

Current post:

University teacher (2019-2020)

Previous posts:

Researcher, grantee (2016-2019; Finnish Cultural Foundation).

Several short-term posts in grant application writing (e.g., ERC advanced grant applications of prof. Joseph Almog) and teaching (e.g. Philosophical Methodology in University of Eastern Finland, fall 2019).


PhD 2016: University of Turku

MSSc 2011: University of Turku

BSSc 2010: University of Turku

Dissertation (2016): Descartes’ Metaphysics of Thinking (Public Defense 20.2.2016; Opponent: Professeur Denis Kambouchner, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne; Reviewed by Professor John Carriero, UCLA, and Denis Kambouchner.)

Master’s Thesis (2011): Kaksi kielifilosofia: Locke ja Kripke. Kielifilosofinen tutkielma merkityksestä ja viittaamisesta (Two Philosophers of Language: Locke and Kripke. A Study in Philosophy of Language on Meaning and Reference).

Bachelor’s Thesis (2010): Donald Davidsonin lainauksen demonstratiiviteoria (Donald Davidson’s Demonstrative Theory of Quotation).


Postdoc Project on Descartes’ Metaphysics and Natural Sciences, 2016 – 2019, Finnish Cultural Foundation.

Full-time PhD candidate position, 2014-2016, Finnish Doctoral Programme of Philosophy.

Doctoral Research, 2013,  Finnish Cultural Foundation.

Doctoral Research, 2012, Finnish Cultural Foundation, Varsinais-Suomi Regional Fund.

Doctoral Research, 2012, University of Turku, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Philosophy.

Doctoral Research, 2011, Turku University Foundation.

Stipend for Outstanding student, 2011, August and Aleksandra Lundell Scholarship Fund.

Selected Presentations:

”Asuuko meissä kaikissa pieni rasisti?” A presentation about racism and implicit bias; Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland, Helsinki, 27.5.2019.

“Mind-body Problem and Mind-Body Concepts”. CERN IdeaSquare, Geneva 9.3.2018.

“Descartes on Interaction and Sensation”. A miniworkshop with Hanoch Ben-Yami, University of Helsinki 5.10.2017.

“Descartes on Interaction and Sensation”. One day workshop with John Carriero, University of Turku 12.9.2017.

“Descartes on Qualia”. Research Seminar, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. 6.4.2017.

“Muutamia huomioita rasismin käsitteestä”. (Some remarks on the concept of ‘racism’). Philosophical Society of Finland, Helsinki, Finland. 29.3.2017.

Authors meet the critics. Comments on Calvin Normore’s and Deborah Brown’s manuscript “Descartes’ Ontology of Everyday Life”. University of Jyväskylä 14.6.2017.

“Descartes’ Metaphysics of Thinking”. Research Seminar, University of Tampere, Finland. 7.4.2016.

Toward a Science of Consciousness, June 2015, Helsinki: Lessons from Descartes’ Sensory Dualism (in symposium Early Modern Roots of Consciousness with Vili Lähteenmäki and Jani Hakkarainen).

Perception and Thinking In, By and Of Nature, University of Turku, May 2015: Descartes’ Metaphysics of Being/Thinking (with Joseph Almog).

Metaphysics and the Mind – Early Modern Views, University of Jyväskylä, January 2014: Descartes on Ideas.

The Second Arctic Circle Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy: Self. Kilpisjärvi, Finland August 2013: Invited comments on presentation by Stephan Schmid: ”Malebranche on the Self and Its Will”.

Nordic Workshop for Early Modern Philosophy, University of Oslo, August 2012: Locke on Perception.

Selected Teaching:

Philosophical Methodology, University of Eastern Finland, Fall 2019.

Conceptions of Society and Critical Thinking (General studies course at the Faculty of Social Sciences), University of Turku, Spring 2018, 2019, 2020.

Argumentation Theory II (for advanced philosophy students), University of Turku, Fall 2017.

Descartes & What Holds Everything Together: Infinite Reality and Causality (with Joseph Almog) University of Turku, Spring 2016.

Descartes’ Philosophy of Perception, University of Turku, Spring 2015.

History of Philosophy II – Locke & Hume, University of Turku, 2013.


Forthcoming: Rasismi (”racism”). An encyclopedia entry in Logos-online encyclopedia.

Forthcoming: “Komputationalismi, eksternalismi ja Descartesin ’objektiivinen realiteetti’” (“Computationalism, Externalism, and Descartes’ ’objective reality’”) Ajatus 76.

“Descartes ja havainto” (Descartes and Perception). Proceedings of Philosophical Society of Finland, one word Colloquium “Havainto”. Philosophical Society of Finland. 2018.

“Aistimukset ja interaktionismi: Aistimukset mielen ja ruumiin yhteen nivojina Descartesin ontologiassa” (Sensations and interactionism: Sensations as the binders of mind and body in Descartes’ ontology). niin & näin 3/17.

“Rasismi ja käsitenihilismi” (Racism and Conceptual Nihilism”) Ajatus 74, Philosophical Society of Finland, 2017.

Rasismi ja filosofia (ed.) 2017, Eetos-julkaisuja 18, Turku: Eetos ry.

”Johdanto” in Rasismi ja filosofia, 11 – 36.

”Rasismi ja moraalinen sokeus” in Rasismi ja filosofia, 37 – 58.

”Rasismin määritelmä” in Rasismi ja filosofia, 273 – 290.

Why Things Matter: Camus’ Meursault and Descartes’ Causal Principle, 2016.

“Lectio praecursoria.” Ajatus 73. 2016. Helsinki: Philosophical Society of Finland.

Descartes’ Metaphysics of Thinking (Doctoral Dissertation), 2016, Reports from the Department of Philosophy, University of Turku. Press release (in Finnish).

“Locke, John”. Logos-online encyclopedia. Syrjämäki, Sami, Kannisto, Toni & Järvilehto, Lauri (eds.). European Philosophy Club. 2013. URL: http://filosofia.fi/ensyklopedia

Other writings:

“Suomalaisen ympäristövastuu?” (“Finns’ responsibility about the environment?”) Scientific column, Turun Sanomat 14.5.2019.

”Typeryyden noidankehä” (”The vicious circle of stupidity”), Scientific column, Turun Sanomat 25.3.2019.

”Ulkomaalaisten tekemät seksuaalirikokset maahanmuuttopoliittisina perusteluina”. (“Sexual offenses of foreigners as grounds for immigration policies”.) University of Turku blog. 19.3.2019.

“Sananvapaus on ehjä”. (”The freedom of speech is intact”.) Scientific column, Turun Sanomat 23.11.28.

Commentary article “Rasismilla on kauaskantoiset seuraukset yhteiskunnassa” (”Racism has longterm consequences in the society”) on Zacheus, Tuomas: ”Koulurasismin monet kasvot” (“The many faces of racism in schools”) in Versus (a magazine popularizing scientific research) 2.5.2018.

“Vihapuheen viha ja seuraukset” (“The hate in hatespeech and its consequences.”) Scientific column, Turun Sanomat. 24.3.2018.

“Vanhemmuus on löytöretki, ei opasmatka”. (”Parenthood is a journey of exploration, not a package holiday”) Scientific column, Turun Sanomat. 19.12.2017

“Vihan 9/10”. (9/10 of Hate). Column, Aurora 3/2017.

“Pelko on avain valtaan”. (Fear is the key to power.) Scientific column, Turun Sanomat. 23.8.2017.

“Filosofian opiskelu parantaisi oppimistuloksia.” (Studying philosophy would improve learning results.”) Letter to the editor, Helsingin Sanomat 10.2.2017.

“Filosofia parantaisi oppimistuloksia.” (“Philosophy can improve learning.”) Letter to the editor, Aamulehti 20.1.2017

”Rasismi häivyttää yksilön” (”Racism fades out the individual”). Scientific column, Turun Sanomat 17.1.2017.

Isänmaallisuutta tarvitaan arvotyhjiön täyttäjäksi.Scientific column, Helsingin Sanomat 5.12.2016.

Suomalaisen filosofian taso kova. Letter to the editor, a reply to Kari Salminen, Turun Sanomat 29.9.2015.