The workshop will be devoted to discussions on its title area
understood broadly.
Submissions including non-finished ideas to raise discussion are
possible and indeed welcomed. Also, well-written tutorials on specific
topics can be accepted as contributions.
Call for papers
Authors are cordially welcomed to send their relevant contributions to
Zornitza Prodanoff
( in their preferred electronic format.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed and presented orally at the workshop.
The organizers will serve as the program committee and assign the submitted manuscripts to peer reviewers
Workshop venue:
The workshop will be held in a hybrid, online and in-person. Please see the UCNC 2025 page for location information.
Further Information:
For general information about UCNC 2025, please
visit UCNC 2025
Workshop Proceedings
Authors may be invited to submit papers for review and publication in a potential special issue of the Journal of Natural Computing.
The authors are supposed to prepare the final versions of accepted papers with LaTeX.
Last Modified March 4, 2025 by Mika Hirvensalo