
Peer-reviewed articles

Honkola, T., & Jordan, F. M. 2023. Kin Term Borrowings in the World’s Languages. Journal of Language Contact. 15: 562-626.

Metsäranta, N., Milanova, V. & Honkola, T. 2023. Borrowability of kinship terms in Uralic languages. Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungen 68.

Moilanen, U., Salmela, E. & Honkola, T. 2023. Families on the move? The case of Proto-Finnic speakers. Moving northward: Professor Volker Heyd’s Festschrift as he turns 60. Lahelma, A., Lavento, M., Mannermaa, K., Ahola, M., Holmqvist, E. & Nordqvist, K. (eds.). [Helsinki]: p. 311-329, 19 p. (Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland; no. 11).

Passmore, S., Barth, W., Greenhill, S.J., Quinn, K., Sheard, C., Argyriou, P., Birchall, J., Bowern, C., Calladine, J., Deb, A., Diederen, A., Metsäranta, N.P., Araujo, L.H., Schembri, R., Hickey-Hall, J., Honkola, T., Mitchell, A., Poole, L., Rácz, P.M., Roberts, S.G., Ross, R.M., Thomas-Colquhoun, E., Evans, N., Jordan, F. M. 2023. Kinbank: A global database of kinship terminology. PLoS ONE 18(5): e0283218.

Norvik, M., Jing, Y., Dunn, M., Forkel, R., Honkola, T., Klumpp, G., Kowalik, R., Metslang, H., Pajusalu, K., Piha, M., Saar, E., Saarinen, S. & Vesakoski, O. 2022. Uralic typology in the light of a new comprehensive dataset. Journal of Uralic Linguistics. 1: 4-42.

Lynch, R., Loehr, J., Lummaa, V., Honkola, T., Pettay, J. & Vesakoski, O. 2022. Socio-cultural similarity with host population rather than ecological similarity predicts success and failure of human migrations. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 289: 20212298.

Syrjänen, K.*, Maurits, L.*, Leino, U., Honkola, T., Rota, J. & Vesakoski, O. 2021. Crouching TIGER, hidden structure: Exploring the nature of linguistic data using TIGER values. Journal of Language Evolution. lzab004, *Shared first authorship.

Rantanen, T., Tolvanen, H., Honkola, T., & Vesakoski, O. 2021. A comprehensive spatial model for historical travel effort – a case study in Finland. Fennia – International Journal of Geography 199: 61–88.

Ketola, T., Briga, M., Honkola, T. & Lummaa, V. 2021. Town population size and structuring into villages and households drive infectious disease risks in pre-healthcare Finland. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 288: 20210356.

Maurits, L., de Heer, M., Honkola, T., Dunn, M. & Vesakoski, O. 2019. Best practices in justifying calibrations for dating language families. Journal of Language Evolution. lzz009,

Honkola, T., Syrjänen, K., Santaharju, J. & Pajusalu, K. 2019. Clustering lexical variation of Finnic languages based on Atlas Linguarum Fennicarum. Linguistica Uralica 55:3.

Tambets, K., Yunusbayev, B., Hudjashov, G., Ilumäe, A-M., Rootsi, S., Honkola, T.,Vesakoski, O., Atkinson, Q.  et al. 2018. Genes reveal traces of common recent demographic history for most of the Uralic-speaking populations. Genome Biology. 19:139.

Honkola, T., Ruokolainen, K., Syrjänen, K. J. J., Leino U, Tammi, I, Wahlberg, N. & Vesakoski, O. 2018. Evolution within a language: Environmental differences contribute to divergence of dialect groups. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 18:132.

Syrjänen, K.*, Honkola, T.*, Lehtinen, J., Leino, A. & Vesakoski, O. 2016. Applying population genetic approaches within languages: Finnish dialects as linguistic populations. Language Dynamics and Change. 6: 235–283. DOI: 10.1163/22105832-00602002 *Shared first authorship.

Ala-Honkola, O., Laine, L., Pekkala, N., Kotiaho, J. S., Honkola, T. & Puurtinen, M. 2015. Males gain fitness benefits by mating with outbred females in Drosophila littoralis: male choice for genetic quality? Ethology 121: 577–585. DOI: 10.1111/eth.12369

Lehtinen, J., Honkola, T., Korhonen, K., Syrjänen, K., Wahlberg, N. & Vesakoski, O. 2014. Behind family trees: Secondary connections in Uralic language networks. Language Dynamics and Change 4: 189-221.

Honkola, T., Vesakoski, O., Korhonen, K., Lehtinen, J., Syrjänen, K. & Wahlberg, N. 2013. Cultural and climatic changes shape the evolutionary history of the Uralic languages. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 1244–1253. DOI: 10.1111/jeb.12107.

Syrjänen, K., Honkola, T., Lehtinen, J., Korhonen, K., Vesakoski, O. & Wahlberg, N. 2013. Shedding more light on language classification using basic vocabularies and phylogenetic methods: A case study of Uralic. Diachronica 30: 323-352. DOI: 10.1075/dia.30.3.02syr.

Non-peer reviewed articles

Honkola, T. 2016. Kielten makro- ja mikroevoluutio: Kielten erkaantumisen tutkiminen evoluutiobiologisista lähtökohdista. [Macro- and microevolution of languages: Exploring linguistic divergence with approaches from evolutionary biology]. Lectio praecursoria. Online version of the journal Virittäjä 1.

Publications intended for general public

Tambets, K., Honkola, T. & Metspalu, M. Whole genome-wide study reveals most Uralic-speakers have traces of recent common demographic history in their genes. On Biology Blog 24.10.2018

Honkola, T. Using a biological framework to resolve the early stages of linguistic divergence BMC Series Blog 6.9.2018.


Honkola, T. 2016. Macro- and microevolution of languages: Exploring linguistic divergence with approaches from evolutionary biology. PhD thesis. University of Turku, Turku.

Honkola, T. 2009. The effects of inbreeding, crossbreeding and stress on metabolic rate in Drosophila littoralis. MSc thesis. University of Jyväskylä.

Honkola, T. 2007. Takasiiven värityksen ja melanismikuvion periytyminen täpläsiilikäskoiraalla (Parasemia plantaginis). [The inheritance of hindwing color and melanin pattern in wood tiger moth males (Parasemia plantaginis)] BSc thesis. University of Jyväskylä.