European Quantum Flagship:
I am a member of Quantum Technology Education community of European Quantum Flagship.
Currently working on on pilot related to Quantum Playlist of European Quantum Readiness Center.
See my profile here:
European Quantum Flagship:
Quantum Technology Education:
European Quantum Readiness Center:
My earlier activities include participating in three working groups:
- School education and Public outreach
- Educational initiatives in higher education
- Educational research in Quantum Technology
and two Pilot Projects:
- Community-based development of the Quantum Concept Inventory
- Quantum Teaching Materials for Schools.
Finnish Physical Society:
Finnish Young Minds:
I am a member of Finnish Young Minds (FYM) board, the division of Finnish Physical Society. In 2021 as a treasurer and in 2022-2024 as a vice-chairman.
FYM brings together young physicists all over Finland. In 2021 FYM launched a webinar series that is now titled “Physics Smoothies” where physicists have given diverse presentations, e.g. about their career paths, research at different Finnish universities and how to write a good academic CV.
In 2023 together with SFMO we started an Instagram account for all physics university students in Finland:
FYM has their own Discord Server open for all physics students and young researchers to join:
Diversity in Physics, Finland:
I am a member of Finnish Diversity in Physics (FinDiP) group, which is a working group of Finnish Physical Society. I joined the group in 2022.
The specific aims of FinDiP are to:
- educate and encourage postgraduate students and postdocs to pursue a career in physics, with a goal of making sure the people in our field better represent society as a whole,
- increase opportunities for students and young researchers to find tutors, mentors and role models with whom they identify,
- increase opportunities for researchers from diverse and minoritized backgrounds to exchange information and network with their peers,
- increase the visibility of physicists from underrepresented groups,
- identify and remove obstacles that reinforce iniquity in the career development of physicists from different
- backgrounds, and
- maintain an international network with other organizations representing and supporting scientists from under-represented and minoritized groups.
University of Turku:
I was a member of Education Development Working Group in the Department of Physics and Astronomy in 2017-2021. The aim of the group is to develop physics and astronomy courses and study modules.
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