
Kaisa Matomäki -- Publications

Here you can download most of my papers. The papers are listed in reversed chronological order according to the publication year. In most cases, the linked pdf files are my own versions which might differ from the actual published articles. The published version can often be obtained by following the link to the journal's homepage. If not, I am happy to send a reprint.
  1. (with M. Radziwill, X. Shao, T. Tao and J. Teräväinen) Higher uniformity of arithmetic functions in short intervals II. Almost all intervals.
          Pre-print. arXiv
  2. (with V. Chandee, X. Li and M. Radziwill) The sixth moment of Dirichlet L-functions at the central point
          Pre-print. arXiv
  3. (with S. Zuniga Alterman) Weighted sieves with switching.
          Pre-print. arXiv
  4. (with J. Teräväinen) A note on zero density results implying large value estimates for Dirichlet polynomials.
          Pre-print. arXiv
  5. (with J. Merikoski and J. Teräväinen) Primes in arithmetic progressions and short intervals without L-functions.
          Pre-print. arXiv
  6. (with V. Chandee, X. Li and M. Radziwill) The eighth moment of Dirichlet L-functions II
          Duke Math. J., to appear. arXiv
  7. (with M. Čech) A note on exceptional characters and non-vanishing of Dirichlet L-functions.
          Math. Ann., 389, 987-996 (2024). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  8. (with J. Teräväinen) Products of primes in arithmetic progressions.
          J. Reine Angew. Math., 808, 193--240 (2024). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  9. (with J. Teräväinen) Almost primes in almost all short intervals II.
          Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 376, 5433-5459 (2023). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  10. (with X. Shao, T. Tao and J. Teräväinen) Higher uniformity of arithmetic functions in short intervals I. All intervals.
          Forum of Mathematics, Pi., 11, e29 (2023). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  11. (with J. Merikoski) Siegel zeros, twin primes, Goldbach's conjecture, and primes in short intervals
          Int. Math. Res. Not., 2023, 20337-20384 (2023). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  12. (with M. Radziwill) Multiplicative functions in short intervals II
          Pre-print. arXiv
  13. (with M. Radziwill, T. Tao, J. Teräväinen and T. Ziegler) Higher uniformity of bounded multiplicative functions in short intervals on average
          Ann. of Math., 197, 739--857 (2023). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  14. (with J. Teräväinen) On the Möbius function in all short intervals
          J. Eur. Math. Soc., 25, 1207--1225 (2023). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  15. (with M. Radziwill, X. Shao, T. Tao and J. Teräväinen) Singmaster's conjecture in the interior of Pascal's triangle
          Quart. J. Math., 73, 1137-1177 (2022). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  16. Almost primes in almost all very short intervals
          J. Lond. Math. Soc., 106, 1061--1097 (2022). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  17. (with X. Shao) Discorrelation between primes in short intervals and polynomial phases
          Int. Math. Res. Not., 2021, 12330--12355 (2021). arXiv Link to the publisher
  18. (with O. Gorodetsky, M. Radziwill and B. Rodgers) On the variance of squarefree integers in short intervals and arithmetic progressions
          Geom. Funct. Anal., 31, 111--149 (2021). arXiv Link to the publisher
  19. (with M. Radziwill and T. Tao) Fourier uniformity of bounded multiplicative functions in short intervals on average
          Invent. Math., 220, 1--58 (2020). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  20. (with X. Shao) When the sieve works II.
          J. Reine Angew. Math., 763, 1--24 (2020). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  21. (with M. Radziwill and T. Tao) Correlations of the von Mangoldt and higher divisor functions II. Divisor correlations in short ranges.
          Math. Ann., 374, 793--840 (2019). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  22. (with M. Radziwill and T. Tao) Correlations of the von Mangoldt and higher divisor functions I. Long shift ranges.
          Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 118, 284--350 (2019). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  23. (with S. Lester and M. Radziwill) Small scale distribution of zeros and mass of modular forms.
          J. Eur. Math. Soc., 20, 1595--1627 (2018). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  24. (with J. Maynard and X. Shao) Vinogradov's theorem with almost equal summands.
          Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 115, 327--347 (2017). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  25. (with X. Shao) Vinogradov's three primes theorem with almost twin primes.
          Compos. Math. 153, 1220--1256 (2017). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  26. (with M. Radziwill and T. Tao) Sign patterns of the Liouville and Möbius functions.
          Forum Math. Sigma 4, e14, 44 pp (2016). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  27. (with M. Radziwill) Multiplicative functions in short intervals.
          Ann. of Math. 183, 1015--1056 (2016). arXiv, Link to the publisher         (See also: A note on the Liouville function in short intervals (with M. Radziwill). arXiv)
  28. Another note on smooth numbers in short intervals.
          Int. J. Number Theory. 12, 323--340 (2016). Download, Link to the publisher
  29. Real zeros of holomorphic Hecke cusp forms and sieving short intervals.
          J. Eur. Math. Soc. 18, 123--146 (2016). Download, Link to the publisher
  30. (with M. Radziwill and T. Tao) An averaged form of Chowla's conjecture.
          Algebra & Number Theory. 9, 2167--2196 (2015). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  31. (with M. Radziwill) Sign changes of Hecke eigenvalues.
          Geom. Funct. Anal. 25, 1937--1955 (2015). arXiv, Link to the publisher
  32. (with A. Granville and D. Koukoulopoulos) When the sieve works.
          Duke Math. J. 164, 1935--1969 (2015). Download , Link to the publisher
  33. On sumsets of multisets in Z_p^m.
          Electron. J. Combin. 20, #P30 (2013). Download, Link to the publisher
  34. Sums of positive density subsets of the primes.
          Acta Arith. 159, 201-225 (2013). Download, Link to the publisher
  35. Carmichael numbers in arithmetic progressions.
          J. Aust. Math. Soc. 94, 268-275 (2013). Download***, Link to the publisher
  36. (with K. Saari), A new geometric approach to Sturmian words.
          Theoret. Comput. Sci. 432, 77-84 (2012) arXiv, Link to the publisher
  37. On the distribution of B-free numbers and non-vanishing Fourier coefficients of cusp forms.
          Glasg. Math. J. 54, 381-397 (2012) Download**, Link to the publisher
  38. On signs of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms.
         Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 152, 207-222 (2012) Download*, Link to the publisher
  39. (with A.-M. Ernvall-Hytönen, P. Haukkanen, and J. K. Merikoski) Formulas for the number of gridlines.
         Monatsh. Math. 164, 157-170 (2011) Download, Link to the publisher
  40. A note on signs of Kloosterman sums.
         Bull. Soc. Math. France 139, 287-295 (2011) Download, Link to the publisher
  41. A note on smooth numbers in short intervals.
         Int. J. Number Theory 6, 1113-1116 (2010) Download, Link to the publisher
  42. Prime-representing functions.
         Acta Math. Hungar. 128, 307-314 (2010) Download, Link to the publisher
  43. A note on the sum of the first n primes.
         Quart. J. Math. 61, 109-115 (2010). Download, Link to the publisher
  44. Diophantine approximation by primes.
         Glasg. Math. J. 52, 87-106 (2010). Download**, Link to the publisher
  45. The distribution of alpha p modulo one.
         Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 147, 267-283 (2009). Download*, Link to the publisher
  46. On the greatest prime factor of ab+1.
         Acta Math. Hungar. 124, 115-123 (2009). Download, Link to the publisher
  47. A Bombieri-Vinogradov type exponential sum result with applications.
         J. Number Theory 129, 2214-2225 (2009). Download, Link to the publisher
  48. A note on primes of the form p = aq^2 + 1.
         Acta Arith. 137, 133-137 (2009). Download, Link to the publisher
  49. On the exceptional set in Goldbach's problem in short intervals.
         Monatsh. Math. 155, 167-189 (2008). Link to the publisher
  50. (with G. Harman) Some problems of analytic number theory on arithmetic semigroups.
          Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 38, 21-40 (2008). Link to the publisher
  51. The binary Goldbach problem with one prime of the form p = k^2 + l^2 + 1,
          J. Number Theory 128, 1195-1210 (2008). Download, Link to the publisher
  52. Large differences between consecutive primes.
          Quart. J. Math. 58, 489-518 (2007). Download, Link to the publisher
  53. Prime numbers of the form p = m^2+n^2+1 in short intervals.
         Acta Arith. 128, 193-200 (2007). Download, Link to the publisher
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** Copyright belongs to Glasgow Mathematical Journal Trust
*** Copyright belongs to Australian Mathematical Publishing Association