UK, 16th May, 2006. Paper: “Design and production of stadium rock events.”

Sociology Research Seminar, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, March 9, 2006. Paper: “Reconstructing Stadium Stardom Aesthetics: Analysing Stage Designer Mark Fisher’s Dreamscapes for Pink Floyd.”



Kulttuurintutkimuksen II päivät 9.-10.12.2005, Populaarijulkisuus mediahistorian kontekstina -työryhmä. Paperi: ”Stadionin Mediatodellisuus ja tähteys: englantilaisten rockmuusikoiden mediatallenteet tutkimusaineistoina.” (Media and Stardom in Stadiums: Researching English Rock Musicians and Media).

XXIV valtakunnallinen yleisen historian tutkijaseminaari. Åbo Akademi, Turku 11th Noveber, 2005, Professor Joanne Bourke’s workshop on the cultural history of war. Paper title: “’When the Tigers Broke Free’: Popular Culture and the Baby-Boomers’ War Trauma in England.”

The Local the Regional and the Global in the Emergence of Popular Music Cultures. University of Copenhagen October 24-26, 2005. Paper: “Stadium-sized Stage Performances.” Also as a chair in session “Tradition and Change, Session 1”.

Millaista historiaa kirjoitamme? Historiatieteen tutkijakoulun kevätkonferenssi 26.-27.5.2005. University of Tampere. Paper: “Valon ja äänen tulkintapeli: populaarimusiikin tähteysilmiöitä analysoimassa” (The Interpretation Game of Light and Sound: Analyzing the Stardom Phenomena in Popular Music)

Koneen äänellä, tähtien jäljillä / Changing Notions of Stardom in Popular Culture. Seminar on Stardom and Electronic Music. Turun yliopisto 13.-14.5.2005. Paper: “Reconstructing Stadium Stardom Aesthetics.”  Member of the organising committee.

Kulttuurihistoria ja teoria. The Christmas School of Cultural History, January 12, 2005. Paper: “Mielten temppelit. Tulkintoja Heideggerin taidekäsityksestä.” (Temples of the Mind. Interpretations in Heidegger’s Ideas on Art).



Valta ja hierarkia kulttuurihistoriassa. The Christmas School of Cultural History, January 10, 2004. Paper: ”Elämänpuu ja egoismi. The Golden Dawn -järjestön valtahierarkian seurauksista.” (The Tree of Life and egoism. The Golden Dawn Power Hierarchy)



Johann Gottfried Herder -seminaari. Cultural History, University of Turku, 12th Dec, 2003. Member of the organising committee.

Kansallisen ja kansainvälisen vuorovaikutus. VII Turku Methodological Conference. Department of History, University of Turku October 2-3, 2003.  As a Chair in “Talouden ja kulttuurin sessio III”.  Member of the organising committee.

“Practising Popular Music.” 12th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM) July 3-7, 2003. McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Paper: “’At Times, We May Have Gone a Bit Too Far’: Technologies of Spectacle in Pink Floyd’s P.U.L.S.E. Stage Performance at Earl’s Court, London 1994″.

Northern Perspectives of Music as a Vehicle of Cultural Transmission -symposium. May 15-17, 2003. University of Turku. Paper: “Towards the Hermeneutics of Light and Sound: Audiovisual Sources and the Question of Cultural Interpretation”.

Kuinka tutkia ruumiillista ja aineellista kulttuurihistoriassa? The Christmas School of Cultural History, January 10, 2003. University of Turku. Paper: ”Artistin ruumis areenalla. Tarkastelussa kulttuuriteknologian avulla tuotettu stadionesiintyjä.” (The Body of the Artist in Arena. Cultural Technology as Maker of a Stadium Performer)



History in Words and Images. Conference on Historical Re/Presentation. September 26-28, 2002. University of Turku. Paper: “’Daddy’s Flown Across the Ocean, Leaving Just a Memory.’ – Pink Floyd’s The Wall as an Audiovisual (Re)Presentation of the Past”.

Symposium on Design, Technology and Cultural History. September 4-6, 2002. University of Turku. Paper: “From an Inflatable Nuclear-Age Family to the Largest TV Ever Seen – Architect Mark Fisher’s Stage Designs for Gargantuan Rock Performances 1975-1998”.



‘Looking Back, Looking Ahead.’ Popular Music Studies 20 Years Later. 11th Conference of IASPM (International Association for the Study of Popular Music) in Turku 2001. Paper: “Put Them All Against the Wall. Changes In the Stage Performance of Pink Floyd 1965-1982”.


History and Change conference, University of Turku, 5.-7.10.2000. Paper: “’If I Had My Way, I’d Have All of You Shot!’ Changes in the Stage Performance of Pink Floyd 1965-1980”. Member of the organising committee (student member).



Faraway So Close. Communities, Peoples, Nations. Annual ISHA-seminar (International Students of History Association) in University of Venice 1999. Paper: “Animal Rights  and Finnish Youth – Anarchy Meets the Political Decision”.