Ismo KantolaDr. Soc Sci, Adjunct professor of Sociology, University of Turku Senior research and teaching associate Department of Social research projects Organizing efficiency in science and engineering main publications A time of meta-celebration: Celebrating the sociology of celebration. Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology, 7, 1 (2016) [together with Mihai Stelian Rusu] Book review: Michael Halewood: Rethinking the Social through Durkheim, Marx, Weber and Whitehead; Bruno Karsenti: D'une philosophie à l'autre. Les sciences et la politique des modernes. Acta Sociologica, May 2016 59: 187-189. Book review: Neyland & Woolgar: Mundane governance. Acta Sociologica.Book review: Longino: Studying human behavior. Science and technology studies. On the re-materialization of the virtual. AI & Society. Vol. 28,
Nr. 2 (2013). Posiva: the organization of nuclear waste management in Finland. In: V-M. Autio (ed.): Contemporary Corporate Culture under Globalization. JTO publications, Helsinki 2012 [with M. Silvan-Lempinen] Book-review: Communication and knowledge in the Finnish Nuclear Waste Management System. In: Trappl (ed.): Proceedings of the Twentieth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research 2010. Österreichische Studiengesellschaft für Kybernetik, Wien 2010. [with M. Silvan-Lempinen] Celebration in the service of togetherness. 9th Conference of European Sociological Association. ESA 2009. European Society or European Societies? Full Papers - CD. Publisher: European Sociological Association Sociology between science and the environment. In: T.P. Karjalainen & P. Luoma & K. Reinikainen (eds.): Flows and Networks of Environmental Sociology. University of Oulu, Oulu 2008 (in Finnish with English abstract) The role of knowledge in energy politics. A sociological study. (2007) Academic dissertation. Annales universitatis turkuensis. Ser. B - Tom. 298 humaniora Embedded in fluid networks: spaces, times and conditions of biosciences and social sciences in contemporary Finland. Research Reports from the Finnish KNOWING project, 2:2008. University of Turku & Turku School of Economics. Turku 2008. [together with Jutta Ahlbeck-Rehn, Seppo Poutanen, Anne Kovalainen]. Hi there, Maid of Finland! Review article. International Sociology, vol. 21, nr. 6 (November 2006), pp. 881-884. Pollution. In: Stephan Harrison & Steve Pile & Nigel Thrift (eds.): Patterned Ground. Reaktion Books. London 2004. From programmed to programmable society? Recent trends in the development of networked media. Teoksessa: The Good, the Bad and the Irrelevant. Papers presented at the COST Action 269 Conference September 2003. Taideteollinen korkeakoulu 2003. Reflections for a sociological study on the cultural acceptance of the NICTs - AI & Society, (1999) - Springer Towards a Sociology of Energy Issues. In Annamari Konttinen (ed.): Green Moves, Political Stalemates. Sociological Perspectives on the Environment. Annales universitatis Turkuensis, B215. Turku 1996. Debating Energy and Environment: A Report on the Mediation of Professional and Expert Knowledge ... (1992) - University of Turku Current activitiesinvited co-editor of Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology (vol. 7, nr. 1 (June 2016)) - together with Mihai Stelian Rusu. convenor of RS Sociology of Celebration of ESA chair and member of executive committee, The Finnish Society for Science and Technology Studies lecturer of: Sociology of industrial relations (2012, 2013 "Neo-tribes" from Emile Durkheim to Michel Maffesoli and beyond" (2010)Currents of Sociology of Science (2009) researcher in KNOWING honorary member of Turku Jazz research mentor for X-rust ![]() | up-dated 180716 ![]() |