The following texts are available as full texts. You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the files. If you do not have it, you can get it here.


·         Zur Charakterisierung der Glossematik, 1968. Download.

·         Semantics as an analysis of language-independent reality, 1969. Download.

·         Un conflit entre facteurs phonétiques et facteurs fonctionells dans un texte en latin mérovingien, 1969. Download.

·         Zwei verschiedene Versionen der Bedeutungskomponente, 1970. Download.

·         Concerning the relationship between linguistics and logic, 1975. Download.

·         The use and misuse of the principle of axiomatics in linguistics, 1976. Download.

·         Die Beziehung des Sprachwissens zum Sprachverhalten, 1976. Download.

·         Was für eine Wissenschaft ist die Linguistik eigentlich?, 1976. Download.

·         The relation between grammar and sociolinguistics, 1977. Download.

·         Causal models in linguistics, 1977. Download.

·         Does combining the computer analogy with logical semantics produce a theory of pragmatics?, 1979. Download.

·         Qualitative vs. quantitative analysis in linguistics, 1980. Download.

·         Review article on On Explaining Language Change, by R. Lass, 1980. Download.

·         Change of language as a prototype for change of linguistics, 1981. Download.

·         Rationality as an explanatory principle in linguistics, 1981. Download.

·         The concept of linguistic intuition, 1981. Download.

·         Causality in Linguistic Theory, 1983. Table of contents, Chapter 1, Chapter 2.

·         Review of Language and Other Abstract Objects, by J. Katz, 1983. Download.

·         On the 'rationalist' conception of linguistic change, 1984. Download.

·         Concerning the ontological question in linguistics, 1984. Download.

·         Is there a difference between Hegel's dialectical method and the explicative method of analytical philosophy?, 1988. Download.

·         A critique of the ‘post-structuralist’ conception of language, 1988. Download.

·         Review of Language in Mind and Language in Society, by T. Pateman, 1988. Download.

·         Language, thought, and culture in ‘post-modernism’: Some implications for general historiography, 1989. Download.

·         Fallacies of deconstruction: Contradiction in literature and contradiction in linguistics, 1991. Download.

·         Causation, 1993. Download.

·         Hermeneutics, 1993. Download.

·         Norm, 1993. Download.

·         Iconicity, analogy, and universal grammar, 1994. Download.

·         Parallel developments in Finno-Ugric linguistics and in Indo-European linguistics, 1995. Download.

·         Review of The Languages of the Mind: Essays on Mental Representation, by R. Jackendoff, 1995. Download.

·         Is there a ‘computational paradigm’ in linguistics?, 1996. Download.

·         Concerning the generative paradigm, 1996. Download.

·         The social ontology of linguistic meaning, SKY, 1997. Download.

·         Concerning the status of implicational universals, 1998. Download.

·         On (sign) language, music, and anti-modularity, 1998. Download.

·         Functionalism yes, biologism no, 1999. Download.

·         Tolkaappiyam: The basic work of ancient Tamil language and culture, 2000. Download.

·         The relation of non-Western approaches to linguistic typology, 2001. Download.

·         Concerning the universality of the noun vs. verb distinction, 2001. Download.

·         Concernign the philosophy of phonology, 2001. Download.

·         Grammaticalization as an analogue of hypothetico-deductive thinking, 2002. Download.

·         Linguistics as a system of distinct types of ontology-cum-epistemology, 2002. Download.

·         Concerning the analogy between oral languages and sign languages, 2002. Download.

·         A case system with optional and interchangeable endings, 2003. Download.

·         Typological explanation and iconicity, 2004. Download.

·         Concerning (Radical) Construction Grammar, 2006. Download.

·         Three fallacies that recur in linguistic argumentation, 2006. Download.

·         Review of Context as other minds: The pragmatics of sociality, cognition and communication, by T. Givón, 2005. Download.

·         The true nature of typological linguistics, 2007. Download.

·         The blind spot of contemporary typological linguistics: The role of zero. 2008, LCM 3, Odense. Download.

·         Concerning the role of consciousness in linguistics, 2008. Download.

·         Remarks on the typology of Uralic languages, 2008. Download.

·         L’explication des faits de langue et des faits de linguistique, 2008. Download.

·         The central role of normativity in language and linguistics, 2008. Download.

·         (with Anneli Pajunen) A few remarks on World Atlas of Language Structures, 2008. Download.

·         Concerning Dahl’s (2004) notion of ‘linguistic complexity’, 2009. Download.

·         Concerning the role of induction in typological linguistics, 2010. Download.

·         Philosophy of linguistics, 2011. Download.

·         On Coseriu’s legacy, 2011. Download.

·         Simplicity vs. complexity, 2011. Download.

·         Remarks on the typology of adpositions, 2011. Download.

·         Explaining the central weakness of ordinary language philosophy, 2011. Download.

·         Are we justified to impose the Indo-European interpretative grid on complex sentences of ‘exotic’ languages? – No! 2011. Download.

·         La linguistique est-elle une science déductive? 2012. Download.

·         On explanation in linguistics, 2013/2014. Download.

·         Remarks on analogy, 2014. Download.

·         Remarks on Panini's grammar, 2014. Download.

·         La résurgence contemporaine de la linguistique analogique, 2015. Download.

·         Le rôle du zéro en linguistique typologique, 2015. Download.

·         Concerning the role of derivation in grammar, 2015. Download.

·         An assessment of (mentalist) cognitive semantics, 2016. Download.

·         Pour l'analogie, 2016. Download.

·         "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts" – True, false or meaningless? 2017. Download.

·         In defense of traditional semantics (and against all-out psychologism), 2018. Download.

·         Concerning the role of imagination in linguistics, philosophy, and logic, 2018. Download.

Populaaritieteellisiä kirjoituksia ja keskustelupuheenvuoroja

·        Suuret kertomukset: yksi katoaa, toinen ei (1992)

·        Suomen kielitieteen kansainvälisyys (1996)

·        The vanity of words: sanojen turhuus (1996)

·        Kielitieteilijä ja kielenulkoinen todellisuus (1998)

·        Myytti Suomen kielitieteen "suuresta murroksesta" (1999)

·        Keskustelua kielitieteen luonteesta [ad Kelomäki] (1999)

·        "Kieli on voimavara..." (2003)

·        Keskustelunanalyysi ja kielitypologia (2003)

·        Inkvisitio vai vapaamurarikerho? (2003)

·        Paavo Ravila yleisen kielitieteen edustajana (2004)

·        Kielitiede tuuliajolla (2004)

·        Kielenopetusta tunteella ja järjellä (2004)

·        Määrääkö kieli ajattelun? (2005)

·        Tieteen historian suurin ihme (2006)

·        Kieli on maailman kuva (2006)

·        Avoin kirje LANGNETin johtokunnalle: F. Karlsson ja kielitieteen metodologia (2006)

·        Tiede sensaatioita metsästämässä (2007)

·        Kulttuurin ja kielen "syvärakenne" (2009)

·        Tavallisimmat tutkimuksessa ja opetuksessa kohtaamani ajatusvirheet (2009)
