

Aalto Quantum Games (3-9 ECTS), advanced studies, 2022, Aalto University, teaching and mentoring, https://quantumgames.aalto.fi/ 

Special course in Theoretical Physics I and II (5+3 ECTS),
topic: Topology, Geometry and Physics, advanced studies, 2021-2022, University of Turku, teaching and evaluating

Recitation classes:

Mathematical tools for Physics  (Fysiikan matemaattiset apuneuvot) (4 ECTS), intermediate studies, 2020-2023, University of Turku

Quantum Mechanics IB (5 ECTS), intermediate studies, 2021, University of Turku

Teaching events in university:

Fun in Theory 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, for physics and mathematics students


Tutoring physics students during their second study year 2022-2023, with the aim of supporting students throughout their most difficult study year, helping them with physics courses and communicating their problems and wishes to physics courses lecturers.

Teaching materials:

Co-developer of interactive online book Open Quantum Systems with Qiskit, 2019, https://matteoacrossi.github.io/oqs-jupyterbook/