Mika Hirvensalo: Conference participation

  1. 3rd International Conference on Developments in Language Theory (DLT'97). Thessaloniki, Greece, July 1997.
    Talk: "The Reversibility in Quantum Computation Theory", R.
  2. 2nd international colloquium Machines et Calculs Universels (MCU'98). Metz, France, March 1998.
    Talk: "Copying quantum computer makes NP-complete problems tractable", R.
  3. Ongoing Workshop of DNA computing. Leiden, Netherlands, July 1998.
    Talk: "Introduction to Quantum Computing", I.
  4. ISI Workshop on Quantum Computation. Turin, Italy, July 1998.
  5. Frontiers Between Decidability and Undecidability (FBDU'98) (satellite workshop to Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 98). Brno, Czech Republik, August 1998.
    Talk: "Copying quantum computer makes NP-complete problems tractable", R.
  6. Algorithms in Quantum Information Processing. Chicago, USA, January 1999.
  7. 16th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS'99). Trier, Germany, March 1999.
    Talk: "Decidability and undecidability of marked PCP" (joint work with V. Halava and R. de Wolf), R.
  8. Turku Symposium on Number Theory. Turku, Finland, May-June 1999.
  9. 4th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory (DLT'99). Aachen, Germany, July 1999.
  10. 7th Nordic Combinatorial Conference. Turku, Finland, August 1999.
  11. 12th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT'99). Iasi, Romania, August-September 1999.
  12. Miniworkshop on Functional Analysis and Quantum Mechanics. Turku, Finland, June 2001.
    Talk: "Quantum computation", I.
  13. Natural Computing Days. Newcastle, UK, March 2002.
    Talk: "Computing and Quantum Physics", I.
  14. 27th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS'02). Warsaw, Poland, August 2002.
    Talk: "Computing Partial Information out of Intractable One - The First Digit of 2n at Base 3 as an Example" (joint work with J. Karhumäki), R.
  15. 4th International Conference on Words. Turku, Finland, September 2003.
  16. 31st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP'04). Turku, Finland, August 2004.
  17. 16th Annual Conference and Convocation of Academia Europaea. Helsinki, Finland, September 2004.
    Talk: "Comparing quantum and classical information", I.
  18. 7th International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms (ICANNGA'05). Coimbra, Portugal, March 2005.
    Talk: "Quantum versus Classical Information", I.
  19. Quantum Information, Computation and Logic: Exploring New Connections. Waterloo, Canada, July 2005.
  20. 5th International Conference on Words. Montreal, Canada, September 2005.
  21. Workshop on Fibonacci Words. Turku, Finland, September 2006.
  22. 33rd International conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM'07). Harrachov, Czech Republic, January 2007.
    Talk: "Improved Undecidability results on the Emptiness Problem of Probabilistic and Quantum Cut-Point Languages", R.
  23. Workshop on Algorithms on Words. Turku, Finland, March 2007.
  24. Conference on Algorithmic Number Theory. Turku, Finland, May 2007.
    Talk: "How to Compute the First Digit of Fibonacci Numbers in Polynomial Time", R.
  25. Developments in Language Theory (DLT'07). Turku, Finland, July 2007.
  26. Workshop on Probabilistic and Quantum Automata (PQA). Turku, Finland, July 2007, N/A.
  27. 18th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. Prague, Czech Republic, September 2008.
    Talk: Quantum Computing, Targets, Principles, and Obstacles, I
    2nd Talk: Tutorial on Quantum Computing, I
  28. 12th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2008). Kyoto, Japan, September 2008.
    Talk: Various Aspects of Finite Quantum Automata, I.
  29. 15th International Conference on Neural Information Processing of the Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly. Auckland, New Zealand, November 2008.
    Talk: Quantum and Neural Perspectives, I.
  30. Workshop and Tutorials on Natural Computing. Enschede, The Netherlands, October 2010.
    Talk: Quantum Computing - A Review, I.
  31. Unconventional Computation 2011. Turku, Finland, June 2011.
    Talk: Tutorial on Quantum Information, I.
  32. Workshop on Perspective Technologies and Computational Models (PTCM 2011). Kazan, Russia, September 2011.
    Talk: Lectures on Quantum Information, Quantum Computing, and Quantum Cryptography, I.
  33. 11th International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies. Kazan, Russia, September 2011.
  34. 1st Russian-Finnish Symposium on Discrete Mathematics. St. Petersburg, Russia, September 2011.
    Talk: A method for computing the determinant, R.
  35. Workshop on Algebraic Foundations in Computer Science. Thessaloniki, Greece, November 2011.
    Talk: Quantum Automata Theory - A Review, I.
  36. Schloss Dagstuhl Seminar on Design of Reversible and Quantum Circuits, Wadern, Germany, December 2011.
    Talk: Quantum Automata Theory - A Review, I.
  37. 2nd Russian-Finnish Symposium on Discrete Mathematics. Turku, Finland, September 2012.
  38. Workshop on Quantum and Classical Complexity. Riga, Latvia, July 2013.
    Talk: Geometric Tools for Automata Complexity, N/A.
  39. 9th International Conference on Words. Turku, Finland, September 2013.
  40. Arto Salomaa 80. Turku, Finland, June 2014.
  41. 16th International Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems. Turku, Finland, August 2014.
  42. Polynomial Computer Algebra 2016 St. Petersburg, Russia, April, 2016.
    Talk: On the Generating Function of Discrete Chebyshev Polynomials, R.
  43. 11th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications, (LATA 17). Umeå, Sweden, March 2017
  44. Computability in Europe. Turku, Finland, June 2017.
  45. 7th International Conference on Algebraic Informatics, (CAI 2017). Kalamata, Greece, June 2017.
  46. Workshop on Quantum Computing and Quantum Information (co-chair), Kyoto, Japan, June 2019.
    Talk: Interference as a computational resource, N/A.
  47. Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation (UCNC 2019), Kyoto, Japan, June 2019.
  48. 44th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2019). Aachen, Germany, August 2019.
    Talk: Acceptance Ambiguity for Quantum Automata, R.

R: Regular talk accepted by the program committee
I: Invited talk

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