Phd.Thesis: Rami Ilo, Addressing Imbalanced Data for Mineral Prospectivity Mapping using Machine Learning, 2024.
Phd.Thesis: Luca Zelioli, Leveraging Machine Learning for Maritime Object Detection and Peatland Classification, University of Turku, Finland, 2022-2024.
Phd.Thesis: Kalliovaara Juha, Predictive maritime situational awareness models for object detection and tracking, University of Turku, Finland, 2022-current.
Phd.Thesis: Javad Sheikh, On Implementing a Research Platform to Enable Autonomous Operation of Maritime Vessels, University of Turku, Finland, 2022-current.
MSc.Thesis: weather image data augmentation with generative adversarial networks, University of Turku, Finland, 2022-2023.
MSc.Thesis: Driver drowsiness detection, University of Tallinn, Estonia, 2021.
MSc.Thesis: Lane/road Detection in autonomous cars, University of Turku, Finland, 2021.
MSc.Thesis: Collisions Detection using virtual environments in autonomous cars, University of Turku, Finland, 2021.
MSc.Thesis: AT-CNN-LSTM Facial Micro-expression Recognition and its Application in Educational Scene, Fudan University of Technology, China, 2019.
MSc.Thesis: The Research and improvement for image haze removal algorithm, Fudan University of Technology, China, 2018.
Internship student: Sensor fusion for Autonomous Vehicles, University of Turku, Finland, 2018.
MSc.Thesis: Comparison Study Between Routing Algorithm in Network-on-Chips, University of Turku, Finland, 2013.
15 BSc.Thesis: machine learning applications in different real-world problems, Azad University of Tiran, Iran, 2008-2011.
Pedagogical Training:
Two months intensive courses on “Teach in English” (2-ECTS) from University of Turku, 2015 (completed).
Two months intensive courses on “University pedagogics” from University of Turku, 2015 (completed).