
Feel free to contact me at the following email address! You might or might not get a proper reply (I sometimes get busy or forget emails) but I’ll try to respond to anything that’s not spam.

taesho [ät ]

You’ll also find me on Bluesky and Mastodon. I’ve in practice stopped using Twitter.

A note on all this “Dear dr. Lastname” stuff

To save a lot of agonising over how to start your email, I prefer the Finnish style. Finns generally send the following kind of mail to friends..

Mitä kuuluu?
-Tapani their professor..

Mitä kuuluu?
-Tapani royalty..

Mitä kuuluu?

That’s right, they’re all the same. ‘Hei’ translates as ‘Hi’ so English speakers can save one letter.

In other words, don’t stress about it 😃 As far as I’m concerned it makes no difference whether you start your mail with ‘Hi!’, ‘Dear Tapani’ or ‘To your waspophilic highness’. The only way you’ll insult me is if you call me sir – and I don’t mean that seriously either.