University of Turku Number Theory Research Group
The number theoretic research at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of University of Turku was initiated by late professor Kustaa Inkeri (1908-1997). Nowadays the research concentrates mostly on analytic number theory, and topics studied by the research group include prime numbers, multiplicative functions, L-functions, and connections to additive combinatorics.
The research group is a part of the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Randomness and Structures.
For information concerning our weekly seminar, see the website.
Current members of the group:
Group leader:
Professor Kaisa Matomäki
Senior members:
Joni Teräväinen
Jesse Jääsaari
Stelios Sachpazis
Sebastian Zuniga Alterman
PhD Students:
Sarvagya Jain
Mikko Jaskari