
I study whatever happens to grab my interest at the time. Mainly biology and especially biodiversity, but other fields are also of interest.

I publish any worthwhile results as scientific articles. I also publish the data and the scripts used to handle it. I’ve also collected a huge mass of research material such as Ugandan insects, which I’m more than willing to let others study too.

Major topics of interest include:

  • Biodiversity, especially why there are exactly the number of species there are. In practice, I’m currently stuck on describing the hundreds of new wasp species I found in Uganda.
  • Practical methods for finding out what is happening in nature and what other creatures are doing. In practice, this has meant developing an automatic insect camera. My aim is that some day insect numbers will be monitored and reported in real time, the way weather currently is.
  • Explaining quantum mechanics. I’m obsessed by the idea that quantum phenomena could be caused by forces not being uniform; by the random variation in the numbers and distribution of force carrying particles. In practice, I’ve so far been on a hiding to nothing, but that doesn’t prevent me from donning my tin foil hat from time to time and trying again.