FT (filosofia)
Teoreettisen filosofian yliopisto-opettaja
Dosentti (Teoreettinen filosofia, Turun yliopisto)
20014 Turun yliopisto
E-mail: arimaunu@utu.fi
Aineopintojen harjoitusseminaari
Kandiseminaari ja kandidaatintutkielma
Logiikka ja argumentaatioteoria
Metafysiikka I
- Maunu, Ari (2020), “Are Necessary Identities Ever Disbelieved?“, Kriterion 61(145), 99-106.
- Maunu, Ari (2019), “The Principle of the Indiscernibility of Identicals Requires No Restrictions“, Synthese 196(1), 239-246.
- Maunu, Ari (2018), “On a Misguided Argument for the Necessity of Identity“, Journal of Philosophical Research 43, 241-248.
- Maunu, Ari (2018/2016), “Leibniz and Spinozist Necessitarianism“, Studia Leibnitiana 48(2), 261-267.
- Maunu, Ari (2018), “A Sound Cartesian Argument from Doubt for Dualism“, Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 61(4), 461-465.
- Maunu, Ari (2018), “Necessary a Posteriori Identity Truths: Fregeanism Beats Direct Reference Theory“, Axiomathes 28(1), 73-80.
- Maunu, Ari (2016), “Kaikkitietävä ajaton Jumala: Aikaindeksikaalien ongelma“, Teologinen Aikakauskirja 2/2016, 121-127.
- Maunu, Ari (2015), “Frege and the Description Theory: An Attempt at Rehabilitation“, Grazer Philosophische Studien 92, 109-116.
- Maunu, Ari (2015), “Leibnizian Rejection of Standard Thought Experiments against Identity of Indiscernibles“, Metaphysica: International Journal for Ontology and Metaphysics 16(2), 189-193.
- Maunu, Ari (2015), “Leibnizin vastaväitteitä molinistiselle voluntarismille“, Ajatus 72, 53-69.
- Maunu, Ari (2014), “Jumalan ennaltatietäminen ja luotujen vapaus molinismin mukaan“, Ajatus 71, 143-172.
- Korte, Tapio & Maunu, Ari & Aho, Tuomo (2009), “Modal Logic from Kant to Possible Worlds Semantics“, teoksessa Haaparanta, Leila (ed.), The Development of Modern Logic, New York: Oxford University Press, 516-550.
- Maunu, Ari (2008), “Leibniz’s Theory of Universal Expression Explicated“, Canadian Journal of Philosophy 38(2), 247-267.
- Maunu, Ari (2006), “Alethic Statements Are Not Intensional“, Teorema 25(3), 53-61.
- Maunu, Ari (2006), “Some Fregean Considerations on Predicates and Their Reference“, Tabula Rasa 25.
- Maunu, Ari (2005), “Generalist Transworld Identitism (or, Identity through Possible Worlds without Nonqualitative Thisnesses)“, Logique et Analyse 48(189-192), 151-158.
- Maunu, Ari (2004), “Leibnizian Soft Reduction of Extrinsic Denominations and Relations“, Synthese 139(1), 143-164.
- Maunu, Ari (2004), “Extrinsic Denominations and Universal Expression in Leibniz“, Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 43(1), 83-97.
- Maunu, Ari (2003), “No Belief Is Contingently True“, Auslegung: A Journal of Philosophy 26(2), 67-75.
- Maunu, Ari (2002), “Indiscernibility of Identicals and Substitutivity in Leibniz“, History of Philosophy Quarterly 19(4), 367-380.
- Maunu, Ari (2002), “A Problem with De Re Belief Ascriptions, with a Consequence to Substitutivity“, Philosophia 29(1-4), 411-421.
- Maunu, Ari (2002), “Frege’s Gedanken Are Not Truth Conditions“, Facta Philosophica: International Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 4(2), 231-238.
- Maunu, Ari (2002), “Natural Kind Terms Are Similar to Proper Names in Being World-Independent“, Philosophical Writings 19 & 20, 51-68.
- Maunu, Ari (2000), “A Simple Solution to the Problem of De Se Belief Ascriptions“, Communication & Cognition 33(3-4), 199-226.
- Maunu, Ari (1999), Worldlessness, Determinism and Free Will (Doctoral Dissertation), Turku: Turun yliopisto.