Traces of Translation in the Archives


As of January 2021, I am a postdoctoral researcher in the project “Traces of Translation in the Archives” at the Finnish Literature Society (SKS).

The project (2021–2025) is funded by the Kone Foundation. The research team includes also Tommi Dunderlin, Hanna Karhu (own funding), Sakari Katajamäki, and Anne Turkia.

The research project organized an international conference, titled Trextuality: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Translated and Multilingual Texts, 7–9 September 2023. The conference was partly funded by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and the research project grant from the Kone Foundation. The conference webpage has been taken down, but you can still find the call for papers, the program and the book of abstracts online.

The preliminary phase of the project (1 month in 2020; PI Laura Ivaska) was funded by the Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters (SKTL).

Learn more about the project:

  • A blog post about working as a Student Assistant at the Trextuality: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Translated and Multilingual Texts conference organized in connection to the research project, by Ali Lamminen in the EnglanTY blog (2 May 2024): “A harmony of work and play – Working as a conference assistant in the Trextuality conference.” Available here.
  • An article about working as a Student Assistant at the Trextuality: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Translated and Multilingual Texts conference organized in connection to the research project, by Aliisa Rantanen in Kääntäjä – Översättaren 4/2023, 22–23: “Tyrannosaurus Rex apuun – konferenssiavustajana Trextuality-konferenssissa.” Available here.
  • Interview with Sakari Katajamäki & Tommi Dunderlin by Aki Lehtinen (2022): “Kirjallisuuden timantteja arkistoista.” Bibliophilos 1/22, 44–49.
  • Article by Hanna Karhu & Sakari Katajamäki (2022): “Kääntäjien aineistot arkistoissa.” MikaEL 15, 121–135. Available here.
  • Blog post in the blog Vähäisiä lisiä by Tommi Dunderlin (27 August 2021): “Kääntäjien jäljet arkistoluetteloissa.” Available here.
  • Poster by Laura Ivaska, Tommi Dunderlin & Sakari Katajamäki (presented at the Research Day organized jointly by the doctoral programme Utuling and the School of Language and Translation Studies, University of Turku, 22 April 2021): “Kääntämisen jäljet arkistoissa.” Available here.