
I am a translation studies scholar. As of January 2022, I am teaching English–Finnish translation and translation studies at the University of Turku, currently as a University Lecturer.

I am a postdoctoral researcher (on leave) in the project “Traces of translation in the archives” at the Finnish Literature Society (SKS). The project is funded by the Kone Foundation.

Previously, I wrote my PhD dissertation on a mixed-methods approach to indirect translation, using the Finnish translations of Modern Greek prose (1952–2004) as my case study. I also hold master’s degrees in Italian Translation Studies (University of Turku) and International Studies (University of Washington).

My research interests include indirect translation, translation history, genetic translation studies, theory of text, and corpus studies.

I am an editor of Mikael, the Finnish Journal of Translation and Interpreting Studies, and the Multilingual Website Editor of Target. I am a co-coordinator of the international IndirecTrans network.

In 2022, I was invited a member of the Young Academy Finland.

I have also published literature in translation and worked as a translator.

See my lists of publications, presentations, and calls for papers.

Laura Ivaska, PhD

Contact: laura.ivaska@utu.fi
Twitter: twitter.com/IvaskaLaura
ORCID profile here
Google Scholar profile here