I have a long-term interest in bi- and multilingual encounters and their linguistic consequences, with particular reference to vocabulary on the one hand and to texts (as ‘communicative events’) on the other. On my homepage I have separate tabs for lexical research and my Academy-of-Finland project; what is featured below is other work related to language contact and multilingual practices. I have also started working on linguistic landscapes.

Some publications and presentations:

  • Nurmi, Arja & Janne Skaffari. 2021. Managing Latin: Support and intratextual translation as mediation strategies in the history of English. Text & Talk 41: 4, 493-513.
  • Skaffari, Janne. 2012. English in contact: French. In Bergs, Alexander & Laurel J. Brinton (eds.). English Historical Linguistics: An International Handbook (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 34.2). Berlin & New York: De Gruyter Mouton, 1671-1686.
  • Skaffari, Janne. 2018. Multilingual practices in thirteenth-century English texts. Guest lecture. University of Zürich, Zürich.
  • Skaffari, Janne. 2019. Multilingual practices in manuscripts from the long 12th century. Paper read at IMEMS Work in Progress Meeting, Durham.
  • Skaffari, Janne. 2020. Translating multilingual texts. EnglanTY blog, URL: https://blogit.utu.fi/englishturku/2020/02/04/translating-multilingual-texts.
  • Skaffari, Janne. 2022. Gaudeamus igitur: Latin in American English. Poster presented at XLVIII Kielitieteen päivät [Finnish Conference of Linguistics], Turku.
  • Skaffari, Janne. 2023. (In)visible translations: Texts from medieval England. Paper read at Trextuality: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Translated and Multilingual Texts conference, Turku.
  • Skaffari, Janne. 2023.  Suomi ja englanti kohtaavat kaupungin kielimaisemassa [‘Finnish meets English in the urban linguistic landscape’]. Kielikello 4/2023.
  • Skaffari, Janne, Minna Hjort & Sanni Linnasaari. 2023. I can resist anything but this temptation: Turku Centerin kielimaisemaa [The linguistic landscape of ‘Turku Center’]. Paper read at XLIX Kielitieteen päivät [Finnish Conference of Linguistics], Oulu.