Kaikki käännökset eivät ole sitä, mitä esittävät – miten tunnistaa valehtelevat käännökset? Variantti-kollokvio 2024/online. 30 October 2024.
Varo valehtelevia käännöksiä: Miksi käännösten syntyhistorian ja kielellisten piirteiden tutkimus on tärkeää. Philology and Language History Research Seminar. University of Turku. 3 October 2024.
Varo valehtelevia käännöksiä: miksi käännösten syntyhistorian ja kielellisten piirteiden tutkimus
on tärkeää. Tekstit ympärillämme: kirjoituksia teksitkäsityksistä ja -käytänteitä -teoksen julkaisujuhla. Tampere, Finland. 19 September 2024.
Tekstikäsitykset ja -käytänteet ympärillämme. With Riku Haapaniemi & Sakari Katajamäki. Tekstit ympärillämme: kirjoituksia teksitkäsityksistä ja -käytänteitä -teoksen julkaisujuhla. Tampere, Finland. 19 September 2024.
Translation-related materials in Finnish archives: Method for gathering metadata and insights into what the archives contain. History, Translation, Politics (HTN24). Graz, Austria. 11–14 September 2024.
The Role of English in Translation into Finnish: The Perspective of Literary Translation. Keynote talk at English as a Lingua Nordica – Language in a Changing World (#ELN2024). Turku, Finland. 30–31 August 2024.
Käännöskäsikirjoitusten välisiä yhteyksiä: Tuomas Anhavan suomennokset Konstantinos Kavafiksen runoista. KäTu 2024 (The XXI Symposium on translation and interpreting studies). Tampere, Finland. 19–20 April 2024.
Aineistojen välisestä yhteydestä: Arkistot ja muu elämä. With Outi Paloposki. KäTu 2024 (The XXI Symposium on translation and interpreting studies). Tampere, Finland. 19–20 April 2024.
Studying the genesis of a translation: Constants and variants in poetry translation drafts. Invited talk in the higher seminar in Translation Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden. 4 April 2024.
Tutkija tavattavissa -vierailu. Hyvinkää/online. 14 December 2023.
Välikielten kautta kääntämisen tutkimus: Havaintoja ja haasteita. Talk at the Academy Club of Young Academy Finland, Helsinki. 18 August 2023. Available on the YouTube channel of the Young Academy Finland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQIes0KxtRg.
Looking under the hood: Which linguistic features contribute to the source language classification of direct and indirect translations into Finnish? With Ilmari Ivaska. UCCTS (Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies), 7th edition, Poznan, Poland. 10–12 July 2023.
The origins and features of indirect translations. SNÖ & Utuling conference on international co-operation, co-writing and joint project applications. Turku, Finland. 11–12 May 2023.
Two Approaches to Uncovering the True Identities of Translations: Studying Origins and Features. Department of English Research Seminar, University of Turku. 27 April 2023.
Looking under the hood: Which linguistic features contribute to the source language classification of direct and indirect translations into Finnish? With Ilmari Ivaska. Research day of the School of Languages and Translation Studies of the University of Turku. 4 May 2023.
Using archival material in translational research. Invited workshop at the Translation Studies Seminar, University of Turku. 24 November 2022.
Kääntämiseen littyvien arkistoaineistojen löytämisen vaikeus ja ilo: Kyselytutkimuksen tuloksia. Variantti-kollokvio, Joensuu, Finland. 17–18 November 2022.
Retranslation and indirect translation. Invited talks at the courses “Tranduction générale” and “Traduction générale II” at the Université Laval. Quebec, Canada/online. 18 October 2022.
Nykykreikkalaisen kirjallisuuden suomennokset ja kääntäjä Kyllikki Villan havaintoja aiheesta. Nykykreikkalaisen kirjallisuuden suomentamisen seminaari. Finnish Institute at Athens, Greece. 13 October 2022.
Retranslation and indirect translation. Invited talk at the course “Translation Theories” at the University of Montréal. Canada/online. 5 October 2022.
Cavafy in Finnish. International Cavafy Summer School 2022, “Cavafy Mediated”. Cavafy Archive & Onassis Foundation. Athens, Greece. 11–16 July 2022.
Advancing the identification of indirect translations: A corpus-based approach. The 10th European Society for Translation Studies (EST) Congress. Oslo, Norway. 22–25 June 2022.
Towards a metadata format for translation archives. History and Translation: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Tallinn, Estonia. 25–28 May 2022.
On time and dissertating (the article-based way). Welcome day of Utuling & Juno doctoral programs/online. 17 January 2022.
Kahdesti käännettyjen tekstien kielelliset erityispiirteet: Korpustutkimus välikielen kautta tehdyistä käännöksistä (with and given by Ilmari Ivaska). The XLVII Annual Conference on Linguistics. Tampere, Finland/online. 5–7 May 2021.
Kääntämisen jäljet arkistoissa. Poster presented at the Research Day organized jointly by the doctoral programme Utuling and the School of Language and Translation Studies, University of Turku, Finland/online. 22 April 2021. Available here.
Välikielten kautta kääntäminen: Monimenetelmätutkimus nykykreikasta 1952–2004 suomennetusta kaunokirjallisuudesta. Invited talk at the meeting of KAOS ry/online. 6 April 2021.
A complex network of agents and texts behind a translation. The 3rd ID-TS Graduate Event. Boğaziçi University, Turkey/online. 12–13 November 2020.
*I was accepted to give a talk and/or lead a workshop at the following conferences which were cancelled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic:
- The 6th Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (UCCTS) was to be held in Bertinoro, Italy on 7–9 September 2020.
- 7η Συνάντηση Εργασίας Ελληνόφωνων Μεταφρασεολόγων was to be held in Thessaloniki, Greece on 29–30 May 2020.
- La mediazione differita: Traduzioni indirette in Italia was to be held in Rome, Italy on 20–21 May 2020.
- The XLVII Annual Conference on Linguistics was to be held in Tampere, Finland on 6–8 May 2020.
- The XVIII Symposium for Translation and Interpreting Studies (KäTu 2020) was to be held in Helsinki, Finland on 17–18 April 2020.
Indirect translation: Connecting peoples. 3MT competition final. University of Turku, Finland. 3 March 2020.
Work, text, translation: Five (re)translations of Jules Verne’s work, but from different source texts. The 16th annual conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship. Málaga, Spain. 28–29 November 2019.
How to uncover the sources of (translated) texts? A stylometric endeavor. Invited talk at the ECT… Talks on Translation Studies at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon. Portugal. 18 November 2019.
How to make a poster that effectively communicates your research? Invited workshop led at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon. Portugal. 15 November 2019.
Unveiling a complex genesis: An indirect / compilative / collaborative translation. The Translator Unveiled: Cartography of a Voice. Università della Calabria, Italy. 29–31 October 2019.
Computational source language detection: Can it help identify indirect translations? The 9th European Society for Translation Studies (EST) Congress. Stellenbosch, South Africa. 9–13 September 2019.
Distinguishing translations from non-translations and identifying (in)direct translations’ source languages. Research Data and Humanities (RDHum) 2019. Oulu, Finland. 14–16 August 2019. Proceedings available here.
Theory and practice of genetic criticism across languages: The genesis of a complitative translation and its source text collated from multilingual material. Genesis Cracow. Poland. 12–14 June 2019.
Kääntäminen ja tekstuaaliset tilat: Käännöstieteen ja tekstuaalitieteiden risteämäkohdat (with Sakari Katajamäki). Workshop led at the XVII Symposium for Translation and Interpreting Studies (KäTu 2019). Tampere, Finland. 12–13 April 2019.
Doing Poster Presentations: Report on a survey (and tips) (with Ester Torres-Simón). Poster presented at the XVII Symposium for Translation and Interpreting Studies (KäTu 2019). Tampere, Finland. 12–13 April 2019. Available here.
Välkielen kautta kääntäminen: Esimerkkinä nykykreikasta 1952–2004 suomennettu kaunokirjallisuus. XVII Symposium for Translation and Interpreting Studies (KäTu 2019). Tampere, Finland. 12–13 April 2019.
How to make a poster that effectively communicates your research? Invited workshop led at the Department of Interpreting and Translation, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, campus di Forlì. Italy. 6 February 2019.
The Multiple Voices in Translations: Translator as a (Scholarly) Editor. The 15th annual conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship. Prague, Czech Republic. 15–17 November 2018.
Ma un computer riesce a identificare la lingua di partenza di una traduzione? Invited talk at the Department of Finnish, Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”. Naples, Italy. 24 October 2018.
Computational Source Language Detection: Is It Applicable to Indirect Translation? Poster presented at Publishing in Translation Studies. Antwerp, Belgium. 7–8 September 2018.
Three Methods to Uncover the de facto source language(s) of translations. Poster presented at the “Culture and Technology” – The European Summer University in Digital Humanities. Leipzig, Germany. 17–27 July 2018. Click the image or here to download the poster.
Indirect Translation: A Remedy for Translating Languages of Limited Diffusion? Translation Research – Translator Training Conference. Budapest, Hungary. 24–26 May 2018.
Sui diversi modi di tradurre (al finladese): Quando la prassi non corrisponde alla teoria. Invited talk at the Department of Finnish, Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”. Naples, Italy. 26 April 2018.
Rethinking the concept of source text: The case of compilative translation. XVI Symposium for Translation and Interpreting Studies (KäTu 2018). Turku, Finland. 13–14 April 2018.
Translators as Editors. The 14th annual conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship. Alcalá de Henares, Spain. 23–24 November 2017.
Uncovering the Many Source Texts of Translations (with the Help of Genetic Criticism). Unexpected Intersections: Translation Studies and Genetic Criticism. Lisbon, Portugal. 8–9 November 2017.
Indirect Translations of Modern Greek Literature into Finnish (1952–2004): A Pilot Study. CETRA Summer School of Translation Studies. Antwerp, Belgium, 28 August–8 September 2017.
The role of Finnish Literature Exchange (FILI) in Finnish Literature Exporting. Workshop on Translation History and Literary Transfer, CETRA Summer School of Translation Studies. Antwerp, Belgium, 28 August–8 September 2017.
Uncovering the Many Source Texts of Indirect Translations: Indirect Translations of Modern Greek Prose Literature into Finnish 1952–2004. Poster presented at the 8th European Society for Translation Studies (EST) Congress. Aarhus, Denmark, 15–17 September 2016. Click the image or here to download the poster.
Indirect Translation: Modern Greek Prose Literature Translated into Finnish 1952–2004. Translation Studies Research Seminar. University of Turku, Finland. 8 September 2016.
Obscured Origins of Translations: Indirectness and the Use of Several Source Texts. The 24th Annual Conference of the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing. Paris, France. 18–22 July 2016.
Indirect Translation: Stigmatized Savior? The 2nd Graduate Student Conference in Translation Studies. Ottawa, Canada. 13–14 November 2015.
Indirect Translation (The Beginnings of a PhD Project). Emuni Agricola International Translation Studies Doctoral and Teacher Training Summer School. Turku, Finland. 1–12 June 2015.
Member of organizing committee / (co-)convener
Archival study: Methodological challenges and promising avenues. Invited panelists: Anne Lange, Carol O’Sullivan and Susan Pickford. Panel (with Outi Paloposki and Yves Gambier) at History, Translation, Politics (HTN24). Graz, Austria. 11–14 September 2024.
TREXTUALITY – Interdisciplinary Approaches to Translated and Multilingual Texts. Chair of the organizing committee. Turku, Finland. 7–9 September 2023.
SNÖ & Utuling conference on international co-operation, co-writing and joint project applications. Member of organizing committee. Turku, Finland. 11–12 May 2023.
KäTu2023: Translation/Interpreting and Sustainability. XX Symposium on Translation and Interpreting Studies. Member of orgnaizing committee. Turku, Finland. 13–15 April 2023.
Nykykreikkalaisen kirjallisuuden suomentamisen seminaari. Member of organizing committee. Finnish Institute at Athens, Greece. 13 October 2022.
Variantti-kollokvio 2021: Tekstikäsitykset tiedon tukipilareina. Colloquium (with Riku Haapaniemi & Sakari Katajamäki). University of Tampere, Finland. 12 November 2021.
Indirect translation and sustainable development. Panel at the 7th IATIS conference (with Hanna Pięta, James Hadley & Jan Buts). Barcelona, Spain. 14–17 September 2021.
Kääntäjien aineistot arkistoissa. Workshop at the XVIII Symposium for Translation and Interpreting Studies (KäTu 2021) (with Sakari Katajamäki; led by Tommi Dunderlin & Sakari Katajamäki). University of Helsinki/online. 21–22 May 2021.
* Postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic: Variantti-kollokvio 2020: Tekstikäsitykset tiedon tukipilareina. Colloquium (with Riku Haapaniemi & Sakari Katajamäki). University of Tampere, Finland. 13 November 2020.
Trextuality: At the Crossroads of Textual Scholarship and Translation Studies. Panel at the 16th annual conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship (with Sakari Katajamäki). Málaga, Spain. 28–29 November 2019.
Variantti-kollokvio 2019: TREKSTUAALISUUS – käännöstieteen ja tekstuaalitieteiden risteyksissä. Colloquium (with Sakari Katajamäki). University of Turku, Finland. 4 October 2019.
Indirect translation in the world we live in. Panel at the 9th European Society for Translation Studies (EST) Congress (with Hanna Pięta & Marlie van Rooyen). Stellenbosch, South Africa. 9–13 September 2019.
Kääntäminen ja tekstuaaliset tilat: Käännöstieteen ja tekstuaalitieteiden risteämäkohdat. Workshop led at the XVII Symposium for Translation and Interpreting Studies (KäTu 2019) (with Sakari Katajamäki). Tampere, Finland. 12–13 April 2019.